DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
E-911 Board 

February 4, 2004


Chairman Olson called the meeting to order at 7:45 AM


Board members present:

Chairman Olson, Bowman, Feithen, Hanson, Leoni, Pettit, Rosemier, and Suppeland.


Board members absent:
Riddle, Russell, Leoni - arrived at 7:50.


Guests Present:

Jim Feyerherm, Starved Rock Communications; Glenna Johnson, Geo-Comm, Jim Tollakson, Verizon.

Also Present: Christine Johnson, DeKalb County Treasurer; Charles Kross, Coordinator


The Chairman asked for any amendments to the agenda.   Chris Johnson asked for an addition for approval of a revision of the financial policy.  Hanson requested discussion on the upcoming county sales tax referendum.  A motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Leoni and seconded by RosemierThere was no discussion.  The motion passed. 


A motion to approve the minutes of the January 7, 2004 meeting was made by Suppeland and seconded by Hanson.  The motion passed. 


¨      Treasurer’s Report:

Chris Johnson said that there was a surplus in the checking account.  Feithen moved to direct Chris Johnson withdraw $50,000 from checking and deposit it into the Money Market account.  Hanson seconded.  There was no discussion and the motion passed unanimously.

A motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report was made by Feithen, and seconded by Hanson.

There was no discussion. The motion passed unanimously.

·        Bills Not Previously Approved:   None

·        Bills:

              Language Line                                                                                          123.80

Verizon                                                                                               15,081.81

Verizon                                                                                                    113.24  

Starved Rock Communications                                                              2,450.00

 DeKalb Co. Housing Author.                                                                 200.00

ATT                                                                                                          37.00

Verizon                                                                                                      86.20

               Starved Rock Communications – Sandwich                                              467.85

               Crum-Halstead Agency                                                                           8,062.00

               Dictaphone                                                                                                  197.80

                               Total                                                                                   $26,819.70

A motion to pay the bills was made by Rosemier  and seconded by Suppeland.  A roll call vote was taken:  Bowman  Y  Feithen   Y   Hanson Y  Leoni  A  Pettit  Y  Rosemier  Y  Suppeland  Y  Olson Y.   The motion passed.

¨      Mapping Project

Kross introduced Jim Tollakson as Debbie Lilley’s replacement with Verizon.  Jim had been the Sales Representative for MicroData, and will now continue to oversee our project from Verizon.  Our contract has been signed and returned to Verizon.  Tollakson said that equipment would be ordered shortly after Verizon signs the contract.



·        Fixed Assets Capitalization Policy

Treasurer Johnson presented a draft of the policy she developed and asked for input.  Kross asked if the inventory level could be changed from $500 to $1,000.  She said it could. Kross recommended that the change be made to eliminate trying to track some of the small items changed out due to maintenance agreements.

Rosemier moved for the Board to approve the policy with the recommended change.  Suppeland seconded.  There was no further discussion.  

A roll call vote was taken.  Bowman  Y  Feithen  Y  Hanson  Y  Leoni  Y  Pettit  Y  Rosemier  Y  Olson  Y.  The motion passed unanimously.

¨      Public Safety Sales Tax Referendum

Hanson discussed the proposed Public Safety sales tax increase. The referendum will be on the ballot for the March elections.  Feithen made a motion that the ETSB publicly support the referendum.  Rosemier seconded the motion.  There was no further discussion. The motion passed unanimously.

¨      Participating Agency Requests -

DeKalb requests  $11,000 be used out of the general funds to replace the MABAS radio at DeKalb Police Department.  Feithen reported that the DeKalb PSAP is the backup for DeKalb County Sheriff's Police.  The current equipment is old and needs to be replaced.  The private line decoder is open all of the time, which causes the TCs to hear all those transmitting on it, from as far as the tower will pick up.  A motion was made by Suppeland to approve of the purchase.  Rosemier seconded.  There was no further discussion.  The motion passed unanimously.

¨      PSAP Administrators' Report – No report.

¨      Persons to be Heard from the Floor – No one

¨      Coordinator’s Report – No report


Chairman Olson suggested that the next meeting be held at the Sandwich City Council Chambers at 126 East Railroad Street, beginning at 7:00 PM.  All agreed.

Rosemier moved to adjourn the meeting, and was seconded by Suppeland.  The motion passed.   The meeting adjourned at 7:59  A.M.

Respectfully submitted,


- - - -  - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -
harles Kross, Coordinator

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