DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
E-911 Board 

May 5, 2004


Chairman Olson called the meeting to order at 7:32AM



Board members present:

Chairman Olson, Bowman, Feithen, Hanson, Pettit, Riddle, Russell, and Rosemier.


Board members absent: Suppeland and Leoni.  Leoni arrived at 7:45.


Guests Present:

            Lt. Al Newby, DeKalb County Sheriff's Police; Brent Tillman, DeKalb Police Department;

Jim Feyerherm, Starved Rock Communications; Glenna Johnson, Geo-Comm, Jim Tollakson, Verizon, Joan Berkes-Hanson, Sheila Minogue, Chris Arms, DeKalb County IMO; Kathy Minick, NIU Telephone; Christina Campos, NIU PD.


Also Present: Christine Johnson, DeKalb County Treasurer; Charles Kross, Coordinator



The Chairman asked for any amendments to the agenda. Kross asked to discuss potential Somonauk 911 problems.  A motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Rosemier and seconded by RiddleThere was no discussion.  The motion passed. 



A motion to approve the minutes of the April 7, 2004 meeting was made by Hanson and seconded by Rosemier.  The motion passed. 



¨      Treasurer’s Report:

A motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report was made by Bowman, and seconded by Rosemier.

There was no discussion. The motion passed unanimously.


·        Bills Not Previously Approved:   None


·        Bills:

              Verizon                                                                                              113.12                                          

Verizon                                                                                         30,244.76

Verizon                                                                                              178.66

AT & T                                                                                                27.90

Language Line                                                                                    277.10

Dictaphone – maint. Agreement                                                       5,059.93

Dictaphone – DeKalb share                                                                375.50

              DeKalb County Treasurer – accounting                                            3,000.00

              Communications Direct – Hinckley pagers                                        1,200.00

              Communications Direct – Somonauk pagers                                     1,200.00

               NiComm – Sycamore pagers                                                          1,200.00

                                                             Total                                            $42,876.97                                     


A motion to pay the bills was made Rosemier and seconded by Russell.  A roll call vote was taken:  Bowman  Y   Feithen   Y   Hanson Y       Pettit  Y   Riddle  Y   Rosemier  Y  Russell  Y    Olson Y. 

     The motion passed.


¨      Mapping Project

Joan Berkes-Hanson reported that IMO had distributed the new wall maps to the participating agencies.  She said that they had developed a new index with a grid, and asked for any comments that the agencies may have in the future.  She also reported that all new roads in the county can be found on line at the DeKalb County website.


She also said that the servers, UPS, etc., have been installed at the Sheriff’s Department.  She said that Sheila’s PC has been brought up to speed for the new software.  This system will be completely separate from any other agency’s system.


Kross reported to the Board, that the E9-GIS software required by DeKalb to input their mapping data, had not been included in the contract.  He said that in previous discussions with Verizon, it was decided that City of DeKalb I & T Division would directly update the city mapping records.  The E9-GIS software, along with two smaller programs, Arc View and Spatial Analyses, needed to run it, were not included.  Kross said that Jim Tollakson of Verizon said that it would cost $8200 to purchase the software.  There would be additional yearly maintenance charges after the first year.  Hanson said that at the December meeting he specifically asked if there were any other costs involved, specifically so that this type of problem would not occur. He said the Board was assured that there were not.  He believes that Verizon should stand the costs.  Rosemier agreed.  Tollakson said that he was not with Verizon at the time of the PSAP tours and when the discussion of needed equipment was held.  He said that the contract only called for one set, which has been delivered to DeKalb County IMO.  He said he would go back and talk to the Verizon representatives involved to get their take on the matter.  Kross said he would discuss the situation further with Tollakson.




·        Somonauk 911 Radio Issues

Chairman Olson said that he was addressing the ETSB as the Chief of Sandwich Police Department, and not in his position of Chairman of the Board.  He presented the Board a memo that he prepared, laying out the basic issues, involving the dispatching of Police services by the Sandwich Police Department.  The memo will be incorporated into the minutes.   Kross said that he had been contacted by Lt. Newby, who had expressed concern regarding the routing of 911 calls, specifically could they be routed to, and answered by an agency outside DeKalb County.  Kross explained that while it was probably technically possible, it was probably not legal based upon the ETSB’s present filing with the Illinois Commerce Commission.  Other problems would include the Board’s lack of control over an out of county and accompanying liability issues.  Kross said that the Sandwich PSAP would still be responsible for receiving and forwarding any Somonauk 911 calls, to the proper agency.  This would remain the case unless the 911 calls were routed to another PSAP. 

Hanson expressed concern for the Somonauk citizens, and made the following motion:  In the interest of the safety and security of the citizens of Somonauk, the E-911 Board would oppose any efforts to move police dispatching out of DeKalb County.  Russell seconded.  The motion passed.  Olson abstained.  Kross was directed to contact the Mayor of Somonauk and express the Board’s concern and offer any assistance possible.


·        Participating Agency Requests

1.      Tillman presented an offering from Language Line, of a dual handset telephone for interpreter/citizen/Police conversations.  The cost is $3.00 per month.  He will investigate further and report to the Board.

2.      Kross suggested a possible use of the computer equipment being replaced by the new mapping equipment.  He is exploring using internal CPU fax software at each firehouse where we currently have printers.  If the PSAPs could fax the 911 call data to the firehouse, we could eliminate the cost of having telephone/printer lines to each, for savings in the neighborhood of $5000 per year. 

Feithen made a motion to authorize Kross to investigate further, with the understanding that there would not be a guarantee that the ETSB would replace a failed CPU.  Rosemier seconded the motion.  There was no further discussion.  The motion passed unanimously.


·        PSAP Administrators' Report – No report.


¨      Persons to be Heard from the Floor –


¨      Coordinator’s Report – No report




Leoni moved to adjourn the meeting, and was seconded by Russell.  The motion passed.   The meeting adjourned at 8:41 A.M.



Respectfully submitted,



- - - -  - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -

Charles Kross, Coordinator

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