DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Administrative Services Committee

February 4, 2004

The Administrative Services Committee of the DeKalb County Board met Wednesday, February 4, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. at the DeKalb County Government Administration Building’s Conference Room East. Chairperson Leifheit called the meeting to order. Mr. Stephen Faivre, Mr. Dennis Sands, Mr. Roger Steimel, Ms. Ruth Anne Tobias, Mr. Joseph Wiegand and Mr. John A. Wilson were present. Mr. Jeff Metzger and Mr. Frank Van Buer were absent. Also present was Ms. Joan Berkes-Hanson, Mr. Ray Bockman, Mr. Ken Campbell, Mr. Gary Hanson, Ms. Christine Johnson, Mr. Steven Kuhn, and Mr. Greg Millburg.


Mr. Wiegand moved, seconded by Mr. Wilson to accept the minutes of January 7, 2003. Motion carried unanimously by a voice vote.



Mr. Steimel moved, seconded by Mr. Sands to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously by a voice vote.


ALTERNATIVE TO JAIL INCARCERATION - Presentation on Mental Health Possibilities

After the formalities, Chairperson Leifheit welcomed Mr. Michael D. Flora, President & CEO of Ben Gordon Center and Mr. Jerry Lane, Executive Director of the DeKalb County Community Mental Health Board (CMHB). This was the committee’s only agenda item for the evening. The meeting room was set with rows of chairs in a classroom setting rather then the usual "round table" set-up. Mr. Flora presented a multi-media presentation to accentuate his talk about a community treatment project as an alternative to incarceration. He distributed information through a handout (A copy of which is on file along with these minutes in the Finance Office) addressing:

  • Static's of the jailed mentally ill

  • Who will this program serve?

  • Who will participate?

  • Alternatives

  • Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)

  • ACT Team

  • Assertive Community Treatment provides jail diversion

  • Components Summarized

  • ACT Program Components

  • Research

  • Thresholds Jail Program

  • Program Components

  • Services Included

  • The Results

  • Treatment Over Jail - Treatment Does Work

This program offers an alternative to jail or a condition of their release. Mr. Flora described briefly the components of the program by intensive case management through home visiting services. Outreach workers would be available 7 days a week and outreach teams would visit members. Services included psychiatric care, medication management, independent living assistance, housing, vocational assistance, case management, crisis intervention, resource coordination, navigation of court and legal system and reports to courts and probation if mandated.

Mr. Lane then familiarized the committee with the Thresholds Jail Program in Chicago’s Cook County Jail. He spoke about the Country’s agreement that there needs to be more done for those with a mental illness, but then they cut funding. He reported that the evidence supports the fact that it is more costly not treat them then to put them away and after time served, release them back into the community.

Then he announced they welcomed questions from the committee and from those in attendance. Mr. Faivre asked what the strongest opposition against this program was. Mr. Lane reported that 1.) The cost of the program? 2.) If it is worth it? and 3.) If the program works? Ms. Tobias stated that DeKalb County has tried to give many community services to the community. Mr. Lane stated that DeKalb County has an array of services for a small community but it could be better. He reported that mental illness has a stigma attached with it and that no one wants to admit to having a mental illness (e.g., an anxiety illness, depression, drug dependency, alcohol dependency, eating disorder, or postpartum depression.) He noted that one out of three people have a mental illness and almost everyone knows someone who suffers from one (e.g., neighbor, aunt, uncle, spouse, child, or co-worker.) Mr. Wiegand asked if diagnosis were better today or if the trend was to medicate without real evidence of illness. Mr. Lane reported that the country is much better diagnosing today but admitted abuses occur. He reported that more psychoactive drugs were administered by general physicians than by psychiatrists. The committee and audience thanked them for their presentation at the end of the meeting.


Chairperson Leifheit thanked the gentlemen for the insightful presentation and then heard a motion to adjourn.

Mr. Wiegand moved, seconded by Mr. Wilson to adjourn at 8:03 pm. Motion carried unanimously by a voice vote.

Respectfully submitted,

Sue Leifheit, Chairman

Lisa K. Sanderson

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