DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois


May 4, 2004

The DeKalb County Ad-Hoc Rules Review Committee met on Tuesday, May 4, 2004 at 6:00pm at the Legislative Center's Freedom Room. Chairman Eric Johnson called the meeting to order. Those present were Robert Rosemier, Frank Van Buer, Roger Steimel, Dennis Sands, and Ray Bockman. Those absent were Julia Fullerton and Rich Osborne. A quorum was present.


Moved by Mr. Steimel, seconded by Mr. Rosemier, and it was carried unanimously to approve the agenda as presented.


Chairman Sands started the meeting off by discussing the objective of the Ad-Hoc committee. He stated that the goal should be to make rules for the long term and to find any problems that may exist in the current rules. Chairman Sands then said that he was always available for questions that anyone may have but that he was going to leave the committee to make its own choices. Following his comments Chairman Sands left.

Ray Bockman added that he too was available to give any input that any committee members may desire and suggested that the committee may want to run any changes past the States Attorney to insure that the state statutes allow for the change.

Mr. Rosemier stated that he likes how our county rules are not as detailed as some of the other counties and that it makes them easier to use. Mr. Steimel agreed that when making changes the rules should be kept simple.

On the issue of requiring a super majority to overturn a hearing officers decision, Mr. Bockman stated that the statues would not allow for that. Chairman Johnson stated that even if we could make that change it would give the hearing office to much power. Mr. Van Buer stated that he likes relying on Roberts Rules of Order instead of expanding our rules to cover all circumstances.

Regarding committee chairmanships and committee selection.   Mr. Rosemier suggested that some members of his party felt abused during the chairmanship selection process and that the Republicans strong-armed the issue.  Mr. Van Buer concurred.  Both suggested that committee assignments and chairmanships should be given out on the basis of experience and qualifications. Chairman Johnson stated that due to the political nature of the board, who would be the one to determine qualifications. Mr. Steimel felt that former Chairman Bob Pritchard had been fair in selecting committee appointments and that experience was taken into consideration. Mr. Rosemier suggested that the committee chairmanships should be given based on a proportional representation of the parties.  Chairman Johnson pointed out that partisan bodies almost always tend to be winner takes all with the chairmanships and that there are people from both parties in Chairmanships and Vice-Chairmanships. Mr. Van Buer stated that he felt the appointing of Vice-Chairmanships this past time was used as political tool to spread leadership around. Chairman Johnson suggested that a person who is Chairman of one committee should not be allowed to be vice chairman of another committee, excluding ad-hoc and sub committees. Mr. Van Buer restated that he felt that experience not party affiliation should be the deciding factor in deciding chairmanships and that proportional chairmanships may be the best way to solve this problem. Chairman Johnson pointed out that even doing so would not solve all the problems because the caucuses would still argue over which party gets what committees.

Discussion on the Ad Hoc Rules committee.

Mr. Rosemier suggested that the committee name be changed to "Committee on Committees" no objections were heard. Some discussion on adding a 7th member to the committee to avoid deadlock was had.

Other issues that were brought up for future discussion were. Cutting the number of board seats down to 12 and having single member districts. Process of impeachment of board members or chairmen and the ability of the board to censure a member. Changing the boards pay to a salary instead of a per diem.

Meeting time for next month will be June 1, 2004 at 7:00pm.


Moved by Mr. Van Buer, seconded by Mr. Steimel, and it was carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,




Eric J. Johnson, Chairman


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