DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Executive Committee

June 8, 2004

            The Executive Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Tuesday, June 8, 2004 @ 7:00 p.m. at the Legislative Center’s Freedom Room. Chairman Sands called the meeting to order.  Members present were Marlene Allen, Sue Leifheit, Jeff Metzger, Roger Steimel, Ruth Anne Tobias and John Wilson.  Others present were Ray Bockman, Julia Fauci, Eileen Dubin, Greg Millburg and Steve Slack.




            Moved by Ms. Allen, seconded by Ms. Tobias, and it was carried to accept the minutes of the May, 2004 meeting. 




            Moved by Mr. Steimel, seconded by Ms. Leifheit, and it was carried unanimously to approve the agenda.



            Chairman Sands recommended the following appointments:


Community Mental Health Board 708: Ms. Jeannette A. Vaupel, appointment for a term of 4-years, until 07/01/2008.



Sheriff’s Merit Commission: Ms. Bannetta Stearnes, appointment to fill the unexpired term of Ms. Lou Hill, who is retiring, until 12/01/2008.


East Pierce Cemetery Association: Mr. Roger Klein, appointment for a term of 6 years, until 07/01/2010.


Metropolitan Exposition, Auditorium
& Office Building Authority

                                                       Mr. Greg Sparrow

                                            Mr. Richard Hall

Both reappointments for a term of 3 years, until 07/1/2007                                                                             and

                                           Ms. Rena Cotsones, appointment for a term of 3 years, until 07/01/2007.

Community Services Advisory Board: 

                                                           Ms. Brenda Campbell
 Mr. Kenneth Moeller

                                                           Ms. Micki Chulick

                                                           Mr. Mitch Hallgren

                                                           Mr. Robert Keil

All reappointments for a term of 3 years, until 07/01/2007.


Moved by Ms. Leifheit, seconded by Mr. Steimel, and it was carried unanimously to approve the appointments as presented by Chairman Sands, and to forward them to the full board for approval.




Mr. Bockman, County Administrator, reviewed the county board agenda for the board meeting to be held on June 16, 2004.


Moved by Mr. Metzger, seconded by Mr. Wilson, and it was carried  to forward the county board agenda to the full board for approval.




            Ms. Allen, Chairman of the Public Services Committee, said that Ms. Holmes, DeKalb County Clerk and Recorder, gave the committee a heads-up about the HAVA compliance in 2006 that the County will need to get ballot-counting equipment.  The Sheriff reviewed his 2003 Annual Report for the committee and then Ms. Olson, Community Services Director, told the committee that every agency that received money from the Senior Services Tax Levy has just about spent all of their funds.


Ms. Tobias, Chairman of the Public Policy Committee, said that her committee reviewed the Ethics Ordinance with State’s Attorney Ron Matekaitis and that the County needs to pass this because it is a State requirement.  The committee also asked Mr. Matekaitis to be the Ethics Advisor for the County and he said yes.  He will be drafting some guidelines for county employees to better understand the policy. 


Ms. Tobias also said that Mr. Ken Campbell also spoke about filming in the courthouse and he sounded very much in favor for the change in the policy. Her committee will be discussing it further in August.


Mr. Wilson, Chairman of the Public Infrastructure & Development Committee, said that his committee meeting was cancelled due to only one item on the agenda and the consent of Mr. Slack to continue the Vet VAC Transportation issue to the next meeting.


Mr. Steimel, Chairman of the Planning and Regulations Committee, said that the first item on the agenda under his committee was recommended with no problem.  The second item was recommended because it meets the criteria to be approved. The third item qualified for a special use and they are relocating a John Deere dealership from DeKalb to Route 64 and Annie Glidden Road.  This dealership would sit about 1400 feet east of the intersection on the south side of the road.  He hopes that the county board adopts the ordinance.  The final item refers to the zoning application fee schedule for violations to be doubled as a penalty.  There have been violations in the past where people were operating a business when they should have sought a special use permit, therefore, the department is suggesting a violation that would double the fee. 


Ms. Leifheit, Chairman of the Administrative Services Committee, said that the County’s Accounting firm reviewed the Audit for the committee and the suggestions that he made were minor.  She also mentioned that the Management Discussion section of the large book that the committee received included an excellent overview by Mr. Hanson, Deputy County Administrator, of what the county does, and what we are going to be doing in the future.  They also are sending a capitalization policy for fixed assets resolution to the board for approval.


Mr. Metzger, Chairman of the Forest Preserve Committee, said that last month they discussed what the committee sees for the future of the forest preserves in DeKalb County.  This month they will be discussing improved signage on forest preserves so that people know where they are and what forest preserve they are at.


Chairman Sands just wanted to inform the committee that Ms. Tobias and Mr. Metzger will be representing the county at the NACO Annual Conference in July. 




            Moved by Ms. Allen, seconded by Ms. Tobias, and it was carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting


                                                                        Respectfully submitted,




                                                                        Dennis R. Sands, Chairman





Mary C. Supple, Secretary

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