DeKalb County Government's Office Seal

DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Forest Preserve Committee

September 21, 2004

The DeKalb Count Forest Preserve District Committee met Tuesday, September 21, 2004 at Afton Forest Preserve, at 6:00 p.m. Mr. Metzger called the meeting to order with Mrs. Fauci, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Johnson, and Mr. Rosemier in attendance. Mr. Sands, Mr. Bockman, Mr. Hanson and Mr. Hannan were also in attendance.



Moved by Mr. Gudmunson, seconded by Mrs. Fauci, the minutes were approved with one change in spelling from role to roll, as pointed out by Mrs. Fauci. All members were in favor, motion carried unanimously.




Moved by Mr. Rosemier, seconded by Mr. Gudmunson, it was carried unanimously to approve the agenda for the meeting.



Mr. Lyle arrived at 6:05 p.m.

Mr. Hannan stated that he has received the appeals packet back, noting there were no forest preserve appeals. Mr. Hannan stated that it reflected an updated amount with the cost of living plus growth, reflecting 5.1 %, but stating it could go up to 5.3%.

Mr. Hannan stated that a motion would be needed tonight to place the budget on file in October for one month. Moved by Mr. Rosemier, seconded by Mrs. Fauci, it was carried unanimously to place the budget on file for public record.

Mr. Hannan distributed an appropriation ordinance for fiscal 2005 for review and discussion at the October meeting. Mr. Hannan added that at the October meeting, they would vote on the tax levy for the 2005 budget. Mr. Hannan further explained that the November Committee meeting would be a public hearing for a final vote on the budget.



Mr. Metzger stated that at the AdHoc Committee meeting, it was approved by the full board to have the subcommittee meet soon to study land acquisition funding.

Mr. Bockman stated that would be okay to have a forest preserve fundraiser as long as the Committee does not spend any tax dollars and only receives contributions.

Mr. Rosemier felt a fundraiser was a great idea and felt it could work. Mrs. Fauci shared several ideas for fundraising and asked if any other members had any fundraising ideas. At this time, no other Committee member had any ideas to share.

Mr. Metzger asked Mr. Hannan to inquire with other counties to see what fundraising ideas they had tried, if any. Mr. Metzger stated that fundraising would be added to the October agenda.


Mr. Rosemier asked about the southern portion of DeKalb County Greenways and Trails meetings. Mr. Hannan responded that the county has been divided into thirds for planning and meeting purposes.

Mr. Hannan stated that the fall volunteer days (prairie seed collection and tree planting had approximately 20 people turnout at each event including a group of advanced biology majors from NIU.



Mr. Metzger said that Mr. Hannan was going to open the discussion on a memorial for Cliff Simonson, late former County Board member and Forest Preserve Vice-Chair. Mr. Hannan thought a memorial bench would be appropriate along with a possible tree planting in his memory. Mr. Metzger stated that he would inquire with Mr. Simonson’s family to see what their wishes were.

Mr. Hannan stated that he would also like a tree planted in memory of Paul Nolan, retired forest preserve employee and park manager of Chief Shabbona Forest Preserve.

Mr. Hannan updated the Committee as to the recent tasks of the forest preserve staff, such as cutting fire wood for shelter house winter use and sledding hills, replacing a damaged stove pipe at Sannauk due to recent vandalism, daily work keeping parks and facilities clean, well maintained and continuing replacing Forest Preserve entrance signs.

Mr. Hannan added that phase one of new wetland (bank) construction is to begin soon south of the barn at Afton Forest Preserve, comprising of around 15 acres.

Mr. Hannan stated that a Natural Resource Management US Fish and Wildlife grant for Potawatomi Woods for a sedge meadow to be restored. And  IDNR C-2000 grant for invasive species removal continues. Beautiful Fall weather is being enjoyed by many at the Forest Preserves.

Mr. Metzger stated that he had a discussion with Mr. Lorence, County Highway Engineer, regarding the making of new directional forest preserve signs.  According to Mr. Metzger these should be inexpensive to have made. Mr. Hannan stated that he would research this idea and report back to the Committee.

Mr. Hannan read aloud a letter of appreciation from a fisherman that had recently visited our forest preserves. He was impressed with the high quality of the Kishwaukee Ecosystem and watershed.

Mr. Rosemier asked if it would be possible to put in a bridge at Afton in a low area around the wetland. Mr. Hannan responded that last year it was dry there. Mr. Gudmunson felt large cement stepping areas would be appropriate. Mr. Hannan suggested large stones for stepping areas to enhance the natural surroundings. He stated he would look into this.



Mr. Bockman stated that executive session would not be necessary to discuss the department head evaluation. Mr. Metzger agreed.

Mr. Metzger stated that Mr. Hannan had the “Exceptional performance nomination”. Mr. Metzger agreed with this nomination, and all Forest Preserve Committee members agreed that Mr. Hannan is exceptional.

Mrs. Fauci added that she has witnessed so many great things from Mr. Hannan, and has heard even more positive things in her business dealings. Mr. Lyle added that he is behind this nomination 100%.

Mr. Metzger stated that the former Forest Preserve Committee Chairman praised Mr. Hannan, along with many other former Committee members. He told Mr. Hannan that the County was very lucky to have Mr. Hannan in their employ.

Mr. Bockman stated that he will forward this recommendation to the Executive Committee. Mr. Hannan expressed gratitude for the recommendation. 




Moved by Mr. Lyle, seconded by Mr. Gudmunson, it was unanimous to adjourn the meeting. 




                                                          Chairman, Mr. Metzger

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