DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the

August 16, 2004

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Board Members Present: Norm Gilbert, Mary Petruchius, Bob Krogman, Julia Fullerton, Doug Fraley, Jeannette Vaupel and Opal Zitka

Board Members Absent: Maureen Russell, Regina Parker

Other Persons Present: Staff: Jerry Lane and Sue Halbrader

The Community Mental Health Board meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by President Bob Krogman.


Motion to approve the agenda was made by Mr. Fraley, seconded by Ms. Petruchius. Approved unanimously on a voice vote




Mrs. Fullerton moved to approve the July 2004 minutes. Seconded by Ms. Petruchius. On a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Lane called the Board’s attention to the annual DCP/SAFE Assembly which will take place on October 23.

In a related item, Mr. Lane distributed copies of the nomination form for the DCP/SAFE Peace Prize. The prize, which is awarded annually at the DCP/SAFE Assembly, recognizes an individual or group in both adult and youth categories who have contributed significantly to making DeKalb County more peaceful. The award includes a $250 cash prize.

Mr. Lane informed the Board that we had received additional paperwork related to local Medicaid match. An agreement was reached with the office of alcoholism and substance abuse to use local funds to match Medicaid in their service area. The previous agreement had only covered MI and DD services.



Mr. Gilbert moved approval of the August agency claims as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Fraley. On a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Gilbert moved approval of the August office claims as submitted. Seconded by Mrs. Zitka. On a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously.







The issue of transfer of ownership of the mental health center building to Ben Gordon Center from the Board was taken off the table . Mr. Lane stated that he had still not heard from the State’s Attorney’s office regarding this matter. Ms. Petruchius had talked to an Assistant State’s Attorney who indicated the project had fallen through the cracks but that they would respond soon. Ms. Petruchius also related a discussion with another attorney whose expertise is in real estate. He advised her that transferring ownership was not a good idea as it could result in the building being sold or used as collateral without any guarantee that there would continue to be a building out of which mental health services could be provided.

After a general discussion, a consensus evolved that the Community Mental Health Board’s role as steward of the public assets used to provide mental health services precluded turning the building over to another entity regardless of its track record or past relationship to the Board.

During the discussion, Ms. Petruchius raised concerns about the recent high turn over of long time and administrative staff at BGC. In light of a complaint received by the Board from a former BGC employee, she wondered if the current management approach might be contributing to this turn over.

Mr. Lane reminded the Board that personnel issues remain the primary responsibility of the agency boards so long as the quantity and quality of services that the CMHB pays for are delivered. He stated that he meets on a regular basis with agency execs and has expressed concern on several occasions to the BGC CEO that the push to meet demand with reduced staff numbers could lead to serious staff burn out. Mr. Lane will continue to monitor this situation and raise this concern with Mr. Flora at the next opportunity.

Board members expressed an interest in continuing to explore this issue in light of poor state funding and changing management models in the behavioral health field. Given top management turn over in some of our funded agencies, the Board remains concerned about how effective CEOs are recruited and retained.

Mr. Lane announced that resumes for the Executive Director position were coming in at a good clip. He recommended that a committee be formed to make an initial screening of the submissions based on the Board’s criteria and bring back the top applicants’ resumes to the September meeting. Ms. Fullerton and Mr. Fraley volunteered to serve on the committee. They will set a meeting time with Mr. Lane after the submission deadline on August 30.


Mr. Lane updated the Board on the situation with the State’s FY-05 budget. Little has changed from what was known last month. There were some modest increases on the DD side. On the MI side, the FY-04 cost of doing business adjustment was annualized. This means last years adjusted funding becomes the base for FY-05. However, there was no new CODB for the coming year. This means a net loss in purchasing power due to the effects of inflation.

There were some cuts in domestic violence and senior services funding. Additional cuts could occur later in the year since the state budget is balance only because of some highly questionable assumptions about future revenue and expenses.

Mr. Lane announced that the annual plan was undergoing its third revision due to changing events and his decision to retire. He hopes to have the plan finished by the end of the month and will mail or distribute at the September meeting.

A meeting was held recently at the Kane County Judicial Center in which the Kane County Protocols were discussed. The protocols were developed to aid all community entities that deal with persons who are mentally ill. This included mental health providers, law enforcement, the judiciary, advocacy groups, hospitals, schools, etc. Its intent was to provide for a uniform and consistent process for dealing with difficult situations involving persons with mental illness. Recent events had pin pointed some gaps in the protocol or its implementation that the stakeholders were meeting to address.

NAMI invited Mr. Lane to attend since the CMHB has expressed an interest in implementing similar protocols in DeKalb County. The main problem in the current protocols seemed to be at what point law enforcement involves mental health providers in a potentially dangerous situation.

As part of the program, a speaker from the statewide law enforcement training consortium spoke on establishment of law enforcement crisis teams. There is limited funding to provide training to officers in selected jurisdictions. The training is based on a successful model used nationwide. Departments using this approach have not only been better able to resolve confrontations with mentally unstable individuals but have also seen a significant decline in officer injuries involved in such confrontations.

Mr. Lane distributed copies of the program summary and indicated he would bring this program to the attention of the Sycamore Police Chief who currently chairs the county Police Chiefs’ Association. Mr. Lane will keep the Board informed about Kane County’s progress in refining the protocols and hopes the board will continue to pursue this in DeKalb County. It could be a good fit with current efforts to develop a drug / mental health court locally.

Mr. Gilbert moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mrs. Fullerton. All in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.




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