DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Public Infrastructure & Development

March 4, 2004

The regular monthly meeting of the Public Infrastructure and Development Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Thursday, March 4, 2004 at 7:00 P.M. in the Conference Room of the DeKalb County Highway Department, DeKalb, Illinois.   Vice-Chairman MacMurdo called the meeting to order.


Committee members present were Vice-Chairman MacMurdo, Mr. Faivre, Ms. Fauci, Ms. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson and Mr. Slack.  Also present were William Lorence, County Engineer, Wayne Davey, Highway Department Support Services Manager and Mr. Greg Mullberg, Farm Bureau.




Motion made by Mr. Faivre and seconded by Ms. Fauci to approve the minutes of February 5, 2004.   With no discussion, the motion to approve the minutes carried unanimously.



Motion made by Ms. Fullerton to approve the agenda and Mr. Gudmunson seconded this motion.  It was requested by the Vice-Chairman to amend the agenda at item number 2 by including an MFT Resolution for Section 04-00000-01-GM and Section 04-00000-04-GM.  The motion carried unanimously to approve the agenda as amended.




Mr. Lorence explained to the Committee that the County bids aggregate projects for all the Road Districts.  The resolution before the Committee represents the 2004 aggregate projects requested by the Road District Commissioners.  Macklin, Inc. from Rochelle, Illinois was the low bidder meeting specifications for Section 04-07TF-00-Agg (Kingston Road District) in the amount of $47,845.50; for Section 04-10000-00-GM (Milan Road District) in the amount of $36,765.00; and Section 04-11000-00-GM ( Paw Paw Road District) in the amount of $74,888.00.  Elmer Larson, LLC from Sycamore, Illinois submitted the low bid meeting specifications for Section 04-17TF-00-Agg (Squaw Grove Road District) in the amount of $90,220.00.  All of these projects are spread on road projects.  Mr. Lorence recommended to the Committee that the low bidders be awarded the referenced projects.  The County would award MFT sections only and the Road Districts will award the TF sections.  Motion made by Mr. Gudmunson and seconded by Ms. Fullerton to present the resolution awarding the MFT aggregate projects to the low bidders meeting specifications to the DeKalb County Board with a recommendation of approval.  Motion passed unanimously. 



Mr. Lorence explained to the Committee that the County bids all seal coat projects as one project for all the Road Districts as well as the County.  The resolution before the Committee represents the 2004 seal coat projects requested by the Road District Commissioners and DeKalb County. Beniach Construction Company of Hindsboro, Illinois was the low bidder meeting specifications for Section 04-XX000-XX-GM in the amount of $663,606.20.  Mr. Lorence stated Beniach has been awarded the seal coat projects in the past and their work has been acceptable.  One Road District Commissioner has cancelled their seal coat project for this year.  Mr. Lorence sees no problem in awarding this bid to the low bidder.  The contractor only gets reimbursed for materials, equipment and labor used.  If the Contractor uses less material than quoted in the bid they only get paid for what is used. Mr. Lorence further explained that the MFT resolution presented represents one half of the cost for the County seal coat projects and for the milling project on Waterman Road.  The remaining funds for the seal coat will come from matching tax funds.  Motion made by Mr. Gudmunson and seconded by Ms. Fauci to present the resolution awarding the above mentioned seal coat project to the low bidder meeting specifications and the MFT resolution in the amount of $158,091.00 to the DeKalb County Board with a recommendation of approval.  Motion passed unanimously.   



Mr. Lorence explained to the Committee that DeKalb County has requested bids for a new utility tractor and Walker-Schork International, Inc. of Rochelle, Illinois submitted the low bid meeting specifications.  This tractor is a replacement of a 1994 Ford utility tractor currently being used.  This replacement is in keeping with the County’s equipment replacement schedule to allow for the timely upkeep of equipment.  This tractor will be used for the mowing of right-of-ways during the summer.  Discussion was held concerning the reasons why DeKalb County mows ditches rather than just leaving them as natural habitat for wildlife and as a cost savings to our taxpayers.  Mr. Lorence explained our ditches are used to move water from the roadway to prevent roadway surface damage.  Control of noxious weeds and saplings as well as less road kill are a couple of examples of the need to mow.  Also if the right-of-ways were allowed to grow, grass and weeds would act as a snow fence in the winter dumping blowing snow on the roadways causing dangerous traveling conditions for the traveling public.  This grass and weed buildup would cause flooding in the springtime from tile and culverts being clogged with the weeds and tall grasses as well.  Motion made by Mr. Gudmunson and seconded by Mr. Slack to present the resolution awarding the above mentioned utility tractor to the low bidder meeting specifications to the DeKalb County Board with a recommendation of approval.  Motion passed unanimously. 



Mr. Lorence informed the Committee that Waterman Road is scheduled to be seal coated this summer.  In order to provide a better roadway for the traveling public the County will mill a portion of the surface to form a smooth uniform surface to place the seal coat on.  The grindings will be placed on the current shoulders saving the cost of trucking and building the shoulders.  Curran Construction Company of DeKalb, Illinois submitted the low bid meeting specification for Section 04-00000-04-GM in the amount of $26,380.00.  Motion made by Mr. Faivre and seconded by Ms. Fauci to present the resolution awarding the bid for the milling of Waterman Road to the low bidder meeting specifications to the DeKalb County Board with a recommendation of approval.  Motion passed unanimously. 



            Vice-Chairman MacMurdo turned the floor over to Ms. Fauci who provided the Committee with an update on the DeKalb County Greenways and Trails Coalition.  Ms. Fauci stated that their kickoff event was held February 26, 2004 and it was very successful.  The consultants should have a tentative master plan for trails and bike paths throughout DeKalb County by May 2004.  It will be submitted in three stages, the first for the Northern section (Il 72 North) due in March; the second for the DeKalb/Sycamore areas due in April; and the rest of the County due in May.  Discussion was held on where a bike path would be placed, the pros and cons of the placements as well as their intended use.  Vice-Chairman MacMurdo requested that Ms. Fauci continue to provide the Committee with updates as this process progresses. 



Mr. Lorence informed the Committee that the Scout Road Bridge project is still at approximately 90% completed.  There is some back-fill that needs to be completed and that will have to wait until the weather cooperates and thaws the fill.  The Old State Road project has an estimated start date of April 26, 2004 and the pre-construction meeting was held March 3, 2004 at 10:30am at the Highway Department conference room. We received the Irene Road Bridge project for final comments and the ROW documents have been completed for the Road District Commissioner.  The Bethany Road extension is underway and eminant domain proceedings are making their way through the courts for an 8.94-acre tract needed for this project.  DeKalb Road District is responsible for obtaining the ROW for this road.  The land has been appraised at $23,000 an acre and the landowner is currently requesting $30,000 per acre.  The Road District Commissioner is not authorized to pay more than the appraised price. Therefore, the only option available to the Commissioner was eminent domain. 

Mr. Lorence provided information on the DeKalb County Model Stormwater Ordinance.  The County currently has four additional partners to help defray the cost of contracting to have this ordinance prepared.  When this project is completed all ordinances dealing with stormwater detention will be in the same format.  This uniformity will allow anyone to find the same information in the same location in these ordinances regardless if they are dealing with DeKalb County, the City of DeKalb, City of Sycamore, etc. 

In the near future the Committee will be presented with a reserve ROW plate for the extension of Malta Road from IL 38 South to South Malta Road.  This reserve ROW, when filed, will ensure future developers planning developments in this area consider and build around the land set aside for future road construction of a County Road.  The County is currently looking at a bridge over the railroad in this area as well. 

Mr.  Lorence encouraged the Committee to contact Speaker Hastert and encourage him not to back off of the pending Surface transportation TEA appropriations reauthorization.   



            The Committee requested information on the Prairie Parkway.  Mr. Lorence provided the Committee with copies of the Prairie Parkway Preliminary Engineering Study and a handout from the Elected Officials Briefing held by IDOT in Plano on March 1, 2004.


            There being no further business to be brought before the Committee Mr. Faivre  moved to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Fullerton.   Motion carried unanimously and the March 4, 2004 meeting adjourned at 8:07 P.M.


Respectfully Submitted 


                                                                                    James MacMurdo

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