DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Public Policy Committee

September 2, 2004

The Public Policy Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on  Thursday, September 2, 2004, at 6:30p.m. at the Legislative Center’s Liberty Room. Chairman Ruth Anne Tobias called the meeting to order. Members present were Mr. Osborne, Mr. Wiegand, Ms. Vary and Ms. LaVigne.  Mr. Sands was absent.    Others present were Ms. Fauci, Mr. Dashner and Mr. Stelford.




Moved by Ms. LaVigne, seconded by Mr. Osborne, and it was carried unanimously to approve the minutes from August 5, 2004.




Moved by Mr. Wiegand, seconded by Ms. Vary, and it was carried unanimously to approve the agenda as presented.




Chairman Tobias introduced Ms. Fauci, DeKalb County Board Member, who will be addressing the Industrial Hemp issue.  She brought endorsements from the Daily Chronicle and wording from the Illinois Farm Bureau.  Ms. Fauci said that this is totally not for use of marijuana.  She is for recycled paper and found through her research, that wood pulp recycled paper can only be recycled 3 times, where industrial hemp can by recycled 7 times.  She said that you would be introducing a more stronger, resilient, more recyclable fiber into the manufacturing process.  She brought samples of hemp in products, like wool fibers combined with hemp twisted together for yarn.  They have the same twisting strength which makes the sweater stronger and last longer. 


Ms. Fauci said that currently there is a factory in Indiana that is putting in millions of card door inserts, they once were using fiberglass and hemp down there.  Fiberglass is dangerous for workers to use and hemp is not.  Many of these car door inserts are now being made with industrial hemp.


Ms. Fauci also said that the seed from the hemp plant is very nutritional.  It has high concentrations of Omega 3 and Omega 6 and contains all of the essential amino acids.  Ms. Vary said that she really did not know of any plant that could give a person all the essential amino acids and hemp can. 


She said that she strongly recommends this issue for the county board to support for the upcoming legislative agenda list.


Chairman Tobias asked if hemp can be used in replacement of soy?  She was told that soy based products cannot be used by breast cancer patients.  Ms. Fauci said that she did not know but that she could research it. 


Mr. Wiegand said that one thing that he noticed is that while the science and most industrial proponents separate hemp and marijuana, there has been some promotion of hemp laws by the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws and other pro-marijuana groups.  He just wants to make sure that if we move forward on this issue that we differentiate ourselves from the pro-drug de-crimilization money.  That is what he feels has some people who might like to support this issue because of the economic and farmbased incentives.  But want to make sure that this is not the “wolf coming in – in sheep’s clothing.”  Ms. Fauci said that she knows and agrees with him. 


Mr. Wiegand asked if the DeKalb county Farm Bureau agreed with the Illinois Farm Bureau’s statement?  Mr. Doug Dashner, Manager of DeKalb County Farm Bureau, said sure and that he supported Ms. Fauci’s efforts. 


Mr. Wiegand said that he was concerned that this was a cautious half step.  He imagines that with over 30 other countries producing this product there has to be international association of these producers.   He feels that we already have some market results that this is a viable product can be grown viably by our competitors.  He hates to lose two to three years competitiveness waiting for someone to finish his or her fellowship towards this. 


Mr. Stelford said that we are going to need a product like this because Brazil is coming on strong in the soybean production.  They are going more and more forward with this production. 


Ms. Vary asked if there were any diseases that hemp can get?  Mr. Stelford said no, he didn’t know anything about it.  It is attractive.  With Brazil coming on strong with soybeans in production we need a crop that’s going break the disease cycle in corn.  That’s why we are rotating crops to try and stop this. 


It was agreed by the committee to leave this item on the legislative agenda list.  Ms. Vary said that each time that we discuss this item she would like the committee to bring someone in that could answer more of our questions.




            Chairman Tobias explained that Ms. Whitwell explained at the Administrative Services Committee regarding  Public Act #93-715/Senate Bill 2112, which was signed into law regarding homestead exemptions, senior citizens exemption, senior freeze, homestead  improvement exemption, which have all been increased.  The second part of the handout  deals with Alternative General Homestead Exemption that each county now has the potential to initiate.  It would set in place, because of Cook County, because the assessments were increasing so fast, they had to do something.  The legislature then decided to make it available to all counties now.   It appears that is sounds better than it is.  It’s designed to limit the assessment increase to 7% each year for the next 3 years only.  It applies only to owner occupied properties with no assessment freeze.  It is not apply to new construction.   It is for only homeowners that live in their own homes that have already been built.  We have a month or two to discuss this and then be in place by January 12, 2005.  In the fourth year there is an additional $5,000 exemption available to low-income householders for one year only..


            The problems in DeKalb County, with it are how many homes have really seen large increase in assessments?  Ms. Whitwell said that about 300 homes would be effected by this out of the 18,500.  A lot of them saw their assessments increase dramatically because they were improperly assessed. So to equalize their assessments with their neighbors or other housing of the same type their assessments were increased a one-time increase.  Another problem is that it definitely increases the complication of assessment routines.  It would make their office so crazy to figure out who gets this exemption, where is it appropriate, and the cost of writing the software to do this would be at $10,000.00.   So there is a cost to us to do this both in actual dollars and time spent to organize it.  In other places, they say that because there is such a large increase in exemptions that there might be increased tax rates for businesses, industries, farms and non-owner occupied residences. 


            Ms. LaVigne said lets ride it out and see after three years what happens.  In other words, don’t do this.  Ms. Vary said that she wonders if we are asking for something that is unreasonable and how much is the first part going to cost us.  Chairman Tobias said that it is law and she has to act upon that.  Does she need new software for that?  Asked Ms. Vary.  Chairman Tobias said that she didn’t know. 


            Mr. Wiegand said that nearly every business group in the State was against this legislative because of their fear that without really having an assessed value reason for increased taxation on those properties you would have a levy driven increase of the rate applied to the other ….that for me was sufficient reason enough that the small number of properties that we have in this, he would agree, to catch up some of them to market value. 



            Chairman Tobias said that Mr. Bockman, County Administrator, submitted an issue regarding Annexation Agreements.  She needs further clarification from him in order to discuss this with the committee.  It will remain on the list for now.


            Chairman Tobias then said that Mr. Hanson, submitted issues on Unemployment Claims.  The problem is if an employee has a record of absenteeism, but should they call in “sick” on what proves to be the final day of work missed, that causes termination, the employee has been awarded unemployment pay. The solution that he is seeking is when a pattern of absenteeism exists, the burden of proof for unemployment claims should shift from the employer to the employee as it relates to validating excuses for the absenteeism.  The action would be to change the state law to require unemployment claimants to show proof for the necessity to have an un-excused absence when a pattern of absenteeism has been established by the employer.


            The second issue deals with his annual request for reform of the Property Tax Levy Caps (see sheet attached).  He is seeking an amendment to the Property Tax Limitation Law, which removes the IMRF, FICA and Tort Levies from the limitation.


            The third issue deals with the Property Tax Rate Caps.  He is seeking an amendment to 55ILCS 5/5-1024 by adding, “or later,” after the year 1980 in the last sentence.


Chairman Tobias said that next month she would have a worksheet made up for the committee to work off of.





            Chairman Tobias explained that this will be going to the Executive Committee next week and was mentioned at the County Board Meeting last month.  She sits on the Operating Board for the Nursing Home and they have been discussing this issue on a supportive living facility for DeKalb County.  This would be an assisted living facility for the lower income population and they feel that there is a market for it.  They would like to have it constructed on the property that is connected to the DeKalb County Nursing Home.  There is a trend to keep people out of nursing home as long as possible and putting them is some sort of assisted living facility.  Ms. LaVigne said that this would help her with her long list of people waiting for a bed at the nursing home.  She said that at the DeKalb Township Office she has 110 women waiting to go to the nursing home and 50 men. 


            There is a private developer now that is interest in partnering with us on the facility.  The thing is that there is only going to be one license available to apply for.  There is a moratorium on licenses now – they will only be adding 1 license in the County for the foreseeable future.  So they are talking with the other group who has an option on property across the street from the nursing home property.  They are talking about a private/public partnership to do this project. 


            Mr. Wiegand said that he feels that we need more questions answered before we go forward on this issue.  He said that there are dollar figures associated with this project.  Chairman Tobias said that at this point they are getting ready to have materials in place to apply for a license when the application process is begun.  Mr. Wiegand asked if the committee could have some projections of what this project will cost and the market study that the operating board contracted for that says building facility for 50…?  Chairman Tobias said that she would try to get this information to this committee as soon as possible.

She also informed the committee that there are low interest loans to build this and financing available from the federal government. 




            Chairman Tobias said that the Judge is in favor of this policy and the courthouse administrator.  Ms. LaVigne said that she doesn’t like it, but is willing to discuss the issue.  It some company comes in and breaks a stained-glass windows they can put a new window in but it will never be the same.  Ms. LaVigne asked if we make any money on this? Ms. Supple, DeKalb County Board Coordinator, said that in the past the county has charged rent for the use of the courthouse, not a substantial amount, but there is money collected for the rent of the courthouse on a daily basis.


            Ms. Vary said what are the advantages and disadvantages of this policy?  One of the disadvantages is the destruction of the courthouse.  Chairman Tobias said that there are economic benefits for the community with catering, clothing, etc.  The City of Sycamore, City Council and Chamber of Commerce of Sycamore are all in favor of the filming at the courthouse too. 


Mr. Wiegand said that if you look at the dollar figure for leasing the facility could be high.  The property where he works, the film Joshua was filmed there.  They just used the outdoor lot for about a week and paid $10,000 for the rental fee.  They repaired the property to a better condition than what it was.  That was just for an outdoor location.  To film at the courthouse for indoor and outdoor shots, you can’t get those at other places. 


The committee then discussed the location agreement that was included in the mailing.  They discussed that it looks like a standard contract that could be changed by our State’s Attorney upon his review to protect the county and the courthouse.  Mr. Wiegand said that we would be only endorsing the draft policy and that the location agreement would be separate. 


After further discussion it was moved by Mr. Wiegand, seconded by Ms. Vary and it was carried to forward the recommended policy to the full board for adoption.  Ms. Tobias and Ms. LaVigne voted no. 




Moved by Mr. Wiegand, seconded by Ms. LaVigne, and it was carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting.


Respectively submitted,




Chairman Ruth Anne Tobias



Mary C. Supple, Secretary

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