Official County Seal of DeKalb Illinois County Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
E911 Board 

January 5, 2005

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Secretary Hanson called the meeting to order at 8:25 AM.


Board members present:

Feithen, Hanson, Leoni, Russell, Rosemier, and Suppeland.


Board members absent:

            Olson, Bowman, Pettit, and Riddle.


Guests Present:

            Lt. Al Newby, DeKalb County Sheriff's Police; Brent Tillman, DeKalb Police Department;

Jim Feyerherm, Starved Rock Communications; and Benny Escutia, Verizon.


Also Present: Christine Johnson, DeKalb County Treasurer; Charles Kross, Coordinator



The Chairman asked for any amendments to the agenda. There were none.  A motion to approve the agenda was made by Russell and seconded by Leoni.   There was no discussion.  The motion passed. 



A motion to approve the minutes of the December 2004 meeting was made by Russell and seconded by RosemierThe motion passed.   



  • Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurer Johnson presented the regular monthly report, as well as a report titled Designation  For  Monies  On Hand.   She said she would try to have this report regularly to keep the Board on track with budgetary spending.

A motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented was made by Russell, and              seconded by Rosemier.

There was no discussion. The motion passed unanimously.


  • Bills Not Previously Approved:   None


  • Bills:

        Language Line                                                                                  159.50                                           CDW Government, Inc                                                                        64.94 

Verizon                                                                                                304.67                         Verizon                                                                                                 74.13                      

Verizon                                                                                                227.71

Verizon                                                                                                227.71

Verizon                                                                                                 113.98

Verizon                                                                                                   43.70

Verizon                                                                                           15,258.69

Verizon                                                                                                 221.50

City of DeKalb                                                                                84,000.00

Sikich Gardner & Co. – auditing                                                        500.00

ComElec East – DeKalb F D  Pagers                                           1,200.00

ATT                                                                                                          27.32       

Sprint                                                                                                       26.46                                 Chuck Kross – NENA Seminar     travel                                           262.00

                    Total                                                                         $102,712.31                                                                  

A motion to pay the bills was made by Rosemier and seconded by Feithen.  A roll call vote was taken: Feithen   Y   Hanson Y   Leoni   Y  Rosemier  Y  Russell  Y  Suppeland  Abstain.   The motion passed.


  • Keslinger Road Tower Report

Feyerherm said that he has heard that the old WLBK tower, on Route 23 south of DeKalb, is for sale, but he has been unable to determine who the actual owners are.  He will continue to pursue that option.  He discussed the pros and cons of actually owning our own tower.  He explained the maintenance required, including painting.  Painting alone could cost in the tens of thousands of dollars.  While still an option, it seemed less attractive. Other possible options are the Bell tower on South Seventh Street in DeKalb and the former Bell tower on Tower Road in rural Lee.  Each of these has some negative features.  Further discussion will follow at the next meeting.


  • Additional Fire Radio Reports

Feyerherm reported that he received approval from the City of Genoa to put a microlink on the top of their water tower.  The mount will have to be built prior to installation.  He has not yet installed the dish on the DeKalb County Sheriff's Police tower in Sycamore because a new tower is being built.  It is scheduled to be done in the first quarter of this year. 

Russell made a motion to approve of the purchase of a 4’ parabolic antenna for the top of the Genoa water tower, not to exceed $6000.  Rosemier seconded.  There was no discussion.  A roll call vote was taken.  Feithen  Y   Hanson  Y   Leoni  Y   Rosemier  Y   Russell  Y Suppeland   Y.  The motion passed unanimously.


Kross said he received a call from Bob Brown. Brown manages the various communication platform customers for the DeKalb County Housing Authority.   He expressed some concern about the volume of companies wanting to rent tower space on the DeKalb High Rise.  He said that the Board might want to consider microwave licensing for our antennas.  Feyerherm explained that a license would ensure that no other transmitters could be used within a certain range of ours in a certain radio spectrum.  He said it was extremely expensive and did not feel it was necessary.



  • Participating Agency Requests - None


  • PSAP Administrators' Report – No report.


  • Persons to be Heard from the Floor – No one


  • Coordinator’s Report

Kross reported on the VoIP seminar sponsored by INENA in Springfield last month.



Russell moved to adjourn the meeting, and was seconded by Suppeland.  The motion passed.   The meeting adjourned at 8:51 A.M.

Respectfully submitted,



- - - -  - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -

Charles Kross, Coordinator

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