Official County Seal of DeKalb Illinois County Government

DeKalb County, Illinois

Corrected Minutes of the
Forest Preserve Committee

April 19, 2005

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The DeKalb County Forest Preserve District Committee met Tuesday April 19, 2005 at Afton Forest Preserve at 6:00 p.m.  Ms Fauci called the meeting to order.  In attendance were committee members, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Lyle, Ms. Turner, Mr. Anderson and Mr. Rosemier.  Absent was Mr. Gudmunson.  Also in attendance were guest speakers, Mr. Roloff and Ms. Prain, Mr. Hannan, Forest Preserve Superintendent and Mr. Millburg, DeKalb County Farm Bureau. 



Ms. Fauci asked for any corrections or additions to the January minutes.  No corrections or additions were voiced.  It was moved by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Rosemier to approve the minutes.  All members were in favor, and the motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 



Ms. Fauci asked for any changes to the meeting agenda.  No changes were voiced.  Moved by Mr. Rosemier, seconded by Mr. Lyle, it was carried unanimously to approve the agenda for the meeting.



Ms. Fauci and Mr. Hannan gave a welcome to Afton Forest Preserve and provided the committee with a history of the Preserve including the timeline for the purchase of the land, the planting of the prairie plants and the building of the infrastructure. 



Mr. Al Roloff gave a presentation to the committee on prairies and the prairie restoration and management efforts that have been made at Afton.  The presentation included a walk through of the recently burned area of the prairie. 



Ms. Donna Prain gave a presentation of the education value of Forest Preserves at the University / College level.  Ms. Prain, a staff member at Northern Illinois University, provided the committee with an overview of the usage of the Forest Preserves by classes from NIU and Kishwaukee College in addition to area high school and junior high school students, including a masters degree project that is utilizing Potawatomi Forest Preserve.   Ms. Fauci thanked both of the guest speakers for their time and the information they provided for the committee. 



Mr. Rosemier gave the committee an update on a program that is being utilized for the process of carbon sequestration.  Companies that produce more carbon than they are allowed will pay entities, such as Forest Preserves, to make up the overage of their carbon production.  A significant amount of carbon is sequestered from prairie plants and grasses.  The deep root systems are part of the reason for their ability to absorb carbon.  It was mentioned that burned prairie land absorbs more carbon than wetland.  This is a new program and the open market price is not yet adequate to offset the up front costs of evaluating the land for it's carbon sequestering worth, but the committee felt that it would be prudent to continue to investigate this as an option for the Forest Preserve to generate income.  Ms. Prain added that emission trading is very common with European nations.  By expanding the prairies now, we are investing in the future in many ways.



Ms. Fauci became aware during the last wetland bank bid process there is price bargaining that occurs.  Mr. Hannan checked with the DeKalb County States Attorney and found that there is nothing currently in the statues to cover this process.  Ms. Fauci polled the committee to find a consensus of the accepted procedure on how to handle any future wetland bids.  Mr. Anderson asked if the bid amount from the other party was available.  Mr. Hannan said he would attempt to find the other bid price.  Mr. Hannan also added that there is a private developer that needs to mitigate 1 acre of land.    Mr. Rosemier suggested that if we need to change the price of our bid the committee should meet to agree on the price.  Ms. Turner clarified that we do have a minimum bid price set.  Mr. Anderson agreed that the committee should meet to determine a bid price and added that a multiplier should be added each year.  



Ms. Fauci felt that the discussion at this point was becoming more specific on the topic of land acquisition and recommended that the committee go into executive session to continue the discussion on this matter and the matter of employee evaluations.  Mr. Rosemier made a motion to go into executive session, seconded by Mr. Lyle.  A roll call vote was taken and all members voted yes.   



Mr. Rosemier made a motion to leave executive session, seconded by Mr. Lyle.  A roll call vote was taken and all members voted yes.    The committee returned from executive session.  Mr. Rosemier made a motion to allow Mr. Hannan to negotiate a wetland bank bid as discussed.  Mr. Lyle seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously by the members.  Mr. Rosemier made a motion to accept the “per acre” price discussed in the executive session for future wetland bank bids.  Ms. Turner seconded the motion.  Discussion ensued.   Ms Turner amended the motion on the table to the price correctly arrived at in executive session. It was seconded by Mr. Anderson. A voice vote was taken and the motion for the amendment passed unanimously.  A voice vote was then taken on the amended motion and it passed unanimously.



Ms. Fauci reported to the committee that information on the upcoming National Trails Day will be sent to the local media.   The idea of a County Board Picnic at one of the Forest Preserves was discussed. 

Mr. Hannan reported to the committee on the following subjects.  The Forest Preserve received a $70,000.00 matching grant.  The grant is an OSLAD I.D.N.R. grant for Potawatomi Woods Forest Preserve; the other matching money was from donors: DeKalb/Sycamore Sunrise Rotary, a Sycamore Foundation (wishes to remain anonymous), DeKalb County Community Foundation and the Sycamore Sportsman’s Club.  Grants and donated funds will be used for bridges, shelters, interpretive/accessible trail and wildlife observation deck, canoe launch, water, a prairie/oak savannah landscape and other park amenities.  Mr. Hannan said we received support from Mr. Pritchard and Mr. Burzynski in Springfield on the grant, as it was talked about being eliminated.  Mr. Hannan received an e-mail from Peter Olson with an update on the variety of birds seen at Afton Forest Preserve wetland (see attached).  Volunteer spring cleanup days are going well.  The cleanup of the Great Western Trail had a good turnout, and the Potawatomi cleanup was short on numbers but did a good river and forest cleanup (lots of old tires removed) and the Illinois Smallmouth Bass Alliance helped remove river debris and log jams at Potawatomi Woods.  The pickup for the DeKalb Sycamore Trail was slated for Saturday and April 30th at Sannauk Forest Preserve (Sandwich and Somonauk scouts).   There are Eagle Scout projects being done at the Forest Preserves, mostly trail work and repairs at Potawatomi Woods and Knute Olson Forest Preserves.  Signs have been made and will be placed in the Forest Preserves explaining the management of prairies, wetlands and woodlands.  Mr. Hannan concluded his report by giving the committee the monthly usage figures for the facilities and staff report (see attached). 




Regarding the Ad Hoc Land Acquisition Committee Mr. Anderson asked why the next step for the committee is to the Finance Committee rather than the Forest Preserve Committee.  Ms. Fauci and Mr. Hannan responded that Mr. Hanson has some financing options, so the agreement was to send the matter to the Finance Committee after which it may come to the Forest Preserve Committee.




Moved by Mr. Rosemier at 8:00 p.m., seconded by Mr. Anderson, it was carried unanimously by voice vote to adjourn the meeting.


Attached are monthly reports and Forest Preserve activities.





                                                                                                            Julia Fauci

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