Official County Seal of DeKalb Illinois County Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Executive Committee

August 9, 2005


The Executive Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Tuesday, August 9, 2005 @ 7:00p.m. at the Legislative Center’s Liberty Room. Chairman Ruth Anne Tobias called the meeting to order. Members present were Dennis Sands, Jeff Whelan, Julia Fauci, Roger Steimel, Pat LaVigne, Jeff Metzger, Marlene Allen, Robert Rosemier and Sue Leifheit.  Others present were Gary Hanson, Greg Millburg, Bill Nicklas, Ken Mundy, Jeff Marsh, Anita Turner, Eileen Dubin, Jerry Augsburger, Sally DeFauw, Pat Vary and Vince Faivre.




Moved by Ms. Fauci, seconded by Ms. LaVigne, and it was carried unanimously to approve the minutes from July 2005.




          Chairman Tobias amended the agenda to add item #7a.) Collective Bargaining to an Executive Session issue.

Moved by Mr. Steimel, seconded by Mr. Whelan, and it was carried unanimously to approve the amended agenda.




Squaw Grove Drainage District :   Mr. Donald Willrett, reappointment for a term 3 years, until 9/1/08.


Normal Drainage District:              Mr. Robert Twombly, reappointment for a term of 3 years, until 9/1/08.


Coon Creek Drainage District:            Mr. Randy Klein

                                                               Mr. Frank Engel

                                                               Both reappointments for a term of 3 years, until 9/1/08.


Clinton-Shabbona Drainage District:      Mr. Wayne K. Overby, reappointment for a term of 3 years, until 9/1/08.


Appointments expiring for September 2005 are:


            River Valley Workforce Investment Board – 2 positions (still looking for)

            Public Building Commission – 1 position

            Community Services Advisory Board – 2 positions



Moved by Ms. Leifheit, seconded by Mr. Metzger, and it was carried unanimously to accept the recommended appointments and to forward them to the full board for approval.




Mr. Gary Hanson, Deputy County Administrator, reviewed the county board agenda for the board meeting to be held on August 17, 2005. 


Mr. Rosemier asked if the Jonamac Orchard item did we ever pass regulations on the agri-entertainment issue?  Mr. Steimel said yes, with the new rewrite of the County Code.


Mr. Rosemier asked Ms. LaVigne if the hip roof was for a new roof or to fix an existing one?    Mr. Hanson said that they currently have an open storage bin and that they are now going to put a roof on it.


Mr. Sands said that it was his understanding that the Intergovernmental Agreement Resolution under the Executive Committee, was referred back to the County Highway Committee and that they had a vote on it too.  Why wasn’t it placed on the County Board Agenda too?   Mr. Hanson said that this committee, the Executive Committee, sent it to the full county board last month.  It went to the County Highway Committee agenda for additional input, but the recommendation from this committee still stands.  We can add what the Highway Committee said if you want.  Ms. Fauci said that there was no “blocking of this resolution” at the Highway Committee meeting, it just was not a favorable review, that’s what we understood it to be.    It was agreed by the committee to add the voting language from the Highway Committee to the County Board Agenda under this item.


Moved by Mr. Steimel, seconded by Mr. Sands, and it was carried unanimously to forward the county board agenda to the full board for approval.




          Mr. Metzger, Chairman of the Economic Development Committee, said that his committee reviewed the Countywide Tourism issue again they tried to reach out to the community to have a roundtable discussion.  There was not enough support shown by the community and DeKalb Area Convention and Visitor’s Bureau was the only ones that showed up that evening.  The committee decided not to move forward on this issue until there is enough support, such as, the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce and the Sycamore Chamber of Commerce coming up with a united plan.


          Ms. LaVigne, Chairman of the County Highway Committee, said that they discussed the Sycamore Amendment on the Memorandum of Understanding for access points with the favorable recommendation to move to the full board with a 3 to 5 vote.  The 5 votes being all no votes and the 3 votes being all yes votes.  They also discussed the hip roof construction and they will be adding a line called Citizen’s Comments on their agenda.  The next Highway Committee Meeting will be held on September 8 @ 12:00noon at the highway facility. 


          Mr. Roger Steimel, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Committee, said that they one have item, the Jonamac Orchard Ordinance.  They revised the code a few months ago to add an agri-entertainment category with this in mind.  Jonamac is the first one to qualify for this new category.  It includes an expansion of a building and they run a first class operation out there, he further stated.


          Ms. Marlene Allen, Vice-Chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee, said that they heard from Liz Carney, Director of the Mental Health Board, talked to them.  She said that one thing that Ms. Carney stressed was identifying and treating mental illness in a timely fashion.  Thanks to Eileen Dubin, she presented the mental health board with places to apply for grant monies, said Ms. Allen.  They also heard wonderful reports from Mary Lou Strack from the County Homemakers Association and Ms. Peggy Doty, Director of the Nature Resource Center at Russell Woods.


          Ms. Dubin said that at this meeting the Ms. Carney came the month before with several other people reporting on the mental health services in the county.  This past meeting only reinforces the severe problems that our county and others have in separating, particularly those with mental health problems, that are in the jail for substance abuse and trying to get them the prescriptions that they need.   And also to get to these people at the early stages of mental illness.


          Mr. Rosemier said that Ms. Carney mentioned that DeKalb County was getting $1.7 million for mental health and a county east of us was getting something like $11 million so he is hoping that we can do something legislatively. Mr. Hanson said that it has always been our problem that we have a mental health tax levy and the State almost penalizes us for it.  You really need to talk to your state legislators about this.


          Ms. Leifheit said that one of the sessions that she attended at the NACO conference was diverting the mentally ill before they get to jail.  She said that it was explained to those present that when this county that spoke on it, feels that they are encountering someone with a mental health problem, they pair them up with a police officer.  Immediately that person is assessed on the scene and is diverted from the jail and sent to a facility.  It’s a nice idea, but they also had a budget of $1.8 billion dollars, she further stated, and this is Miami Dade County in Florida.  The basic concept is very nice though.  They had just passed a billion dollar referendum to build a building a staff it.


          Ms. Fauci, Chairman of the Forest Preserve Committee, said that they held their July meeting at Afton and what a difference it looks like from the burn of 3 months ago to the plants now blooming.  On August 14, 2005 is the Volunteer Appreciation Day at Afton @ 2:00p.m. They will be planting a tree there for Dr. Sorenson and there will be music too.  In January 2005 at the Nature Resource Center they will be testing for chronic wasting disease.  They are accepting bids for a trail and shelter at Pottawatomi Woods. 


          Ms. Leifheit, Vice-Chairman of the Finance Committee, said that they discussed the NACO drug card program.  She said that they tested it in 17 counties throughout the country and found out that the low income citizens and senior citizens benefited the most from it.  Caremark is the company that they chose and the county would administer the program. They also experienced really good savings with the average savings being between 15% to 20%.  She said that it will also allow you to buy your pet’s medicine prescription and medical supplies.  They will also be looking at how this program will impact the inmates at the jail and patients at the nursing home.   Ms. Dubin said that at the conference everyone said that they thought it was a win/win situation. 


          Ms. Leifheit, Chairman of the Law and Justice Committee said that Mr. Matekaitis updated the committee about the State’s Attorney’s Office and said that there were 91 inmates in the jail on Monday with 8 inmates housed in other counties.  The Sheriff’s Department budgeted for $22,000 for this cost and they have already spent $55,000 and its only August.  She said that this is a very dangerous situation going on at the jail now.  Ms. Vary said that Mr. Matekaitis said that 1 out of 3 inmates are drug related.  Mr. Steimel asked if anyone was researching as to whether or not there is federal money available for a new jail?  He said that Kane County is building a new 600-bed jail and he thought that federal monies were helping to pay for it. 


          Ms. Leifheit said that they also discussed the Child’s Waiting Room with Judge Klein.  This fee will be implemented, if adopted by the board, on October 1, 2005.  The $5.00 fee will be collected off of every civil filing only.  The advocates for this request will provide the insurance, not the county.


          Chairman Tobias said that the Annual NACO Conference held in Hawaii this year was very good.  People across the country attended.  The exhibits were very good along with the sessions that she attended.  Ms. Dubin wrote an article for the MidWeek Newspaper regarding affordable housing information that she acquired at the conference and that she hopes that it will appear in the newspaper soon.


          Chairman Tobias then introduced Mr. Bill Nicklas, Sycamore City Manager and Mr. Jeff Marsh, a representative from the developer, 1st Rockford Group.  Ms. Leifheit said that she heard that there is some confusion over what exactly is the request.  Could Mr. Nicklas answer that question tonight? 


          Mr. Nicklas said that the City of Sycamore is requesting a modification to the Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Sycamore and the County of DeKalb regarding access points on Peace Road.  This is the first request by the City of Sycamore since 1999.  There is interest by 1st Rockford Group on the 80-acre Artery Farm to be commercially developed and also to include residential development with town homes.  Just north of that is the Simons Farm, which is another 80-acre farm. 


          Why are we proposing a half access point, that is, that there will be access to the west side of the street (Peace Road) and not to the east?  The first busiest intersection in the County is the Market Square Development of Barber Greene Road and Route 23.  The second busiest intersection in the county is this one in Sycamore, Route 23 and Peace Road.  It is an intersection of much interest by commercial prospects.  This is the third prospect in the last six years that has gotten this far.  This is a 500,000 square foot commercial development, which is the second largest in the county and it will generate quite a large volume of traffic. 


          From such a size, said Mr. Nicklas, they are anticipating that there would be a large volume of traffic.  Through and independent study on traffic counts, they feel that there will be 3,500 vehicles in the peak hour or a regular business day, which would be around the late afternoon of each day.  The one access point to this parcel is Sarah Drive, which roughly splits the Simons Farm on the north and the Artery Farm on the south.  Most parcels on the Peace Road corridor other than the Artery Farm that you are talking about tonight, has the realistic possibility of a second way out.  The Simon Farm whether it’s on the west or east side of Peace Road can get out on Route 64.  There is no possibility of development on the east side, across the road.  The Prairiefield cul-de-sac that has some commercial development, that is, a Mexican restaurant, a Chinese restaurant, dentist, etc., all access is internal and is off of DeKalb Avenue.  There is no access possible and there’s only one lot left and that access will be off of the internal one. 


          So, we are asking for a ½ access point, said Mr. Nicklas, and it is this is the second proposal by the developer.  The first proposal had shown two additional access points, this one shows an access point roughly 1/3 of the way from Route 23 and then a right in/right out, and then Sarah Drive at the north end of the property.  The county engineer and the city engineer have agreed that a right out on Peace Road would constitute a intersection, would create leaving and entry problems on the through lane, which would slow traffic and probably cause some erratic driving. 


          What is proposed?  Is a half access point,  a ¼ mile from the center line of Route 23.  He also mentioned that the Simons Farm was annexed by the City of Sycamore two months ago and part of that agreement, traffic would go down to Sarah Drive and out on Peace Road so there are not access points there. 


          What are the alternatives?   What about coming out on Route 23?  IDOT controls Route 23, he said.  If you can visualize the Funeral Home and the kind of Traffic that IDOT would expect coming out on Route 23 from a Retail development, IDOT would expect that there would not be an allowance for an access point there.  If the funeral home was not there the access point would be further west, in the property of the National Bank and Trust branch.  You would have to take out both of those properties to gain access and this would be very expensive and City could not afford, the price tag is not financially feasible, explained Mr. Nicklas. 


What about going west if Sarah Drive would be extended?  The County’s and the City’s Transportation Plan the two are the same because of our recent planning.  It shows Sarah Drive north another mile or so from Peace Road, west and then connect with another north/south extension of Motel Road, which stops at Route 64 now.  Motel Road is supposed to come down to a “T” and come out on Coltonville Road.  If you are on Coltonville Road today and see the new townhouses being constructed on the if would be the west property line of the new commercial development proposal before you tonight.   Motel Road extended there would be about a mile and one half going south of route 64.  There is no money from the County’s budget or the City’s budget, that he can gather, for any public participation for either of these extensions, these would be developer driven.


Mr. Nicklas said we’ve explored options and we don’t see any, so we are back to the second way out.  Market Square to be picked as a reference point, has about 11 access points off of it.   That is, on Route 23 there are 3 signalized access points, on the old County Farm Road there are 4 half access points and on Greenwood Acres there is 4 access points.  We are asking for ½ access point, which would give us once and ½ access points.


What if there is only one access point and there is a reconfiguration of the lanes?  The City and County engineers did a study and they don’t recommend from a traffic safety standpoint.  Their view is that you will get a very few cars through until you get a yellow light and then you will see a lot of people running lights and red lights.  So they went to the second view, which also cuts down on the road widening and redevelopment, whatever work would be done at least up to Sarah Drive, would be done by the developer.


He further stated that the 1999 Intergovernmental Agreement is a very good agreement.  Prior to that there was an understanding that some of it mythical and some was actual, but nothing to take us from Bethany up around Airport Road down to Rte. 64 again, it’s a very fine agreement and it’s based on a fundamental understanding that Peace Road should be a limited access.  It’s remained a limited access for six years.  He doesn’t really see any opportunities for a plea of this sort for a second way out.  In these six years, at the staff level, he has turned away three substantial projects.  They have tried to do their part in honoring this agreement.  He said that he appreciates their consideration.


Mr. Sands said that he met with Mr. Nicklas today and that at one point that was explained to him was that there will be one access point on Sarah Drive with lights and one-half access point.  Mr. Nicklas said correct and that the county and city engineer said that the lights will be timed in sequence.  He said that they also want the speed limit to still be 45 miles per hour.


Chairman Tobias asked Mr. Marsh from 1st Rockford Group how long this will take to develop?  He said about eighteen (18) months for the first phase and overall about 3 to 3 ½ years for the entire project.


Mr. Rosemier asked Mr. Nicklas if we will be able to fill this project with stores?  Mr. Nicklas said that yes, this will be banks, national retailers, etc.


          Chairman Tobias said that the Assessor’s Office indicated that there could be a decrease in the property tax rate and much larger for Sycamore itself than the County. 


          Mr. Nicklas also mentioned that the City of Sycamore is committed to extend the bike path form the Farm Bureau building up to Route 23 right now through a grant.  If it is extended past that they would think that it makes sense to stay on the east side of Peace Road up to Plank and Route 23.  There will be signalized intersections with designated walkways to get over to the northside of Sarah Drive going west. 




          Moved by Mr. Metzger, seconded by Mr. Steimel, and it was carried unanimously to move into executive session, by a roll call vote, to discuss Collective Bargaining and Land Acquisition. 


          Moved by Ms. Leifheit, seconded by Mr. Steimel, and it was carried unanimously to return to open session, by a roll call vote.


          It was moved by Ms. Leifheit, seconded by Ms. LaVigne, and it was carried unanimously to forward the land acquisition proposal with a positive recommendation to the full board for approval.


          It was moved by Mr. Metzger, seconded by Ms. Fauci, and it was carried unanimously to forward the collective bargaining positive recommendation to the full board for their approval, contingent on the union’s vote on Thursday, August 11, 2005.



Moved by Mr. Metzger, seconded by Mr. Whelan, and it was carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting.



Respectfully submitted,




Chairman Ruth Anne Tobias




Mary C. Supple, Secretary

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