Official County Seal of DeKalb Illinois County Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Executive Committee

December 13 2005


The Executive Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Tuesday, December 13, 2005 @ 7:00p.m. at the Administration Building’s Conference Room East.  Chairman Ruth Anne Tobias called the meeting to order. Members present were Dennis Sands, Jeff Whelan, Julia Fauci, Roger Steimel, Pat LaVigne, Sue Leifheit and Robert Rosemier.  Ms. Fullerton was absent.  Chairman Tobias asked the following committee Vice-Chairmen to represent their committees and to take the seat of their committee Chairpersons.  Vice Chairman of the Economic Development Committee, Steve Slack, sat in for Julia Fullerton.  Others present were Ray Bockman, Gary Hanson, Greg Millburg, Jerry Augsburger, Jeff Metzger, Sr., Anita Turner and Ken Campbell.




          Mr. Rosemier amended the minutes to include a change on Page six, second paragraph, 5th line down, to read.. “by January 2006 and now the U.S. Government has extended.”


Moved by Mr. Rosemier, seconded by Mr. Whelan, and it was carried unanimously to approve the amended minutes from November 2005.




          Moved by Ms. LaVigne, seconded by Mr. Steimel, and it was carried unanimously to approve the agenda as presented.





DeKalb County Economic Development

Committee:                                                               Ms. Julia Fullerton as Chairman of that Committee.



River Valley Workforce Investment Board:          Mr. Steve Cunningham, reappointment for a term of 2 years, until 12/01/2007.


Union-Shabbona-Milan Drainage

District No. 1                                                             Mr. Dennis Johnson, reappointment for a term of 3 years, until 12/1/2008.



Board of Health                                                       Mr. Scott Starkweather

                                                                                   Mr. Jesus Romero

                                                                                   Ms. Linda Liston, MD

                                                                                   All appointments for a term of 3-year term, until 12/1/2008.



Appointments expiring for January 2006 are:


River Valley Workforce Investment Board – 2 positions (still looking for)

DeKalb County Rehab and Nursing Center Operating Board – 6 positions


Moved by Ms. Leifheit, seconded by Mr. Rosemier, and it was carried unanimously to accept the recommended appointments and to forward them to the full board for approval.




          Mr. Bockman, DeKalb County Administrator, explained the change in the policy to the committee (see attachment to these minutes).  The new statement reads:  “the Career Steps will be adjusted annually by an amount determined by the DeKalb County Executive Committee at their October meeting.


          Moved by Ms. Leifheit, seconded by Ms. Fauci, and it was carried unanimously to forward the resolution to the full board for approval.




          Mr. Bockman, DeKalb County Administrator, explained that Marc Associates have agreed to $6500 a month and we (the County) can raise that amount in the second year if we choose to renew, which is our option.  We have retained the right to terminate the contract on thirty days notice, of course,  we retain the right not to renew if we are not satisfied with their performance.  We made a couple of other requirements, one of which they cannot substitute any of the principals that we have met without our expressed written consent.  He then passed out a letter, which details the items on Marc Associates’ working list submitted by DeKalb County.


          Mr. Sands asked about the drug court item, is it just going to be for drug abuse or for mental health problems and alcohol abuse, too?  Ms. Turner said that the drug court will include drug and alcohol.  Ms. Leifheit said that you can read the scope of it in the Law and Justice Committee Minutes this month.


          Moved by Ms. Leifheit, seconded by Ms. LaVigne, and it was carried unanimously to forward this recommendation to the full board for approval.





          Chairman Tobias said that she, Mr. Bockman, DeKalb County Administrator and Mr. Lorence, DeKalb County Engineer, have been attending a group meeting over the past few months, which includes Kane, Kendall, and McHenry Counties to discuss various transportation issues that involve all four counties as regional issues.  These amount to multi-million dollar projects over a multi-year process that they would like to present to Speaker Hastert’s office and hopefully get federal funds for them.  This has been an opportunity for us as a county to foster regional cooperation with these other counties, said Chairman Tobias.  All four counties will present this resolution to all of their boards.


          Moved by Mr. Rosemier, seconded by Ms. LaVigne, and it was carried unanimously to forward this recommendation to the full board for approval.




Mr. Ray Bockman, DeKalb County Administrator, reviewed the county board agenda for the board meeting to be held on December 21, 2005.  All resolutions approved this evening from this meeting will also be included on the agenda, said Mr. Bockman, along with the items coming from the Finance Committee that met earlier this evening.


Moved by Mr. Steimel, seconded by Ms. Fauci, and it was carried unanimously to forward the county board agenda to the full board for approval.




           Ms. LaVigne, Chairman of the County Highway Committee, said that they had a public forum on the Moose Range Road name change.  It will be brought back to the committee to be discussed further, she said


          Mr. Steimel, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Committee, said that his three items were all routine issues.


          Mr. Whelan, Chairman of the Finance Committee, said that they met earlier this evening and will be forwarding two items plus reports and claims.


          Mr. Rosemier, Chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee, said that his committee heard from Ms. Micki Chulick, Director of 4C’s Program in DeKalb County.  He said that the presentation was very interesting and informative.


Mr. Slack, Vice-Chairman of the Economic Development Committee, said the committee will be discussing what their mission and goals are at their next meeting.  Mr. Hopkins was present and said that the County should play a role in advanced telecommunications.  Mr. Hopkins felt that if the County made an investment that it would pay off in terms of economic development.  Mr. Slack said that the committee will investigate this issue further.


Ms. Leifheit, Chairman of the Law and Justice Committee, said that they heard from CASA’s Director Jill Olson who said that their caseload is at the same level as last year and that they now have 23 pro bono attorneys working with them.


Chairman Tobias said that she has viewed the Jail Video, which was done by the students from NIU and thought it was very good.  It is about 15 minutes long.  She hoped that the County would be able to use it somehow with the overcrowded jail issue.


Chairman Tobias also reminded the committee members about the County Board Christmas Reception that will be held on Wednesday, December 21, 2005, beginning at 6:45p.m.




Moved by Mr. Whelan, seconded by Ms. LaVigne, and it was carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting.



Respectfully submitted,




Chairman Ruth Anne Tobias




Mary C. Supple, Secretary


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