Official County Seal of DeKalb Illinois County Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
County Highway Committee

August 4, 2005

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The regular monthly meeting of the Highway Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Thursday, August 4, 2005 at 6:00 P.M. in the Conference Room of the DeKalb County Highway Department, DeKalb, Illinois.  


Chair LaVigne called the meeting to order.  Committee members present were Mr. Anderson, Vice Chair Faivre, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Osborne and Mr. Whelan.   Also present were DeKalb County Board Chairman Ruth Anne Tobias, Board Member Roger Steimel, Board Member Anita Jo Turner, County Administrator Ray Bockman, County Engineer William Lorence, Highway Department Support Services Manager Wayne Davey, Mr. Greg Millburg, Farm Bureau and Mr. Steve Kapitan, City of DeKalb. 




Motion made by Vice Chair Faivre and seconded by Mr. Whelan to approve the minutes of June 2, 2005.  The motion to approve the minutes carried unanimously.




Motion made by Mr. Whelan to approve the agenda and Mr. Anderson seconded this motion.  Discussion followed to remove item number one from the agenda due to the fact that no bids were received for snow removal operations in the northern portion of DeKalb County.  It was further requested that citizen comments be added to the agenda as item 6.a. and regularly be added to future agendas.  The motion carried unanimously to approve the agenda as amended.    





Mr. Lorence explained to the Committee that the Highway Department sent out five requests for proposals to local contractors as well as advertised in the Daily Chronicle for the construction of a hip roof to cover the salt storage area at the Highway Department Waterman facility.  Only one bid was received for this project.  The engineer’s estimate was $60,000 and the sole bid submitted was for $46,500.  Mike Long Construction from DeKalb, Illinois submitted the bid.  Mr. Long was the original contractor for the existing storage facility now in place in Waterman.  Mr. Lorence recommended to the Committee that Mr. Long’s bid be accepted and the project awarded.  A motion was made by Vice Chair Faivre and seconded by Ms. Fauci to forward the proposed resolution awarding this project to Mike Long Construction, Inc to the full County Board recommending approval.  The motion carried unanimously.  




Mr. Lorence presented a request from the City of Sycamore to grant an additional one-half access point to Peace Road, south of Sarah Drive and North of Illinois Route 23.  This request is necessary due to the existing Memorandum of Agreement between the County of DeKalb and the City of Sycamore that states no additional access points to Peace Road will be granted without the consent of both parties.  The requested additional access point was for the purpose of accommodating the projected increase in traffic along the Peace Road corridor generated by a proposed substantial commercial development to be located adjacent Peace Road at the above location.  When the development was completed the traffic was estimated to be three times the traffic currently accessing the Wal-Mart/Lowes/Kohl’s shopping complex.  Currently that complex has seven access points to move traffic safely through the complex and surrounding highway system.  Traffic studies completed by McClure Engineering indicates that Peace Road would experience a complete failure once the development is completed if the road was left the way it was.  That failure would result in back-ups on Illinois Route 64 as well as Illinois Route 23 due to the inability to move traffic through the single intersection at Sarah Drive in a timely manner.  In order to move such a high volume of traffic through this area Peace Road would need to be expanded to six lanes with double turn lanes.  There were attempts by the developer to purchase additional land to construct a roadway connecting Motel Road and Coltonville Road to Sarah Drive but the owner of this property was not interested in selling.  This option would have provided opportunity for alternate access points to the proposed development and is part of the current long-range comprehensive plan for the City of Sycamore. Mr. Lorence stated he was a member of the City of Sycamore Planning Committee and the developer originally requested six access points.  Mr. Lorence explained that the only request he would bring forward to DeKalb County was a request for an additional one half-access point.  In response to Mr. Anderson’s question the County Engineer indicated this additional access would present no additional cost to the County as the cost would be absorbed by the developer. 


Comments by Committee members indicated that the Comprehensive Plan for City of Sycamore has that area in question zoned for commercial use for the City and everyone acknowledges that there are currently retail and industrial planned along Peace Road. 


Ms. Fauci indicated that the people she had been in contact with were against any further access points on Peace Road. If Peace Road is in fact a limited access Road to be used as a by-pass around the DeKalb-Sycamore area then access should be kept to the original agreement.  If additional access points continue to be added then Peace Road would no longer be considered a by-pass as originally built.  It is her understanding that Sycamore is attempting to attract tourist to the downtown area as a quaint, quiet area.  The granting of this access would do nothing to enhance that plan.  Ms. Fauci inquired if they were considering this access point as a way to relieve taxes or provide more shopping in the area.  Sycamore may end up with a City no one wants to visit.


Mr. Bockman indicated that the developer would control what was built in this area.  This area will be developed either as residential or commercial and the traffic would eventually increase on this section of road.  The County and the City of Sycamore expected this area to urbanize over time and the County and City would agree to negotiate responsibility for services such as police, fire, maintenance, snow removal, etc.  This area will become Sycamore’s new downtown; they have  any where else to grow.




Mr. Anderson inquired into traffic signals required.  Mr. Lorence explained that both intersections, Sarah Drive as well as this additional half access if approved, would require traffic signals.  The cost of these signals would be the responsibility of the developer.  Continued maintenance of those signals, if not provided by the developer, would be shared by the City of Sycamore and the County of DeKalb at no more than 50% of the cost per the current Memorandum of Agreement. 


Chair LaVigne indicated that she had received several calls from Sycamore Residents requesting this access be granted for tax relief for Sycamore Residents.


 Board Member Turner indicated that she too had received calls from concerned citizens requesting anything she could do to bring some much needed tax relief to the citizens of Sycamore.  She mentioned she knows of life-long residents of Sycamore who build their retirement home in Sycamore and now have to sell it because they cannot afford the taxes.  Board Member Turner also stated that her father (John Dlabal) was on the Board when the original agreement was reached concerning access to Peace Road and he is in favor of granting this request in the spirit of corporation and accommodating the growth that everyone knew would eventually come to this area.  Board Member Turner further indicated that the City of Sycamore is not really attracting that many tourists to the downtown area outside of the annual events such as Pumpkin Fest.


Board Member Steimel inquired if there were plans to grant any additional access points between Sarah Drive north to Illinois Route 64.  The County Engineer indicated that there were none at this time as the property owner already has access to Route 64 for that area.


Committee Member Faivre stated that every person he has spoken to on this matter is opposed to the granting of any additional access points on Peace Road.  This road is or will be designated as a truck route and it would be short sighted to grant additional access.  Additional access points would slow traffic and the County needs to be cognizant of being able to move traffic safely through this area.  The MOA grants a full access already at Sarah Drive.  The County will live up to their agreement but if you grant this additional access point where do you stop?  If anyone wants to see what happens to a roadway that is overloaded with access points just travel on Route 59, it is always a parking lot.  Nowhere in the current MOA does it state that as this area is developed consideration will be given to the granting of additional access points.


Mr. Kapitan cautioned the Committee to be very careful in granting additional access points to Peace Road.  Four additional access points were added in 1999 to the original agreement reached in 1991.  He was not there to cause any problems for the City of Sycamore and this is not a City of DeKalb versus City of Sycamore issue.  This issue should have been brought before the DeKalb-Sycamore Area Transportation Study Committee as they are part of the Metropolitan Planning Organization and these are the kind of issues they should be handling.


County Board Chair Tobias stated that everyone knew development was coming and there would be a need to manage traffic in this area.  The County has worked with the City of DeKalb to give them access where needed and she feels the County should work with the City of Sycamore to better manage traffic in this area and provide at least some tax relief to the tax payers of Sycamore. 


Committee Member Whelan inquired if this area had been annex to the City of Sycamore.  And if it had there appeared to be more roads available to grant the requested access other than Peace Road.  The County Engineer stated the developer was not able to purchase the land needed to build the infrastructure needed to connect to these access points.


Chair LaVigne asked if there was any more discussion and hearing none asked for a motion.  Mr. Osborne made a motion to forward the proposed resolution with a favorable recommendation to the full County Board granting an additional one half-access point to Peace Road between Sarah Drive and Illinois Route 23.  Roll call vote was requested by Mr. Anderson:  Mr. Anderson-No, Vice-Chair Faivre-No, Ms. Fauci-No, Mr. Gudmunson-No, Chair LaVigne-Yes, Mr. Osborne-Yes, Board Chair Tobias-Yes, Mr. Whelan-No.  Motion to forward the resolution failed by a vote of 5 to 3.




Mr. Lorence explained to the Committee that DeKalb County was awarded $150,000.00 in Truck Access Route Program (TARP) funds to assist in the cost of construction to make Peace Road a Class II truck route.  The section of road involved is from Hathaway Drive north to Illinois Route 64.  This construction project is scheduled for the 2006 construction year and the total cost for this project is estimated to be $1,740,000.00.  The State of Illinois will also provide an additional $100,000.00 for the improvement of our intersection at Peace Road and Illinois Route 23.  The roadway will be widen to five lanes and given added thickness to accommodate the anticipated truck traffic.  The construction section assigned to this project is 03-00203-00-WR.   A motion was made by Vice Chair Favire and seconded by Mr. Anderson to forward the proposed resolution to the full County Board recommending approval and authorizing the County Chairman to execute the TARP agreement.  The motion carried unanimously.




Mr. Lorence presented the resolution to the Committee.  The resolution is required when you enter into a TARP agreement with the State.  That part of Peace Road from Illinois Route 23 north to just south of Illinois Route 64 will be designated a class II truck route after construction is completed.  This means that that section of roadway has been built to withstand the 80,000-pound loads and trucks are authorized to travel that section of roadway.  A motion was made by Mr. Anderson and seconded by Ms. Fauci to forward the proposed resolution to the full County Board recommending approval of classifying the above-mentioned roadway as a Class II Truck Route.   The motion carried unanimously.




Chair LaVigne thanked everyone for his or her comments.  Everyone made good points and it was a very good discussion.


The Citizen Comments added to the agenda were made during the discussion on the MOA and no further comments were made at this time.    




Mr. Lorence provided his progress report to the Committee.  The Shabbona Road resurfacing project is completed and all that is left is the final paperwork.    Kingston Road, North First Street and Coltonville Road are all completed.  Kirkland Road Bridge is approaching 70 % completion.  It has been a good year for construction with little rain.  Bethany Road Extension is currently at 85% completion.  Once the road is completed the road commissioner has no plans to allow the public to travel it.  This road will be overlaid next year and then opened to the traveling public.  The Glidden Road ROW acquisition is all but completed with the exception of one parcel that is currently in eminent domain proceedings.  


Mr. Lorence presented the 2006 Budget request to the Committee for their information.



Vice-Chair Faivre inquired into why the public would not be able to travel Bethany Road Extension until next year.  The traffic would help to pack the roadbed.  Mr. Lorence indicated it was a DeKalb Road District Road and that decision was up to the Road Commissioner.


Ms. Fauci stated she had received a complaint from a citizen who travels Shabbona Road everyday going to Paw Paw concerning the road closed sign.  The citizen requested that the signed be moved to a position that would provide more notice that the road was closed.  Mr. Lorence explained that the road was closed due to a tollway project and not a DeKalb County project.



There being no further business to be brought before the Committee Mr. Anderson moved to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Fauci.   Motion carried unanimously by voice vote and the August 4, 2005 meeting adjourned at 7:04 pm.


Respectfully Submitted



Pat LaVigne


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