DeKalb County Seal

DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Finance Committee

September 6, 2006

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The Finance Committee of the DeKalb County Board, met on Wednesday, September 6, 2006 at 7:00p.m., in the DeKalb County Administration Building’s Conference Room East.  Chairman Jeff Whelan called the meeting to order.  Members present were Sue Leifheit, Jeff Metzger, Sr., Ruth Anne Tobias, and Jerry Augsburger.  Mr. Sands and Mr. Haines were absent.  Others present were Ray Bockman, Gary Hanson, Greg Millburg, Steve Kuhn, Christine Johnson, Steve Slack, Robert Rosemier, Eileen Dubin, Joan Berkes-Hanson, Sheriff Scott, Ken Campbell, Ken Johnson and Karen Grush.



            There were no minutes to approve because there was no August 2006 meeting.



            Moved by Ms. Tobias, seconded by Mr. Augsburger, and it was carried unanimously to approve the agenda as presented.



            Mr. Gary Hanson, DeKalb County Deputy Administrator, said that the budget book is the compilation of the entire budget documents submitted by the county departments.  The departments have a target number for commodities and services (utilities, office supplies, travel expenses) at 3.4%, which is the same as the C.O.L.A.  Their goal is to come in at that number and if they do, we accept that budget and let them decide which line item they need the money to go into. 


Mr. Haines arrived at 7:05p.m.


            He continued by stating that the Administrative Recommendations (on file in the Finance Office) are found at the beginning of the workbook.  He wanted to mention that two weeks from tonight before the county board meeting there will be a forum held for county board members to ask any questions that they may have on the budget.  Also, committee reviews are to start after that date (September 20, 2006), which is different this year.


            Mr. Hanson then reviewed the Administrative Recommendations.  He said that the budget is balanced at $68,000,000.  The average homeowner in the County will see an increase in assessed value of 7.3%.  This would take the market value of a $200,000 home to $214,600.  Using those changes in market value, the County property taxes for that property are expected to increase from $569.77 in 2006 to $610.29 in 2007, an increase of about $40.  Just over one-third of the increase in attributable to the new Veteran’s Assistance Tax and without that new tax, the increase would be 4.4%.


            He continued by stating that the Tax Cap is limited to three items.  The first limiting factor is C.O.L.A. or cost-of-living adjustment rate of 3.4%, plus new construction, currently estimated at 4.7% or $80,000,000.  Mr. Hanson said what is difficult about this is that these figures are estimates because some of the township assessors have not turned in their books yet to the Supervisor of Assessments and she is working off of her best estimates. The third component

is the Veteran’s Assistance Tax that was approved, adding 3.6% to the limiting factor for this year for a grand total increase of 11.7%.


            Mr. Hanson then highlighted some of the various items in the recommendations for the committee members.  He mentioned item 6 which are the salary increases for County employees that are non-union.  Number eight refers to miscellaneous salaries that the County sets for various appointed Boards and employees. 


Number 10 involves health insurance, they do not have the rates yet, and so they are working from April, which would indicate that a projected increase in premiums of 15% would be appropriate. He also mentioned that the County has an open enrollment each year for health insurance and a buy-out program for employees who don’t need our health insurance.  There are about 80 employees currently who take advantage of the buyout program, which is saving the County quite a bit of money. 


Under number 15 the Sheriff has requested the addition of six correctional officers at a cost of $390,000.  This request comes in conjunction with the request to move the Jail monitoring function from the Communication Center to the Jail floor.  All six positions are authorized as of December 10, 2006, but because of funding limits as of now, only four positions will be funded in FY2007.  Should the Public Safety Sales Tax Referendum be approved in November of 2006, all six positions will be immediately funded. 


The State’s Attorney’s Office (#16) is requesting funding so that he can continue for another year a pilot program that deals with domestic violence.  The program was originally funded by a grant, but now there is uncertainty whether that grant will be funded.  Initial reviews of the program indicated that it is quite effective, but it is felt another year would provide better data to make a decision as to whether or not this should become a permanent program.  The cost is about $160,000 per year and it is approved for funding so that it can continue uninterrupted until the end of 2007 fiscal year with funding to come from the General Fund fund balance reserves.


The Supervisor of Assessments has requested an additional staff person at a total cost of $37,000.  In explaining the request, the Supervisor of Assessments cites additional responsibilities and workload.  This request is approved with an effective date of January 7, 2007.


The Regional Superintendent of Schools (#18.) has requested additional hours for his part time staff person, which would be for fingerprinting.  His request is to add four hours per day from 3 hours to 7.  However, because of the cost of benefits that would be associated with that increase, the incremental cost would be almost $21,000.  Consequently, an alternative staffing is recommended which would allow a second part-time person to be hired and each of the two positions are approved at 3.5 hours per day beginning as of January 7, 2007.   


Mr. Metzger asked if the Supervisor of Assessments would also benefit from having two part-time positions instead of one, as far as benefits?  Mr. Hanson said that the assessment process may be much more involved and continuity may be a factor.


            Under item #19, the Finance Office is requesting 5 hours per week for payroll activities at a cost of $6,000 with an effective date of January 7, 2007.  This additional time is needed to adequately comply with all the requirements of calculating and reporting overtime to comply with the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act.


            Another budget item being recommended is item #25 involving the Court Services Department and the Intergovernmental Agreements with Kane County for juvenile detention.  The original IGA expired in June of 2006 and a new agreement has been reached to provide for guaranteed space at a daily rate below amounts charged to entities without an agreement.  The current rate is $80 per day.  The cost for this is now being charged to the County annually at an amount of $150,000.  Additionally, the placement of juveniles in residential facilities has seen an increase.  This cost is much higher and the daily rate can be from $125 to $175 per day per child.  That converts to an annual cost of between $45,000 to $65,000 per child.  Because of the increased usage, the budget has been increased from $100,000 to $150,000.


            Mr. Hanson reminded the committee that the budget would be finalized by mid-November.  He also said that appeal sheets would be coming to the board members in the near future.




            Chairman Whelan asked Mr. Bockman to review his findings on the three exempt employees regarding their evaluations and criteria that they needed to meet.


            Mr. Bockman stated that all three exempt employees, Director of Information Management, Facilities Manager and Deputy County Administrator, completed their Standard Work Plan and their Professional Plan.  He also mentioned that he is recommending them for a career step.  He reminded the committee that the step amount would be determined in November by the Executive Committee.  Now, however the committee is to determine whether or not they concur with his assessment that they have done their job and if they should receive one career step.  He also reminded them that any county board member could nominate a department head for recognition for exceptional performance.


            Mr. Augsburger asked Mr. Bockman that when an employee is approved for an exceptional performance, it is his understanding that it is not included in the base pay, correct?  Mr. Bockman said correct, it is a one-time only payment.


            Moved by Mr. Metzger, Sr., seconded by Mr. Haines, and it was carried unanimously to concur with Mr. Bockman’s assessment and recommendation and to forward them to the Executive Committee for consideration. 




            Moved by Mr. Augsburger, seconded by Ms. Tobias, and it was carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting.


                                                                        Respectively submitted by,




                                                                        Jeff Whelan, Chairman



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