DeKalb County Seal

DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Forest Preserve Committee

August 18, 2006

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The DeKalb County Forest Preserve District Committee met Tuesday, August 18, 2006 at the Sannauk Forest Preserve Shelter at 6:00 p.m. In attendance were committee members Ms. Fauci, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Rosemier and Mr. Gudmunson.. Also in attendance was Superintendent Hannan. Mr. Lyle and Ms. Turner were absent.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ms. Fauci asked if there were any additions or correction to the minutes of July 18, 2006. Hearing none, Mr. Rosemier moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Mr. Anderson and the motion passed unanimously.


APPROVAL OF AGENDA Ms. Fauci began by noting that she had intended to bring the item regarding land acquisition criteria for a final vote at this meeting – but because it had not been included on the published agenda, a final vote could not be taken this evening. The item will be moved to the September meeting to allow for proper public notice. She then asked if there were any additions or corrections to the agenda. Hearing none, Mr. Anderson moved to accept the amended agenda, seconded by Mr. Rosemier and the motion passed unanimously.


FY 2007 – BUDGET HANDOUT Ms. Fauci turned the floor over to Superintendent Hannan to present the proposed FY2007 Budget documents. Mr. Hannan noted that the documents will be reviewed by the Committee during the September and October meetings and will then be sent to the full Commissioners for approval at the November County Board Meeting.


He then noted that an item had been added to the budget for the year – the revenue stream that will be generated by the land acquisition referendum. He further noted that the budget document contained a line by line item explanation at the end of the document.


Mr. Anderson questioned the revenue figure anticipated from the referendum. Mr. Hannan explained that he derived the figure based on data received from the County Clerk’s office and believed it may be more up to date than the data originally available at the time of the referendum. However, he indicated that he would check the figure again before the next meeting.


Ms. Fauci asked if Wetland Bank money could be used for land acquisition. Mr. Hannan replied that a portion could be used as long as there is a sufficient balance for repairs, financial assurances, etc. Mr. Hannan also noted that there is a $30,000.00 item included that as Wetland Bank Phase 2 Construction that will be covered totally by Wetland Bank revenues.


Ms. Fauci asked if there were any C2000 grant items this year. Mr. Hannan replied that there were none.


Mr. Hannan closed by requesting that the committee review the document before the September meeting so that further discussions could be held at that time.


Ms. Fauci thanked Mr. Hannan for his thorough and careful work on the document preparation.


GENERAL DISCUSSIONS Mr. Rosemier asked if Mr. Hannan could provide some history on the County Farm Woods trail behind the Michael’s store on Sycamore Road. In specific, he asked if it connected to the nature trail owned by the DeKalb Park District.


Mr. Hannan noted that when the Trail originated, it was owned 60% by the City of DeKalb and 40% by the County. He had then written and received grant to acquire and develop (surface) the full trail, but the Park District annexed outward and were given the full trail. However, 8 acres of land and the adjoining cemetery are still owned by the County. Therefore only a portion of the overall trail resides with the County, while the main trail is now owned by the Park District.


Mr. Rosemier asked if the portion of the trail area containing the water is the County’s. Mr. Hannan replied that it was. Mr. Rosemier then asked if the water there needs to have some sort of mosquito abatement applied as the water has been fairly still for the summer. Mr. Hannan replied that these sorts of programs had proven neither economical nor effective for the Forest Preserve in the past. Items such as the tablets used by the Health Department for general standing water issues did not work well in the District applications.


Mr. Hannan then reported that he had received a letter from a retired Genoa-Kingston teacher named Orrin Merritt Mr. Merritt had initiated discussions with the local School District to propose either the use of a wind turbine or a green roof project to save energy costs for the School District. Mr. Hannan was informed because the turbine location would likely be adjacent to the Russell Woods preserve. Mr. Hannan noted that this was only at the preliminary discussions phase and, if undertaken, would be a project of the School District and not the Forest Preserve. The committee then held a general discussion about the concept and concluded with Mr. Hannan noting that he will report to Mr. Merritt that the Committee had held discussion and asking that Mr. Merritt keep the Committee informed regarding any future developments.


Ms. Fauci closed by noting that this approach of taxing bodies utilizing wind energy to decrease their energy costs had been in the news quite a bit of late.


Mr. Hannan then noted that he had received a letter from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) regarding Chronic Wasting Disease. He reminded the Committee that the IDNR had conducted some hunts and testing on Forest preserve property in the previous years. The letter chronicled the successes of the now-three-year-old program and invited all participants to a reception to discuss the results of the past and plans for the future. The note closed by expressing the IDNR’s thanks to all of the bodies, like the DeKalb County Forest Preserve District, for their participation and cooperation in assisting to eradicate the disease.


Mr. Hannan then reported on the summer camps held at the Natural Resource Education Center at Russell Woods. He presented the Committee with a very complimentary article from the Genoa-Kingston Journal. The camps again provided a significant number of County children with unique outdoor educational activities and options. Mr. Hannan noted that this year there had been quite a few Eagle Scout projects done at the Preserves, especially Potowatomi Woods. He noted that Eagle Scouts have typically provided hundreds of hours of work to the Preserves annually. Currently an autistic student who is also an Eagle Scout candidate is designing an interpretive trail at Afton FP.


He then presented the Committee with some pictures of the shelters being built at Potowatomi Woods by the District staff and noted that staff had also recently taken down a garage at MacQueen and had been active in non-native plant reduction. The County Highway department provided the staff with some assistance on a gravel project at Sannauk . Mr. Hannan noted that Justine Luepkes park manager at MacQueen Preserve had also recently acquired labor and materials donated by a local craftsman to replace the exiting floor and metal roof on the outdoor shelter. He concluded by noting that the staff continues to bat-proof the shelters and lodge at MacQueen.


Ms. Fauci noted that questions continue about the Emerald Ash Borer issue and noted that the signs had been laminated and were posted. Mr. Hannan commented that more of the signs had been printed recently to really blanket the Preserves. Ms. Fauci asked if anything had been discussed regarding a State initiative to assist individual counties dealing with the costs associated with the Ash Borer infestation. Mr. Hannan replied that there was nothing firm at this time. Mr. Anderson noted that it would be advantageous if a farm products company such as Monsanto, could be brought in to assist as they have so much experience in dealing with borer infestations and resistance.


Ms. Fauci noted that they had received a thank you note from the DeKalb Sunrise Rotary for the use of the Potowatomi Woods area for their recent run. It was a very successful day for all involved. She also noted that there was a thank you note from the Mayfield Church for a talk that Ms. Fauci, Peggy Doty and Al Roloff had done on behalf of the Forest Preserve District.


EXECUTIVE SESSION: LAND ACQUISITION GENERAL DISCUSSION Mr. Anderson moved to proceed to Executive Session, seconded by Mr. Gudmunson and the motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Anderson moved to return to open session, seconded by Mr. Gudmunson and the motion passed unanimously.


ADJOURNMENT Mr. Rosemier moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Gudmunson and the motion passed unanimously.


Attached are monthly reports and Forest Preserve activities.


Respectfully submitted,




Julia Fauci, Chairperson

Forest Preserve District Committee








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