DeKalb County Seal

DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Forest Preserve Committee

January 17, 2006

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The DeKalb County Forest Preserve District Committee met Tuesday, January 17, 2005 at the Conference Room East at 6:00 p.m.  In attendance were committee members, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Lyle, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Rosemier. Committee member Ms. Turner arrived after the call to order.  Also in attendance were Mr. Hannan, Forest Preserve Superintendent, and guests Greg Millburg and Peggy Doty.



Ms. Fauci asked if there were any corrections or additions to the December 20, 2005 minutes. Hearing none, Mr. Rosemier moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Mr. Lyle, and the motion passed unanimously. 



Mr. Hannan noted that a Film Policy item had been added to the agenda before the agendas were distributed to the committee. Mr. Anderson moved to approve the Agenda as submitted, seconded by Mr. Gudmunson, and the motion passed unanimously.



Mr. Hannan reported that there had been a request from Ms. Fauci as well as the Citizen’s Committee that a fact sheet be made available to the public.  He then presented the Committee with copies of brochures and mailers produced by other Forest Preserve Districts who were facing referendums in neighboring counties.  He went on to note that a simple 8-1/2 x 11, black and white document could be produced for approximately $.03 each.  Ms. Fauci commented that the sample brochures provided, as well as anything that would be produced for the DeKalb referendum would be purely informational and not contain any political views or opinions. 


Mr. Hannan noted that he would base the information in the brochures on the Powerpoint presentation he had previously given to the Committee as well as content from speeches he had been giving around the County and would be giving to the Farm Bureau Board of Directors at a meeting next Monday.  He closed by noting that Ms. Fauci would also be lending her editorial and art design expertise to the project, thereby saving additional potential production expenses.


Ms. Fauci asked how many brochures would be needed. Mr. Hannan responded that he felt that about 1000 should be sufficient.  Mr. Rosemier asked if the brochures would be sent to service clubs, municipal offices and available for any informational sessions the Citizen’s group might organize.  Mr. Hannan commented that it would be appropriate to provide them to all the local political organizations as well as any other groups who would request them.


Ms. Fauci asked Mr. Hannan if the District had identified funds to pay for the brochure purchase.

Mr. Hannan responded that since they were only looking at about $30.00 to 50.00for the 1000 brochures, they should be easily funded from a Miscellaneous account line.  Ms. Fauci asked where the standard Forest Preserve brochures were funded from. Mr. Hannan noted that they were funded from a standard printing line item.


Ms. Fauci commented that it appeared to be the consensus of the Committee to move forward with the production of the brochures and noted that a draft version would be made available for the next meeting.   She closed by stating that the brochure would be carefully reviewed to assure complete political neutrality in the content. 


Mr. Rosemier commented that while a more elaborate brochure might be more attention grabbing, it might work against the argument that the District needs the additional funds being requested.  However, he did request that a color other than white be considered during the design process.  Ms. Fauci noted that she would speak with Mr. Ken Campbell, head of the County Facilities Management unit, regarding what would be economic as well as effective.  She commented that she and Mr. Campbell had worked to transition the County to a recycled copy paper from a not-for-profit provided which had produced significant savings. 



Mr. Hannan noted that the Committee had received the annual request from the County Board office to review the Committee meeting time and dates. Following discussion, Ms. Fauci noted that it was the consensus of the Committee to keep the time and date unchanged. 



Mr. Hannan began by reporting that over the years there have been filming requests made to the District. Previously, there had been handled rather informally on a case to case basis.  However, given that the County had recently adopted a more comprehensive and uniform policy for filming at the County Courthouse, it appeared appropriate to bring the District policy in line.  Mr. Hannan then utilized elements from the County policy to frame a specific District policy for Committee review.  He noted that the proposed policy would protect both the District as well as the applicants by clearly spelling out expectations on both sides.  He then outlined the path of approval that would be required to adopt the policy.  He highlighted the items related to Hold Harmless and default clauses as well as a proposed $300 per day license fee.


Mr. Rosemier asked if the Security and Power Requirements section should specify that additional charges could be produced from these items.  Mr. Hannan noted that the historical extent of the security request had been to ask the Sheriff to provide an extra patrol past the areas.  As to power, he commented that the majority of users provide their own generators as they typically need more than the Preserve can provide. Mr. Rosemier commented that he simply meant that if additional services were requested, it should be clear that such additional expenses will be billed to the user rather than borne by the District.  Ms. Anderson noted that it was his feeling that the District should not provide any power allowance to potential users to evade any possibility of liability.


Mr. Hannan commented that it was the intent of the $300 per day fee to cover any minimal power usage that might occur.  Ms. Turner noted that if this policy has been built from the already approved template for Courthouse film usage, then such details had likely already been reviewed and approved by Mr. Matekaitis.


Mr. Anderson asked if any bond requirements had been set along with the security deposit.  Mr., Hannan responded that he believed a $500 bond had been used.

Mr. Anderson then asked what the District would do if a user damaged District property in excess of $500. Mr. Rosemier commented that there was a clause stating that the $300 fee was net of any other fees or expenses.  Mr. Anderson pressed that he felt a higher bond required up front would be far better than trying to recover damage costs from a user after the fact or working through their liability insurance carrier.  He then recommended that $1000 cash bond on top of the security deposit agreement. 


Mr. Lyle commented that he hoped there would be individuals who would want to use the District resources for filming purposes as that exposure would be very beneficial for the District as well. 

Ms. Fauci asked if there was language in the proposal requiring credit for the District if the facilities are used.  Mr. Hannan noted that he would add a proper credit clause where appropriate.


Mr. Fauci commended Mr. Hannan on his preparation of the proposal and directed him to prepare final resolution language for the next meeting, following a successful motion to adopt the proposed policy.


Mr. Lyle moved to approve the film policy as amended in discussion, seconded by Ms. Turner and the motion passed unanimously.



Mr. Hannan began by commenting that the weekend of January 21, 2006 would again be designated for Winterfest activities at Russell Woods.  He then introduced the Committee to Ms. Peggy Doty, Russell Woods Outdoor Educator from the Natural Resource Center, to present the details of the weekend’s activities.


Ms. Doty reported that in past years this had been a two-day event. However, she noted that previous attendance figures warranted adopting a one day schedule instead. She commented that wagon rides would again be provided, with draft horses donated from Mr. Phil Neilson of Waterman and she would be leading a bird watching group in the morning as well as other activities.  She commented that the intent of the Fest was to promote the District and its facilities and programs, so all activities would be free of charge.  She noted that many local boy scout groups find the weekend so enjoyable that they will book the cabins at the facilities far in advance, and currently have already booked for the 2007 event. 


She also pointed out that there would again be a candle dipping demonstration and Roger Watson from Genoa will again hold a rope making presentation.  She noted that many native American skills are traditionally highlighted as well. 


To increase participation, the Nature Center sent a letter to all of the past campers from the site outlining the weekend activities and schedule and encouraging their attendance.  She noted that they were encouraging the use of the event as a mini camp “reunion”.


A new activity this year will be a Bison hunt organized by Mr. Andrews, wherein groups of older children and adults will take turns learning tracking skills through the wooded areas.  For smaller children, Ms. Doty will be telling an interactive story centering on drought education that will be held during the Barnes and Noble sponsored story-time.


The day’s activities will also include hikes through the woods and sledding, if the weather permits, as well as a time for attendees to bring a picnic lunch and eat together. She closed by noting that it was the Center’s hope that the attendees would stay through the entire day.  Mr. Gudmunson asked if there were any age restrictions for the events. Ms. Doty responded that there were activities for all ages. 


Mr. Hannan then asked Ms. Doty to report on the Revenue Budget for the Center.  She noted that while in the past the Center has hit their Revenue Budget Goal of $23,000.00 and, in fact, exceeded the target goal by $800.00.  Ms. Doty reminded the Committee that this line is wholly funded by the $3.00 program fees for day activities, camping and $4.00 field trip fees. 


Ms. Fauci also asked if there had also been a donation to the Center.  Ms. Doty noted that there had been a $500.00 memorial received from Roger and Kathy Truman of Genoa.  Following their initial conversations, when Ms. Doty outlined what the $500.00 would be used for, the Truman’s added an additional $200.00 out of their own pockets.  The $700.00 will be used for new display tanks to be placed in the museum recently built by a local Eagle Scout.  She further noted that Petco had donated tanks for a tadpole display being done this year.


Mr. Rosemier noted that it would be good to have a meeting out at the facility after the renovations are completed. 


Ms. Fauci thanked Ms. Doty for her reports and turned the discussion to Mr. Hannan to discuss the progress of the Chronic Wasting Disease studies. 


Mr. Hannan reported that the DNR (Department of Natural Resources) has sent a “thank you” to the Committee for the use of the barn and facilities at Potawatomi Woods which they had recently used as a deer registration station.  He noted that they had sampled close to 30 deer by the end of the weekend.  Results have not yet come in for that group, but the DNR reported that there have been less positive CWD results in Winnebago, DeKalb and Ogle than in the previous year.

They believe this points to the program as a success to date.


Following a review of the results, they may return for another smaller hunt in March. 


Mr. Hannan commented that despite the lack of snow recently, many activities still continue in the preserves, such as the recent Christmas bird count. 


Mr. Rosemier asked about the usage figure presented in the report.  Mr. Hannan noted that while they can absolute track some usage (from shelter permits etc.), the others tend to be more estimates from observations of the Park managers.  Mr. Rosemier commented that it might be good to note that some of the figures presented are estimates. Mr. Hannan responded that he would make that addition. 


Mr. Anderson asked for additional explanation of an item in the submitted claims for $600.00 to Banner Up Signs.   Mr. Hannan responded that he recalled that apart of the bill was for replacement magnetic signswith the Forest Preserve logo for Forest Preserve and Park Manager vehicles and would get back to Mr. Anderson when he had a chance to review the bill further.  Mr. Anderson then asked what the large purchase of lumber from the Kirkland Saw Mill was used for.  Mr. Hannan replied that this was a purchase of 3” thick x 8-12” wide x 8ft long oak planks for the 40’ span trail bridge at Potawatomi Woods that will span Kingsbury Creek.  Mr. Anderson asked if any of the wood had been harvested from Forest Preserve land.  Mr. Hannan responded that it had not. Mr. Gudmunson asked if the bridge would be used for vehicle traffic.  Mr. Hannan responded that it was intended for foot and horse traffic only.  Ms. Fauci noted that the Committee will need to hold a meeting at that location in the Spring to review the improvements made. 


Mr. Hannan noted that the Illinois Parks and Recreation Conference meeting would be held in Chicago on January 27, 28, 2006.  He noted that this was an excellent opportunity for Forest Preserve Commissioners and staff from many areas to meet and discuss challenges and success with other Forest Preserve Districts. Seminars and talks would also be held.     


There will also be a meeting of the Illinois Greenways and Trails Coalition to be held at Starved Rock. Mr. Hannan will send information to the Committee members.


Mr. Rosemier asked if Mr. Hannan would report on the meeting dates for the local Astronomy clubs who meet in some of the area Preserves.  After relating several humorous moments he had with the group, Mr. Hannan commented that this was a highly knowledgeable and welcoming group.  He will forward the date information to anyone interested.


Mr. Hannan then closed by reporting that if the drier weather holds, the District will begin the process of late winter/early spring woodland burns to control non-native, invasive species.  He noted that there was been  success with reducing the spread of Garlic Mustard and Buckthorn in the Forest Preserve woodland management areas.





There were no items for discussion at this time.


Ms. Turner moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Lyle and the motion passed unanimously.


Attached are monthly reports and Forest Preserve activities.


Respectfully submitted,






Julia Fauci, Chairperson

Forest Preserve District Committee





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