DeKalb County Seal

DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Forest Preserve Committee

November 14, 2006

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The DeKalb County Forest Preserve District Committee met Tuesday, November 14, 2006 at the Conference Room East of the County Administration Building at 6:00 p.m.  In attendance were committee members Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Anderson, Ms. Turner, Mr. Rosemier and Superintendent Hannan. Ms. Fauci and Mr. Lyle were absent.  Guests included Jim McMurdo and Bill McMahon of the Kishwaukee Sunrise Rotary. Greg Millburg of the Farm Bureau, Natural Resources Education Center staff member Peggy Doty and Land Acquisition Consultant Dan Lobbes.



Mr. Gudmunson began by introducing the guests for the evening and then asked if there were any changed to the October 17, 2006 minutes.  Hearing none, Ms. Turner moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Mr. Anderson and the motion passed unanimously.



Mr. Gudmunson asked if there were any additions or corrections to the agenda. It was noted that item 7A would be moved up to item 4A as the Committee’s consultant, Mr. Dan Lobbes would be arriving a bit later than he had been originally scheduled. Mr. Anderson  moved to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Ms. Turner and the motion passed unanimously. 



Mr. McMurdo noted that he had prepared a brief Powerpoint presentation for the Committee regarding the 1st annual Kishwaukee Sunrise Rotary 8K run held last May at the newly opened Potatwatomi Woods Forest Preserve.  He noted that the event was especially important to the club as it also marked their 50th anniversary.


Following the presentation, Mr. McMurdo noted that the day was arousing success and noted that 104 individuals signed up to run that day with 94 finishing.  The winning time was recorded as 29 minutes 10 seconds. 


Mr. McMurdo then introduced Race chairman, Bill McMahon.  Mr. McMahon noted that the club was very interested in doing the run again in 2007 at the Woods location.  He commented that this would be the first of several meetings with village officials and the County sheriff’s office to secure agreement to allow the event to take place in ’07.  The proposed date would be May 19, 2007 with an 8:00 a.m. start.  It was noted that the U.S. Track and Field organization will once again certify the course.  Following the event, there was a runner’s survey and it was noted that the runners were very pleased with the course as laid out by the Race Committee. 


Mr. McMahon noted that because the U.S. Track and Field sanctioned the event, they were also able to handle all insurance for the day.  He further noted that this year they were considering an age limitation and the establishment of a secondary “fun run” for the children with a course inside the Preserve.  He will meet with Mr. Hannan and establish a map for that event. 


Mr. Rosemier asked if there were any problems with the roads or the closures.  Mr. McMahon responded that they had no difficulties thanks to the cooperation of the municipality as well as the Sheriff’s office staff. Mr. Rosemier then asked how the advertising was handled. Mr. McMahon responded that the Midweek and Chronicle donated some ad space and the he had placed the information in as many runner’s magazines and websites as he could.  He went on to comment that they also had quite a large turnout of female students from Sycamore High School.


Mr. McMahon then noted that in another year or so it will be the club’s intention to register the race with the Chicago Area Runners Association (CARA).  The recognition by CARA would encourage greater participation by runners seeking certified races.  However, there is a concern that CARA recognition might make the race too large for the Potawatomi venue. 


Mr. Hannan volunteered that his staff could arrange to put up the large tent again for registration and noted that they could also have the dedication for the new well pump at that time as well.  The pump will be dedicated to Rotary Member Gary Stapleton, who had worked diligently for several years digging and establishing wells for the Rotary’s Costa Rica well project.  Mr. Stapleton unfortunately had passed away in 2002 and the club felt that the dedication of a well in his name would be a fitting tribute and recognition of the hard work and commitment he had shown to the well project.  He closed by noting that they would be inviting local dignitaries, such as Bob Pritchard to attend the dedication.


Mr. Rosemier moved to approve the use of the Potawatomi Woods Preserve for the 2nd annual Kishwaukee Sunrise Rotary 8K Race in 2007, seconded by Mr. Anderson.  The motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Hannan close by thanking Mr. McMurdo and Mr. McMahon for their presentation and commented that he would be happy to give a presentation to their group in January or February about Forest Preserve activities. 



Mr. Hannan began by commenting that before the 2007 Budget could proceed a public hearing has to be held.  Mr. Gudmunson then declared the public hearing for the appropriation open and asked if there were any comments.  Hearing none the public hearing portion was closed. 



Mr. Hannan noted that the figures from the handout previously given to the Committee in October were still current with the exception of an increase in the NREC line from the estimated $2500 to an actual $3200.  This addition represents donations and fees received by the NREC Reserve Account.  He went on to note that the $3200 was above and beyond the reserves general $25,000 figure.  This reserve is held in the event there are years when the NREC does not meet its $25,000 annual operating figure.  Mr. Rosemier asked how large the reserve fund is at this time.  Mr. Hannan responded that the reserve is now at $17,000 and the $3,200 that will be shortly added.  Mr. Rosemier asked if there were any plans for the money aside from covering future shortfalls. 


Ms. Doty commented that when she took on the NREC responsibilities, the funds were handled by the U of I Extension office and staff. She commented that there is much tighter oversight now that the funds are considered a County managed account.  Mr. Rosemier then asked if the fund was larger than needed to cover simple shortfalls.  Mr. Doty noted that there was quite a bit of fluidity in their fund sources.  She noted that a large fund source was derived from the tipping fees at the local landfill.  Conversely, she noted that the NREC’s encouragement of recycling could, conceivably, mean a reduction of those fees in the future.  She also noted that the camp rates are very reasonable, and very popular – but are limited by the number of campers the facility and staff can accommodate.  She commented that this year there were no out-of-county students accepted into the camps as well as several waiting lists in place.  There is consideration of establishing a first-come-first-served approach with an additional out-of-count fee attached. Mr. Gudmunson thanked Ms. Doty for her comments.  



Mr. Hannan opened by thanking the Illinois Smallmouth Bass Alliance for their recent cleanup activities at Knute Olson  Forest Preserve.  He noted that during that same time, Forest Preserve volunteers held a seed collection at Potawatomi Woods sedge meadow. The Land Steward Program at Nehring Forest preserve (floodplain oak savannah openings) is coming along nicely.


He then reported that he had been contacted by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) regarding their Chronis Wasting Disease testing and eradication programs.  The District has participated for three years in the testing efforts as well as allowing IDNR staff to conduct herd reduction activities.  He noted that they would like to continue these activities in the winter 2006/2007 timeframe.  Mr. Rosemier asked what happened to the meat collected during the hunts.  Mr. Hannan responded that if the deer test negative for the disease, the meat is donated to a Rockford area food bank.  Mr. Anderson asked if they were using rifle or bows for the hunt.  Mr. Hannan responded that they generally use slug shotguns.  He went on to note that Scott Jacoby, a wildlife biologist with the IDNR volunteered his phone number to any committee members who had questions.  Mr. Anderson asked if they had a new population count established.  Mr. Hannan responded that he did not know, but would ask them.  He reminded the committee that the IDNR’s target goal was 25 deer per square mile, and in several places had encountered numbers as high as 125 per square mile in the Kishwaukee River corridor in DeKalb and Winnebago Counties. 


Mr. Gudmunson noted that, by consensus, the Committee agreed to allow the IDNR continue their activities in the coming months. 


Mr. Hannan then noted that the final billing for the OSLAD grant has been completed and mailed to Springfield.  $70,000 will be coming to the County within the next few weeks and will be placed into the 2006 Receivables.

Mr. Hannan closed by congratulating the returning Board members and thanked the Committee for their hard work and dedication over the past years.   



Prior to the beginning of Mr. Lobbes report, Mr. Gudmunson asked for a motion to enter Executive Session.  Mr. Rosemier moved the Committee into executive session for the purpose of discussing land acquisition, seconded by Mr. Anderson. A roll call vote was held and the motion passed with 4 Committee members voting in the affirmative and none in the negative.  Following the Executive Session, Mr. Anderson moved to return the Committee to public Session, seconded by Mr. Rosemier and a roll call vote was held and the motion passed with 4 Committee members voting in the affirmative and none in the negative. 



Mr. Anderson moved to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Turner and the motion passed unanimously. 


 Respectfully submitted,





John Gudmunson, Chairperson

Forest Preserve District Committee




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