Official County Seal of DeKalb Illinois County Government

Supplemental Minutes of the
Health & Human Services Committee

February 9, 2006

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In discussion of the Department’s relationship with the Community Contacts Program, Mary Olson indicated that the program includes three components: the CSBG, Headstart, and LIHEAP. Most counties in the State each administer their allocations for all three programs. Although DeKalb County handles its own administration of the CSBG and the Headstart funds, its share of the LIHEAP funds is administered by Kane County. As such, it is only one of the two counties with such an arrangement; Champaign County being the other. Bob Rosemier commented on his observation of LIHEAP reports that the home improvement (remodeling) grants never seemed to include any homes in DeKalb County. Mary Olson also added that it was her understanding that DeKalb’s portion of the LIHEAP funds (to help with utility bills) were never completely used up each year and were then reallocated to Kane County’s pool and used by them. A discussion was held about possible reasons for this under-usage/reallocation. Bob Rosemier mentioned that Steve Slack, another County Board member, was on the administrative board of Community Contacts and that he would ask Steve to look into this information. Mary Olson mentioned that efforts had been made for some time to get the administration of DeKalb’s portion transferred back to DeKalb County, but seemed to be going nowhere. Questions were raised as to whom should be contacted. Federal funds were involved but were administered by the State, so that is probably where efforts should begin. Changing demographics of our County might be used to advance our arguments. Rosemier asked Olson whether the administration of this program would create an undue burden on her Department’s resources. She felt that although it would require additional work, that they could handle it, and that it would be a logical extension of her current services.  

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