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DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the

November 28, 2006

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Wolf, R.N., President; Russell Bishop, Psy.D., Vice President; Jean Gastiger, R.N., F.N.P.; Jesus Romero; Linda Liston, M.D.; John Olson, D.D.S.; Mary Beth Shear, M.D.; Stephen Slack; Scott Starkweather


BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT:  Mike Groark, J.D.; Deborah Schelkopf, D.V.M.






On a motion by Mr. Starkweather, seconded by Dr. Bishop, the minutes of the Board of Health meeting of September 26, 2006, were approved.  Motion carried.


On a motion by Dr. Shear, seconded by Mr. Romero, the Executive Session minutes of May 25, 2004, May 23, 2006 and September 26, 2006, were approved.  Motion carried.






On a motion by Dr. Bishop, seconded by Mrs. Gastiger, the Board of Health entered into executive session at 7:35 p.m. for the purpose of discussing a personnel issue and Union update.  Those voting aye included Mr. Wolf, Dr. Bishop, Mrs. Gastiger, Mr. Romero, Dr. Olson, Dr. Shear, Mr. Slack and Mr. Starkweather.  Motion carried.


On a motion by Mr. Romero, seconded by Dr. Olson, the Board of Health reconvened to regular session at 7:55 p.m.  Those voting aye included Mr. Wolf, Dr. Bishop, Mrs. Gastiger, Mr. Romero, Dr. Olson, Dr. Shear, Mr. Slack and Mr. Starkweather.  Motion carried.






Mrs. Grush introduced Bette Chilton, new Director of Personal Health Services, replacing Jane Lux who will assume her new position as Assistant Administrator on December 1.  Bette has been a Public Health nurse and teacher for 24 years.  She worked for a number of years at the Health Department before leaving and becoming one of the original founders of the TriCounty Community Health Clinic.  She returned to the Health Department as a temporary part-time employee working childhood clinics about eight years ago.  Since then, she has assumed the positions of WIC Coordinator and FCM/WIC Coordinator.  Bette has her masters’ degree in Maternal Child Health nursing and has been a great asset to the Health Department. 


The DeKalb County Board passed the 2007 Budget, with all agency requests approved. 


Preliminary work has begun on closing out the financial books for FY2006.  Sikich, L.L.P., has begun the auditing process.  A tentative unaudited year-end report will be provided for the Board at the January meeting. 


Mrs. Grush pointed out an article in The Midweek regarding the development of a task force by Senator Burzynski and Representative Pritchard to address the issue of access to health care for Medicaid patients in DeKalb County.  She explained that this is an issue not only locally, but statewide, with the reimbursement level of Medicaid low, as well as a delay in receiving that reimbursement, resulting in limited participation by medical providers.  Mrs. Grush has become a member of their Task Force.  While one solution would be a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), Mrs. Grush does not feel DeKalb County would qualify because of its affluency when compared to many other areas.  DeKalb County’s poverty and uninsured level cannot compete with many other areas in the country, so it would be very unlikely the county could get federal funding.  Another option would be to establish a satellite clinic in DeKalb County from an established FQHC, such as Crusader Clinic in Rockford.  Some FQHCs are having financial concerns because of the increase in uninsured and costs not being covered.  


Mr. Slack asked how an FQHC would affect TriCounty’s operation.  Mrs. Grush responded that a FQHC would provide more extensive services, including mental health, dental and 24-hour coverage, which TriCounty does not provide.  Mrs. Lux responded that a county cannot have both clinics.


Mr. Slack stated that an Aurora newspaper reported on the substantial number of undocumented immigrants that have applied for AllKids in Fox Valley and asked about the number of applicants in DeKalb County.  Mrs. Chilton stated that she was unsure of the numbers since not all applicants come through the Health Department as they can apply online or go directly to the Department of Human Services office.  Mrs. Grush added that the Governor is pushing to get all eligible children signed up; however, there are not adequate providers to accept them as patients.. 


Mrs. Gastiger reported that she read an interpretation of the Rule that children of immigrants must provide proof of citizenship.  Mrs. Chilton responded that the federal law does state that proof of citizenship must be shown so it is necessary to send in a copy of the birth certificate.  She added that the State law says that individuals under the age of 18 or pregnant women can apply, regardless of citizenship.  She has been told to send these in without a birth certificate if one is not available.  Mr. Romero asked if individuals without proper documentation could obtain medical coverage.  Mrs. Chilton responded that they can, pointing out that pregnant women always could apply and now children under the age of 18 years can if they meet income guidelines.  Mrs. Grush stated that she feels reimbursement for children and pregnant women is quicker, while many other services are paid quite late.  Mr. Romero stated that he had translated for a couple that wanted to pay for services, but the provider wouldn’t take the money and would only see the patient if they applied for Medicaid.  He pointed out that there are a lot of Hispanics that are honest and are looking for a better way of living and that do pay their bills.  He added that the Hispanic culture is such that they pay up front for services and save for that.  A number of those he translated for wanted to pay for care.


Mrs. Grush reported that this was a difficult year for flu vaccine.  It was necessary to cancel clinics because of the lack of available vaccine.  She added that it will be necessary next year to re-evaluate this program.  Right now, the agency has 900 doses left and many other providers are also trying to sell their surplus. 


Mr. Drake, Director of Environmental Health, stated that unusual problems reported over the past two months included an individual making deer sausage in his garage and killing pigs in his back yard.  Mr. Wolf asked about the event recyclers.  Mr. Drake reported that ten of these see-through containers were purchased by the agency to loan to not-for-profit agencies for recycling of aluminum cans at events.  They have already been loaned out several times.


Mrs. Lux, Director of Personal Health Services, reported on staffing issues in the Division, including internal changes of positions.  Staff was able to manage and continue providing services, even when over caseload.  An HIV Case Manager, Stacia Runge, has been hired.  We are in the process of hiring a Maternal Child Health nurse or nutritionist, and a WIC secretary has been hired.  Interviews are also being conducted for an HIV Prevention Specialist to replace Brad Daehn who took a position in the regional office. 


Mrs. Zanellato, Director of Health Education, reported that all projects are going very well.  Her division is in the process of launching the Volunteer Responder (VR) Program, which will recruit volunteers to work in an emergency.  At the exercise in March 2006, it was determined that 800 to 1,000 workers would be needed to treat the 100,000 DeKalb County residents within 48 hours.  Currently, we have 22 volunteers.  Mrs. Zanellato reported that this program will be promoted strongly to civic groups and other sources beginning in early 2007.  The first VR newsletter was included in the Board packet.  She added that the web page is almost ready.  Staff are getting the group of volunteers together and communicating with them and sharing training opportunities to establish a core group of volunteers.  It is hoped that several hundred volunteers will be recruited.  Mr. Wolf asked if this was our program or one that was developed elsewhere.  Mrs. Zanellato responded that it is our program, but that most health departments are also conducting recruitment programs.  The Federal Medical Reserve Corps is coming out with a program that is geared toward non-medical personnel and she will be looking at that. 


Mr. Wolf asked about the flu clinic exercise in November.  Mrs. Carroll, Communicable Disease Coordinator, reported that the NIU clinic was used as an exercise.  Mrs. Grush reported the drill was to determine the through-put of patients in one hour, adding that it went very well.  Mrs. Carroll stated that the result was one vaccine administered per minute.  Mrs. Grush feels patients could be pushed through faster were it an actual event. 


Dr. Liston asked about the STD presentations and wondered if Gardasil was discussed during these.  Mrs. Zanellato responded that the presentations are provided to new immigrants with very limited English at the high school level.  She stated that one of our health educators is a Hispanic NIU student that helps with this program.  The information provided is very basic and the goal is to create a safe atmosphere and to provide information about where to seek help, such as in our Family Planning Program. 


Dr. Liston asked if the Health Department was administering Gardasil.  Mrs. Lux responded that we are not yet providing this, but will be purchasing some and are also waiting for it to become available through the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program.  Mrs. Carroll stated that we will also be carrying Zivorax for shingles but no prices are known yet.  This vaccine is licensed for those 60 plus years of age and she is hopeful that Medicare will cover this cost. 



FINANCIAL DATA            


Mrs. Grush pointed out that a distribution of current property tax was actually for the Highway Dept and not us, so this line item will decrease with the correction.  She added that a check in the amount of $7,500 was received from a long-time Home Care patient who is soon turning 100 years old.  She indicated that she has been told this check is to be received for the next eight years.  Mrs. Gastiger asked if there was any stipulation on how this money is to be spent, and Mrs. Grush responded that there were none.  She did make a visit to the gentleman’s home to thank him.


On a motion by Mrs. Gastiger, seconded by Dr. Bishop, the Financial Statements for the months of September and October 2006 and the Claims for the months of October and November 2006 were approved.  Motion carried. 







Position Reclassification

Mrs. Grush is requesting a change in classification from Coordinator of Support Staff, Personal Health Services Division, to FCM/WIC/Pediatric Services Support Staff Team Leader.  The coordinator position was implemented in 2002, but experience has shown that having two supervisors over one program with some staff under one supervisor and others under a different supervisor does not work; one person needs to be in charge of the entire program.  This change would take place on December 1, 2006.


Salary Adjustments

Mrs. Grush reported that this is the time of year when she reviews salaries with the start of the new budget on December 1.  Based on recent new hires, two Public Health Nurses warrant adjustment.


Mrs. Grush is recommending a 10% salary adjustment for Deb Rolf, Home Care Clinical Care Coordinator, effective October 30, 2006, to function as the Home Care Program Supervisor in accordance with Licensure Requirements for Home Health Agencies. 


Mr. Starkweather made a motion, seconded by Dr. Olson, to change the classification of Coordinator of Support Staff, Personal Health Services Division, to FCM/WIC/Pediatric Services Support Staff Team Leader, effective December 1, 2006; to increase the salaries of Ms. Cintora by 50¢ per hour and Ms. Henna by 10¢ per hour as a market adjustment, effective December 1, 2006; and, to adjust the salary of Deb Rolf by 10%, effective October 30, 2006, in functioning in her role as Home Care Program Supervisor.  Motion carried.


Nominating Committee


Board of Health Member Replacements

Dr. Shear reported that she had called Kevin Buick, a DeKalb attorney, to determine his interest in serving on the Board of Health.  Mr. Starkweather indicated that he has served with Mr. Buick on the Foundation Board of the Family Service Agency for the last two years and reported that he does an excellent job and has regular attendance.


Dr. Olson and Mrs. Gastiger have both agreed to remain on the Board as reappointments for a three-year term.


It was noted that Dr. Schelkopf has missed five out of the last six meetings this year and questioned what the Bylaws say about attendance and membership on the board.  Mrs. Grush responded that non-attendance is a reason to be replaced.  She reported that this is Dr. Schelkopf’s last year on the Board.   Mr. Wolf asked Mrs. Grush to call her and determine her interest and availability in continuing to serve this final year on the Board.  If Dr. Schelkopf does resign, the Nominating Committee will need to obtain a veterinary replacement. 


Dr. Shear made a motion, seconded by Dr. Liston, that Dr. Olson and Mrs. Gastiger be recommended for reappointment to the Board for a three-year term and Mr. Kevin Buick be recommended as the attorney replacement to a three-year term.  Motion carried.



2007 Slate of Officers

The following slate of officers for the Board of Health for 2007 was recommended:


President: Dr. Bishop

Vice president: Mr. Wolf

Secretary: Mrs. Gastiger


On a motion by Dr. Shear, seconded by Dr. Olson, the 2007 slate of officers for the Board of Health was approved with Dr. Bishop as President, Mr. Wolf as Vice President and Mrs. Gastiger as Secretary.  Motion carried.



Mrs. Grush recognized Mr. Slack for his efforts with health and human services in DeKalb County.  


Mr. Wolf was also recognized for his service as President of the Board this past year and thanked him for always being available to her.


Mrs. Grush indicated that a County Board replacement will be appointed at the County Board meeting in January 2007.





Newspaper articles for the months of September and October covered flu clinics, the anticipated increase in Home Care services with more than 77 million “baby boomers” on the verge of retirement, Home Health Care Month, access to health care by Medicaid patients, electronic recycling, and getting your home checked for radon.





On a motion by Dr. Bishop, seconded by Dr. Olson, the Board of Health adjourned at 9:13 p.m.  Motion carried.





Deborah Schelkopf, D.V.M., Secretary

DeKalb County Board of Health


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