DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the

December 4, 2006


Board Members Present:  Doug Fraley, Janice Abizaid, Andrea Gargani, Robert Krogman, Charles Rose,

                                           Jeannette Vaupel


Board Members -Excused Absence:  Cynthia Luxton, Eileen Dubin

Board Members - Absent:  None

Other Persons Present:  Mr. Brian Kerner, Burnidge Cassell Associates

  Office staff:  Kathy Ostdick, Elizabeth Carney.





The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. Fraley at 7:05 p.m.



Mr. Fraley suggested moving the Gordon Center Roof project update to the first item after Introductions.


Ms. Vaupel moved to approve the amended agenda.  Seconded by Mr. Krogman.  The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote. 



There were no introductions.



Board members noted three typographical errors in the draft minutes.  


Mr. Krogman moved to approve the minutes of the August 2006 Board meeting as corrected; seconded by Ms. Abizaid.  The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote.



Mr. Fraley introduced Mr. Brian Kerner, architect with Burnidge Cassell, Inc.  Mr. Kerner gave a brief report on the Ben Gordon Center re-roofing project.  The construction work on the roof is completed. 

The roofers are now taking care of the “punch list” given to them by Mr. Kerner.  He is also working on the final paperwork. 


Mr. Kerner passed around pictures and a sample of the old roof above the community room.  This was the large section of the roof for which there was a change order in the construction contract.  This section required complete reconstruction as the plywood under the shingles was delaminated.  The amount of the change order was $22,712.  He also noted that he will prepare  a status report on the progress of the “punch list” for the next Board meeting. 




Mr. Krogman brought in two newspaper articles.  One was about the Needs Assessment project that is a collaborative project of the Mental Health Board and several governmental and not-for-profit funding entities in the County.  The other was about the death of a boy, who had a severe mental illness, after police used a tazer gun on him to control his behavior.  Discussion ensued about the importance of law enforcement personnel being educated about dealing with persons with mental illness. 


Ms. Carney passed around a letter from the Gordon Center Board of Directors thanking the Mental Health Board for the new roof on the Center.  She also passed around several newspaper articles about funded agencies.



Ms. Carney presented the October revenue and expenditure reports.  The expenditure categories are well within the projected monthly and year-to-date percentages.  The November report was not available since the Board meeting was taking place earlier in the month than the report is available. 


Ms. Abizaid moved to approve the November 2006 agency claims in the amount of $117,214.00; seconded by Mr. Krogman.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Ms. Abizaid moved to approve the November 2006 office claims in the amount of $87,342.75; seconded by Ms. Gargani.   The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Ms. Abizaid moved to approve the December 2006 agency claims in the amount of $117,489.00; seconded by Ms. Vaupel.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Ms. Abizaid moved to approve the December 2006 office claims in the amount of $56,389.06; seconded by Ms. Gargani.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.




Ms. Carney presented the following:


Ø     A visit by Ms. Carney and Ms. Ostdick to the Ecker Center, the community mental health center in Elgin.  Ms. Gargani is the Director of Nursing and Medical Services and she

gave the Board staff an informative tour of the facility.

Ø     The Community Needs Assessment project has asked for $2,250 instead of “up to” the $2,500 allocated by the Board. 


Ø     The Equine-Assisted Therapy program.  Ms. Carney and Ms. Ostdick visited the stable

      and participated in a mini-session to view the program first-hand.  Hope Haven is

reporting positive changes in the Transitional Housing residents who participated in the

program.  Outcome measurements will be given to the Board.

Ø     The Juvenile Justice Committee, which is chaired by the State’s Attorney.  Ms. Carney serves on the Alcohol and Substance Abuse committee. 


Ø     A letter Ms. Carney sent to the Gordon Center requesting an explanation about the contribution made by the Gordon Center to a political campaign, as reported in

a local newspaper.  The letter was sent upon the advice of the Board’s attorney.

It requested that the Center respond by letter affirming that no Board funds have

been used for political contributions in either this case or in the past. 

Ø     The Gordon Center’s request for funding for a Consumer Advocate position.  It

was decided to postpone consideration of the request until the Grant Year 2008

funding hearings in March. 

Ø     Ms. Carney reported to the Board that Mr. Flora has tried to quickly promote a Juvenile Jail Based Therapy program.  Ms. Carney has suggested that this be set aside until all relevant parties be included.   


Ø     The upcoming Suicide Prevention Workshop that the Board is co-sponsoring with

Suicide Prevention Services, Inc., Batavia, IL. 

Ø     The Gordon Center Building insurance issues are still outstanding.  The Center had

been apprised of the Board’s request for the County to be named the “Owner”

on the All Risk and Public Liability insurance for the Center, as directed in the

lease.  The changes were not made; the Board office is following up on this.  

Ø     The Board discussed its desire to recognize Ms. Parker for her service to the Board.    



The Lease Committee reported that there has been no response from the Gordon Center to the lease sent to them in October.  The Lease Committee is following-up on this.  




Ø      Ms. Carney reported that the Board’s FY07 levy request was approved.

Ø      She reported that she presented the Board’s annual report to the County Board’s Health & Human Services Committee.


Ø      The Board discussed the possibility of Board members being able to “attend” Board meetings by phone.  Ms. Abizaid and Ms. Vaupel will meet with Ms. Carney and Ms. Ostdick to decide if this is a workable option for the Board and if so, so make the appropriate arrangements.   An

amendment to the By-Laws will be required to implement this option. 

Ø      The recent Disaster Preparedness Training was discussed.  The Training was attended by some staff of most of the agencies that the Board funds.  It was well received and from a training

perspective was very successful.  More trainings will follow to develop a group of competent volunteers to provide mental health services if there is a county-wide medication distribution event. 


Ø      The current Board vacancy was discussed.  Mr. Fraley would like to take time to find a replacement board member to help ensure that diversity is maintained on the Board. 


Ø      Mr. Fraley presented his rationale to request that the Executive Committee begin monthly meetings.  They will begin in January.    




The draft 2007 Board meeting calendar was presented.

Ms. Abizaid moved to adopt the 2007 calendar as presented; seconded by Mr. Krogman.  The motion passed unanimously.


The March funding hearings were discussed.  It was decided that if more time slots are needed, that the Board office should try to group smaller agencies together and adjust time slots to 20 minutes.


Also the Board developed recommendations for agency presentations at the Hearings:

·        Include outcomes, not just numbers of clients who present for services

·        Include line staff discussing their services

·        Present more information about client needs, or even have presentations by clients, as appropriate

·        Include presentations by agency board members  


Monthly meetings for the Executive Committee were discussed in Old Business. Mr. Fraley and Ms. Carney also discussed the need for additional standing committees such as a Finance Committee.


The Board had a general discussion about its role and implementing that role, especially in situations

in which an agency is not cooperative with Board requests.  It was suggested that one place to address this issue is at the Funding Hearings. 





The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




_____________________________________            ___________________________________

Janice Abizaid, Board Secretary                                              Kathy Ostdick, Recording Secretary



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