DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the

July 24, 2006


Board Members Present:  Doug Fraley, Norm Gilbert, Robert Krogman, Janice Abizaid, Jeannette Vaupel,   

                                             Andrea Gargani, Regina Parker, Charles Rose


Board Members -Excused Absence:  Eileen Dubin

Board Members - Absent:  None

Other Persons Present:  Office staff:  Elizabeth Carney, Kathy Ostdick. 

                                          Others:  Richard Salazar, John Froom, Robert Putz




The meeting was called to order by the President, Doug Fraley at 7:03 p.m.


Mr. Fraley presented Mr. Gilbert, who is retiring from the Board this month, with a plaque to commemorate his ten years of service on the Board.  Board members also expressed their appreciation. 



Mr. Krogman made a motion to move “Community Input” to the first item after the approval of the agenda, and to approve the amended agenda.  Seconded by Ms. Parker.  The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote. 




On behalf of the Board, Mr. Krogman introduced Mr. Robert Putz and presented him with a plaque to thank him for his work  on behalf of the county’s mental health consumers as a Founder and President of the Consumer Advocacy Council of DeKalb County.  Mr. Salazar, the new President of CACDC, also thanked Mr. Putz for his dedication.   He then talked about changes that the Counsel is implementing in the consumer awards program with the help of the DeKalb County Community Mental Health Board office.  John Froom, Vice-President of the CACDC, then spoke about the proposed “Consumer Advocate” position for which the Ben Gordon Center will be requesting funds from the Board and encouraged the Board’s support.  



Introductions were made above. 




Ms. Vaupel moved to approve the minutes of the May, 2006 Board meeting; seconded by Ms. Abizaid.  The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote.


Mr. Gilbert moved to approve the minutes of the June, 2006 Board meeting; seconded by Mr. Rose.  The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote.





Ms. Carney passed out various newspaper articles on local agencies and also on domestic abuse, teen depression, suicide and the State’s financial problems.  She then discussed an article submitted by Ms. Gargani on State funding for services. 




Ms. Carney presented the monthly revenue and expenditure report.   The expenditures are well

within the expected monthly and year-to-date percentages.


Ms. Parker moved to approve the May 2006 agency claims in the amount of $116,186.00; seconded by Ms. Abizaid.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Ms. Parker moved to approve the May 2006 office claims in the amount of $1,485.10; seconded by Mr. Gilbert.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Ms. Parker moved to approve the June, 2006 agency claims in the amount of $114,918.00; seconded by Mr. Rose.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Mr. Parker moved to approve the June, 2006 office claims in the amount of $4,319.61; seconded by Mr. Krogman.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. 




Ms. Carney presented the following: 

A.     A Gordon Center roof project update from Burnidge Cassell.  Ms. Carney reviewed the bid process and its timeline.  She also reported that a recent core sample of the roof identified an additional layer of insulation that was not included in the original estimate.  This will impact the final cost. 


B.     Ms. Carney informed the Board that the office has been having a great deal of problems with its computers.  The current computers are 4 years old and were refurbished models when purchased.  The office staff’s request is to replace 2 computers at an estimated cost of $2,700. 


Mr. Fraley moved to purchase new computers up to the amount of $3,500.00; seconded by Ms. Gargani.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


C.     Ms. Carney met with the director of Suicide Prevention Services in Batavia, Illinois, and the agency’s Board president, Chuck Siebrasse.  The state-funded agency has funds available for training in DeKalb County.   The plan is to provide a full-day training on suicide prevention and after care for mental health professionals and a half-day training for area teachers.  Ms. Carney will report to the Board as preparations for the trainings are completed.  The Board may be asked to support the training in some way.  The Board affirmed the importance of funding suicide prevention services and expressed a willingness to support the training. 



D.     Ms. Carney reported that preparations are continuing for a half-day training to prepare area agency staff to  provide mental health services/crisis intervention in the event that medication would be distributed due to a county-wide bio-terrorism attack or a flu pandemic.  She requested that the Board provide financial support for this training as a part of its responsibility for mental health services in a disaster.  She will provide specific details as they are available.  The Board discussed the importance of mental health services during a community crisis and expressed a desire to support the training. 


E.      As the Board and the County are moving into the Fiscal Year 2007 budget deliberations, Ms.

Carney reviewed the process, and the Mental Health Board’s role and responsibilities. 





Jeannette Vaupel, chair of the Personnel Committee, presented the following nominations for the Grant Year 2007 Officers:


Mr. Doug Fraley             President

Mr. Chuck Rose             Vice President

Ms. Janice Abizaid          Secretary


Mr. Fraley moved to approve the nominated slate of officers; seconded by Ms. Parker.  The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote.


Two members of the Board’s Lease Committee, Doug Fraley and Bob Krogman, reported that they met with the Ben Gordon Center lease committee.  They then met with the third Board Committee member, Charles Rose, and discussed the Center’s presentation and reviewed the most recent lease.  The Committee decided to request that the State’s Attorney’s office draw up a draft lease.  After the draft is prepared, the Committee will meet with the State’s Attorney’s office to discuss the lease and revise it, if needed, based on the attorney’s recommendations, and then report back to the full Board.  After the Board approves the draft, it will be presented to the Gordon Center.


Mr. Fraley stated that during a discussion about the lease the Gordon Center had asked about the possibility of the gift or sale of the building to the Center Board.  For the benefit of the newer Board members, Mr. Fraley reviewed the history of the Gordon Center building, and the Board’s rationale when it declined to comply with this request when it was previously raised a couple of years ago. 


The Office Space Committee reported that they had met twice.  Mr. Fraley reviewed the progress that the Committee had made to date on studying this issue and preparing their recommendation.  They will make a full recommendation at the August meeting.  Ms. Carney briefly discussed building payment options.




There were no items of Old Business. 




Ms. Carney reviewed the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2007 and it was discussed by the Board.


Mr. Gilbert moved to approve the Fiscal Year 2007 budget as presented and the corresponding levy rate request of 0.10433; seconded by Ms. Vaupel.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.






The meeting was adjourned at 9:38 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,





_____________________________________            ___________________________________

Janice Abizaid, Board Secretary                                              Kathy Ostdick, Recording Secretary

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