DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the

October 16, 2006


Board Members Present:  Doug Fraley, Janice Abizaid, Eileen Dubin, Robert Krogman, Cindy Luxton,

                                             Charles Rose


Board Members -Excused Absence:  Andrea Gargani, Jeannette Vaupel

Board Members - Absent:  None

Other Persons Present:  Mr. Brian Kerner, Burnidge Cassell Associates; Mr. Vic Verni, Epilepsy Foundation;

                                          Mr. Jerry Strachan, Ben Gordon Center.

  Office staff:  Kathy Ostdick, Elizabeth Carney.






The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. Fraley at 7:08 p.m.




Mr. Fraley suggested moving two agenda items, the Gordon Center Roof Project update and the Epilepsy Foundation report, to the first item after Introductions.


Ms. Dubin moved to approve the amended agenda.  Seconded by Ms. Abizaid.  The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote




Mr. Fraley introduced the new board member, Ms. Luxton, Dean of Professional Services at Rock Valley College.  Ms. Luxton told the Board about her extensive background in mental health and education. The Board members then introduced themselves to her. 


Mr. Fraley informed the Board that Ms. Parker has resigned from the Board.  He noted that she had served on the Board for ten years and that her presence will be missed.  Board members expressed their appreciation for her service. 




Board members noted two typographical errors in the draft minutes.  


Mr. Krogman moved to approve the minutes of the August 2006 Board meeting as corrected; seconded by Ms. Dubin.  The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote.





Mr. Fraley introduced Mr. Vic Verni of the Epilepsy Foundation.  Mr. Verni reported that Dr. Roth, the neurologist that has served the Epilepsy Clinic for many years, has retired.  The new neurologist, Dr. Ghabra, is working with the Epilepsy Foundation on a possible expansion of clinic services.  The local Foundation office will soon move into a larger space on the Kishwaukee Hospital campus, and when the new hospital is opened, they will be moving into the new building. 


Mr. Fraley introduced Mr. Brian Kerner, architect with Burnidge Cassell, Inc.  Mr. Kerner gave a brief report on the Ben Gordon Center re-roofing project.  There has been some rain-related delay, but the project is proceeding in a timely fashion.  Mr. Kerner is making site visits and will maintain communication with the Board office.    





Ms. Carney passed around several newspaper articles and flyers about local agencies, mental health, and developmental disability issues.   She also passed out an announcement from Safe Passage about its annual fundraising event, “Evening of Chocolate”.


Office staff will be going to the Illinois National Alliance on Mental Illness conference in Northbrook on Friday, October 20, 2006.  An officer of the Consumer Advocacy Council of DeKalb County has been asked to participate on a panel presentation about the recovery model of mental illness treatment.  Other CACDC members may also attend the conference. 





Ms. Carney presented the August and September revenue and expenditure reports.  The expenditure categories are well within the projected monthly and year-to-date percentages.


Mr. Krogman moved to approve the September 2006 agency claims in the amount of $122,604.00; seconded by Ms. Abizaid.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Mr. Krogman moved to approve the September 2006 office claims in the amount of $8,135.06; seconded by Ms. Abizaid   The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Mr. Krogman moved to approve the October 2006 agency claims in the amount of $121,009.00; seconded by Mr. Rose.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Mr. Krogman moved to approve the October 2006 office claims in the amount of $2,433.12; seconded by Mr. Rose.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.





Ms. Carney presented the following:

Ø      Drug court update – The Court is now accepting referrals up to a total caseload of 15 clients for this initial period. 


Ø      During the course of participation in the Drug Court Planning Team, it was learned that the Mental

Health Board may possibly be of some assistance with medication costs for inmates in the county

Jail.  Ms. Carney will work with the jail staff to assess this need and report back to the Board.


Ø      Mr. Dennis Smith, a consultant with the Association of Mental Health Authorities of Illinois, the Board’s state association, recently met with a number of Board-funded agencies to discuss agency Medicaid certification.  In addition to the advantages of creating client choice in services and

agency revenue diversification, if the Board participates in the Medicaid Match program, there may be the potential to increase allocations to the agency.  There was some interest in learning more about certification and interested agencies will follow up with their governing boards. 


Ø      Ms. Dubin provided the Board office with information about potential grant resources for jail diversion and jail treatment programs for the mentally ill.  Board staff will investigate these

resources and report back to the Board.


Ø      The Board office has been investigating teleconferencing capabilities to enable Board members

who will be out of state during some winter months to participate in Board meetings.   Ms. Ostdick presented the advantages and disadvantages of two options.  Members felt that more

information was needed and asked that other options be explored. 


Ø      Ms. Carney and Ms. Ostdick gave an update on the reorganization of the Consumer Advocacy

Council of DeKalb County.   The Council officers have refined award criteria and identified other

organizational issues that need improvement.  Award requests have decreased and this is being

monitored by the Board office. 


The Board also discussed a previously received request from the Ben Gordon Center for a new

position of consumer advocate to work as a peer counselor for Reality House clients.   The item was tabled.  





The Gordon Center Lease Committee will present its report in the Executive Session. 





Gordon Center Roof:  Mr. Kerner’s report was given earlier in the meeting.


New Office Space:  Ms. Carney gave an up-date on the progress of the new County building.  Discussions have started with the architect regarding office furniture needs.


Agency billing practices:  Ms. Carney gave a report on progress to date regarding the Board’s evaluation of purchase of care billing practices.  John Farrell, State’s Attorney’s office, has been assisting the Board with this and will continue. 


Ms. Carney will be meeting with Herb Holderman of the DeKalb County Veteran’s Commission to continue their discussion about evaluating the availability of existing mental health services for returning veterans. 





Epilepsy Foundation:  Mr. Verni’s update was given at the beginning of the Board meeting. 


Disaster Preparedness Training:  The Board is responsible to plan for the provision of mental health services in a community-wide disaster, such as a medication distribution event in response to the release of a biological agent or the occurrence of a pandemic flu.  As partial fulfillment of the plan, the Board is sponsoring a Crisis Intervention training on November 9, 2006, for designated staff from Board-funded agencies.  These staff members will be released from their usual duties at the agencies to provide mental health services during a countywide medication distribution event.   The Board has previously expressed interest in financially supporting this type of training as a part of their mental health disaster preparedness responsibility.    


Ms. Carney requested a motion to allocate $400 to Jerry Lane, Crisis Ready Consulting, the presenter for the scheduled training.   The Board discussed the request.


Ms. Dubin moved to allocate $400 for the Mental Health Services Disaster Preparedness Training on November 9, 2006, from line item 8201, Unallocated/Board Initiatives, as a one-time payment to the presenter, Jerry Lane; seconded by Ms. Luxton.  The roll call vote was as follows:  Ms. Abizaid, yes; Ms. Dubin, yes; Mr. Krogman, yes; Ms. Luxton, yes; Mr. Rose, no; Mr. Fraley, yes.  The motion passed on the roll call vote.


Community Needs Assessment:  The need for an updated community assessment was identified by the DeKalb County Human Services Initiative, a group of area funding entities comprised of the Kishwaukee United Way, DeKalb County Community Foundation, City of DeKalb Community Services, DeKalb County Community Services, and the DeKalb County Community Mental Health Board. The assessment will evaluate the county’s human services’ strengths and needs.  The most recent community assessment was completed in 1989 and is no longer adequate to assist the funding entities in developing their strategic funding plans.   The group has been working with a staff member of the Center for Governmental Studies, Northern Illinois University, for the planning and the implementation of the project.  This assessment will be of assistance to the Mental Health Board in meeting its goal of completing a focused assessment of the DeKalb County community mental health services and needs. 


Each entity has been asked to contribute to the funding of the first phase of the assessment, and the group has asked that the Mental Health Board contribute $2,500 to the cost.  The Board discussed the value of community assessments and the importance of completing one at this time.   Several concerns were raised, including that assessments of this type sometimes provide little useful information, especially when the information is compared to the study’s cost.   Another concern expressed was that if the Board allocates funding for the first phase, it does not want that action to imply that funding will automatically be allocated for the planned second and third phases.   Ms. Carney addressed these concerns.


Mr. Krogman moved to allocate $2,500 for the DeKalb County Human Services Assessment project from line item 8201, Unallocated/Board Initiatives, as a one-time payment to the Center for Governmental Studies, Northern Illinois University.


A discussion followed regarding the dollar amount.  Ms. Dubin suggested that the wording be changed to read “… up to $2,500.”


Mr. Krogman moved to amend the motion by adding “up to” before the $2,500 dollar amount; seconded by Ms. Dubin. The motion then read, “I move to allocate up to $2,500 for the DeKalb County Human Services Assessment project from line item 8201, Unallocated/Board Initiatives, as a one-time payment to the Center for Governmental Studies, Northern Illinois University”.


The roll call vote on the amended motion was as follows:  Ms. Abizaid, yes; Ms. Dubin, yes; Mr. Krogman, yes; Ms. Luxton, yes; Mr. Rose, no; Mr. Fraley, yes.  The motion passed on the roll call vote. 


Ben Gordon Center proposed remodeling project:  The Ben Gordon Center wants to remodel the building’s community room to create additional staff offices and they will ask to be put on a future

meeting agenda to request the Board’s approval of the plan.   


Ms. Carney passed out a layout of the Center’s remodeling plan that was presented to the Board several years ago.  She explained that the actual remodeling that has taken place since that time, and the proposed remodeling, differ from the original plan so an updated proposal and Board approval are required before

the Center can proceed.   


Mental Health Board appointments:  There is currently an opening on the Board.  Due to the length of this evening’s meeting, the agenda item was tabled to the November/December meeting.


November and December Board meetings:  Mr. Fraley raised the possibility of combining the November and December meetings into one, and suggested December 4, 2006 as the date.


Mr. Rose moved to combine the November and December Board meetings into one, which will be held on December 4, 2006; seconded by Ms. Abizaid.  The motion carried on a voice vote.


As all community visitors had left the meeting, the Board did not move to go into Executive Session.


Ms. Carney gave an update on a legal issue.  Developments will be reported to the Board as they occur.


Ben Gordon Center Building Lease:  Mr. Fraley reported that the Board Lease Committee met with John Farrell, State’s Attorney’s office, to discuss the draft lease that he had prepared according to their directions and also his recommendations.  


Mr. Fraley noted the key issues in the lease recommended by the Lease Committee and John Farrell:


            a.  The term of the lease will be five years.  The Gordon Center will have the option to request               

                  a five-year extension at five and ten years, subject to the approval of the Mental Health


            b.   To continue the provision that the Gordon Center maintain Property and Public Liability

insurance coverage on the building, but that the DeKalb County Government is to be named

as owner of the policy. 


Ms. Carney noted that she had added the word, “years,” that had been inadvertently omitted from

paragraph 13, but not noticed until after the Lease Committee’s meeting.  She also recommended that both the DeKalb County Community Mental Health Board and the Ben Gordon Center be named as “Additional Insureds” on the property and general liability insurance. 


The Board discussed the terms of the lease, the importance of the Gordon Center’s financial commitment to the building’s on-going maintenance and repair costs, and the Board’s continuing commitment to assist with major repairs, and the revisions noted by Ms. Carney.  


Ms. Abizaid moved to adopt the revised lease and to send it to John Farrell for one more review.  When returned from Mr. Farrell, it should then be sent to the Gordon Center, to both the President and their Lease Committee chairman; seconded by Ms. Dubin.  The motion passed on a voice vote.  





The meeting was adjourned at 9:38 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,





____________________________________              __________________________________

Janice Abizaid, Board Secretary                                              Kathy Ostdick, Recording Secretary


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