Official County Seal of DeKalb Illinois County Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
County Board Proceedings

October 18, 2006

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The DeKalb County Board met in regular session at the Legislative Center on Wednesday, October 18, 2006. Vice Chairman Sands called the meeting to order and the Clerk called the roll. Those Members present were Mrs. Allen, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Augsburger, Ms. De Fauw, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Faivre, Ms. Fauci, Ms. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Haines, Ms. LaVigne, Mrs. Leifheit, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Rosemier, Mr. Steimel, Ms. Tolene, Mrs. Turner, Ms. Vary, Mr. Whelan and Vice Chairman Sands. Those Members absent were Mr. Lyle, Mr. Slack and Chairman Tobias. Twenty-one Members were present and four Members were absent.

The Chair asked Mrs. Allen to lead the pledge to the flag.


Mr. Augsburger moved to approve the Minutes of the September 20, 2006 meeting. Mr. Whelan seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Vice Chair asked for a voice vote on the approval of the Minutes. All Members present voted yea.


Mr. Anderson moved to approve the Agenda and Ms. Vary seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Vice Chair asked for a voice vote on the approval of the Agenda. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Anne Zantout from the Kishwaukee Valley Art League presented the County with a picture of the Courthouse as a thank you for the many years that the County has allowed the Art League to use the Courthouse Lawn for the Annual Art Show.

This months Employee Service Awards were acknowledged by Vice-Chairman Sands.

Vice Chairman Sands recommended the following appointments: Sheriff’s Merit Commission - Gene Lane, reappointment for a five year term, until November 30,2011 and Todd Walker, to fill the unexpired term of Charles Kross, until November 30, 2010; Housing Authority of the County of DeKalb - Ronald Bemis, reappointment for a five year term, until November 1, 2011; South Grove Cemetery Association - David Yakey, Jr., Olle Larson and Theodore A. Driscoll, all reappointments for a six year term, until November 30, 2012 and 911 Emergency Telephone Board - Robert Rosemier, reappointment for a two year term, until November 30, 2008.

Ms. Fullerton moved to approve the appointments as presented. Ms. Vary seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Vice Chair asked for a voice vote on the appointments. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Michelle Rhynders representing the Sycamore Chamber of Commerce requested time to speak.
Peter Smith requested time to speak on behalf of the Larsons under item Ordinance 2006-22 of the Planning & Zoning Committee and will answer questions if needed.
Motion to Speak
Mr. Haines moved to suspend the board rules to allow Ms. Rhynders to speak to an item not on the agenda. Ms. Vary seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Vice Chair asked for a voice vote on the motion. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.


Ordinance 2006 - 22: Larson Special Use Permit Amendment

Mr. Steimel moved to approve an Ordinance to amend a Special Use Permit for a gravel operation located on the south side of Bethany Road and the east side of Airport Road in Cortland Township. Mrs. Allen seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Vice Chair asked for a voice vote on the Ordinance. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Ordinance 2006 - 23: Amendment to the DeKalb County Zoning Ordinance Regarding Criteria for Use Variations

Mr. Steimel moved to approve an Ordinance to amend the Use Variation Regulations to address properties acquired prior to October of 1976. Mrs. Leifheit seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Vice Chair asked for a voice vote on the Ordinance. The majority of the Members present voted yea. Motion carried.
Ordinance 2006 - 24: The Greenways and Trails Plan for DeKalb County

Mr. Steimel moved to approve an Ordinance adopting the Greenways and Trails Plan for DeKalb County. Ms. Fauci seconded the motion.

Voice Vote
The Vice Chair asked for a voice vote on the Ordinance. The majority of the Members present voted yea. Motion carried.

Resolution R2006 - 59: Bid Award for the Construction of a Single Span Steel I-Beam

Ms. LaVigne moved to approve a Resolution to award a bid to the lowest bidder, Civil Constructors, Inc., of Freeport, Illinois in the amount of $521,458.95, for the construction of a single span steel I-Beam bridge with a reinforced concrete deck including necessary roadway approaches on Suydam Road over Little Indian Creek. Mr. Anderson seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote
The Vice Chair called for a roll call vote on the Resolution. Those Members voting yea were Mrs. Allen, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Augsburger, Ms. De Fauw, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Faivre, Ms. Fauci, Ms. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Haines, Ms. LaVigne, Mrs. Leifheit, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Rosemier, Mr. Steimel, Ms. Tolene, Mrs. Turner, Ms. Vary, Mr. Whelan and Vice Chairman Sands. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution R2006 - 60: FY2007 Budget To Place On File For Public View

Mr. Whelan moved to approve a Resolution to place DeKalb County’s FY2007 Budget on file for public viewing in the County Clerk’s Office, on the County’s Internet Site, and at two other geographically diverse public offices (The Sandwich City Hall and the office of the Genoa City Clerk), for public inspection. Mr. Haines seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Vice Chair asked for a voice vote on the Resolution. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Whelan moved to approve the Claims presented for the current month in the amount of $3,390,301.78 and Payroll & Emergency Claims from prior month in the amount of $2,802,158.97. Ms Vary seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote
The Vice Chair called for a roll call vote on the Claims. Those Members voting yea were Mrs. Allen, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Augsburger, Ms. De Fauw, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Faivre, Ms. Fauci, Ms. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Haines, Ms. LaVigne, Mrs. Leifheit, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Rosemier, Mr. Steimel, Ms. Tolene, Mrs. Turner, Ms. Vary, Mr. Whelan and Vice Chairman Sands. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Reports of County Officials
Mr. Whelan moved to place on file the following reports of County Officials; Cash and Investments in County Banks - September, 2006; Planning and Regulations Building and Permits Reports - September, 2006; Public Defender’s Report - September, 2006; Court Services Adult & Juvenile Report - August, 2006; Jail Population Monthly Report - September, 2006 and Audit Report No. 48 and Supplement #48 for the Receipt and Disbursement of Motor Fuel Tax Funds by the DeKalb County Road Districts - for the period beginning January 1, 2002 and ending December 31, 2005, on file in the County Clerk’s Office. Ms. Tolene seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Vice Chair asked for a voice vote to place the reports on file. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

There were no items for new or old business for this meeting.


Ms. Tolene moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Augsburger seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Vice Chair asked for a voice vote on the motion to adjourn. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

DeKalb County Board Chairman


DeKalb County Clerk


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