DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Executive Committee

August 8, 2006


The Executive Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Tuesday, August 8, 2006 at 7:00p.m. at the Administration Building’s Conference Room East.  Chairman Ruth Anne Tobias called the meeting to order. Members present were Jeff Whelan, Roger Steimel, Sue Leifheit, Julia Fauci, Julia Fullerton, Dennis Sands and Robert Rosemier.  Ms. LaVigne was absent.  Others present were Ray Bockman, Gary Hanson, Richard Osborne, Margaret Whitwell, Eileen Dubin, Steve Kuhn, Jeff Metzger, Sr., Jerry Augsburger, Frank Bierlotzger, Robert Rosemier and Steve Slack.




          Moved by Mr. Rosemier, seconded by Ms. Fauci, and it was carried unanimously to approve the minutes from July 2006.




          Moved by Mr. Steimel, seconded by Mr. Whelan, and it was carried unanimously to approve the agenda as presented.





Metropolitan Exposition Authority:            Mr. Alex Nerad, to fill the unexpired term of Ms. Carrie Brantley, until 11/01/2010.


Board of Review:            Mr. Douglas Johnson, reappointment for a term of 2-years, until 9/1/2008.


Squaw Grove Drainage District #1:            Mr. Robert Schoger, reappointment for a term of 3 years, until 9/1/2009.


Union Drainage District #1:            Mr. William Mullins, reappointment for a term of 3 years, until 9/1/2009.


Coon Creek Drainage District:            Mr. John C. Emerson, reappointment for a term of  3 years, until 9/1/2009.


Normal Drainage District:            Mr. Milton Lambert, reappointment for a term of 3 years, until 9/1/2009


Clinton-Shabbona Drainage District:            Mr. Robert Buchholz, reappointment for a term of  3 years, until 9/1/2009





          Moved by Mr. Whelan, seconded by Mr. Steimel, and it was carried unanimously to approve the appointments as presented and to forward them to the full board for approval.



Appointments expiring for September 2006 are:

          Community Services Administrative Board – 1 position

          Workforce Investment Act Board – 2 positions

          DeKalb County Cooperative Extension Board – 3 positions

          Victor-Adams Drainage District – 3 positions




          Mr. Bockman said that there was another resolution that the board adopted last month dealing with the drug court fees.  He said that it was pointed out to him after the August County Board Meeting that there really were two provisions in the bill and the resolution that was adopted last month only picked up one of them.  The other one was the possibility of a $5.00 charge on traffic related offenses where a finding of guilty or a grant of supervision.  He brings the second provision to the committee for consideration.


          Mr. Slack asked if this would be separate from the $10.00 fee that was adopted last month?  Mr. Bockman said yes.


          Mr. Bockman further explained that it has to be deposited in the fund for appropriation by this board exclusively for the use of the drug court.


          Moved by Ms. Fauci, seconded by Ms. Leifheit, and it was carried unanimously to forward the resolution to the full board for approval.





Mr. Bockman, DeKalb County Administrator, reviewed the county board agenda for the board meeting to be held on August 16, 2006. 


Moved by Mr. Rosemier, seconded by Mr. Whelan, and it was carried unanimously to forward the county board agenda to the full board for approval.


          Mr. Whelan asked if there was any drawback on Panduit?  Ms. Fullerton said that it is written into the ordinance that if they do not fulfill all of the criteria mentioned in the agreement, that there would be no tax abatement.


          Ms. Fauci asked what the salaries were for Panduit employees?  Ms. Fullerton said that she did not know.  Mr. Bockman said that the county would be monitoring the inspection with the City of DeKalb to keep track of the salaries being met and the criteria.




          Mr. Rosemier, Chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee, said that they heard from Ms. Jackie Loften, Office Administrator, for the local Illinois Department of Human Services Office, that is now called Family Resource Center.  Her presentation was very informative.


          They also discussed again the results of the grant survey that they conducted a while ago.  They discussed whether or not the County should take a leadership role in conducting a workshop on grant writing and how to find grant funding sources.     


          Ms. Fauci, Chairman of the Forest Preserve Committee, said that they are bringing one item forward this month on the purchase of a new truck.  They are also considering hiring a Mr. Lowe’s from the Conservation Foundation to help them with the acquisition property for the forest preserve. She further explained that by hiring a professional to help them with the purchasing of property would help the forest preserve committee from getting too involved and take a step back.  Other forest preserve districts have told them that it would be in their best interest if they did this.  They also learned that some grants require that they hire a professional.  What properties are on the table now, will be discussed at their August 15th meeting. 


          They also heard from a Ms. Sherman from Cortland who is concerned that there are no forest preserves in the Cortland Township.  The committee will be looking into that issue.


          Mr. Whelan, Chairman of the Finance Committee, said that they had no meeting this month.  There will be a special meeting on September 20, 2006 at 6:00p.m. right before the County Board Meeting that Mr. Hanson will conduct with Mr. Bockman on the budget.  This will be a question and answer type meeting.


          Mr. Steimel, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Committee, said that they are sending one item to the County Board Meeting for approval regarding a special use permit request from a family who would like to have a parent live on their property in a mobile home. 


          Ms. Leifheit, Chairman of the Law and Justice Committee, said that their meeting is scheduled for August 14, 2006, so they have not met yet.


          Ms. Fullerton, Chairman of the Economic Development Committee, said that they are sending three items forward to the County Board Meeting this month.  She said that one of the items is a local preference resolution, within the parameters of state law that was an initiative of Mr. Sands.  There are also two tax abatements, one for 3M and one for Panduit.  In 2003 the county signed an agreement to participate with all the taxing bodies in a tax abatement agreement. 


          Chairman Tobias reminded the committee about the Farm Bureau dinner that is scheduled the evening of the County Board Meeting, August 16th that begins around 5:00p.m. at the Ward Farm.  She encouraged all to attend if they could.


          Chairman Tobias then told the committee that she just returned from the annual NACO Conference in Chicago and she felt that it was a huge success. 


Ms. Dubin attended the conference also and she said that she heard that it was the largest attendance ever for any of the conferences for NACo. 


          Chairman Tobias continued by stating that she attended one of the seminars on Indian Law and felt it was very good, but the understanding of the law was very complex.  She said that the Potawatomi Indians have repeatedly stated that they want to be good neighbors with Shabbona residents and the County of DeKalb.   They want to construct a government center, museum and bingo facility on the Shabbona site that they have purchased.  They also have said that they want to follow DeKalb County’s building ordinances and regulations and want to avoid all and any litigation. Chairman Tobias then asked Mr. Sands what would he recommend that the County Board do with regards to the relationship with the Indians?


          Mr. Sands said to continue to help with the coordination between the town of Shabbona, the Indians, the County, Schools, Forest Preserve, water and sewer and township issues.  He also said that they have always encouraged and invited any citizen from DeKalb County and our County Board Members to come down to visit their reservation in Topeka, Kansas.


          Chairman Tobias said that she has read that the Prairie Band Potawatomi Indian Tribe has always been written up as a very good tribe and they have tried to do things for the betterment of their tribe.


          Mr. Sands asked Ms. Whitwell, DeKalb County Supervisor of Assessments, if the tribe had paid taxes on the first home that they purchased?


          Ms. Whitwell said that she did not know – she would have to look it up and get back to him.


          Mr. Sands said that the Indians have offered to make a contribution in the same amount owed in taxes to the county in lieu of taxes.  Chairman Tobias said that yes, there are many groups that do payments in lieu of taxes.  She continued by stating that there are many issues here and she felt that the County should not do anything at this point because the County needs to gather more information.




Moved by Ms. Leifheit, seconded by Mr. Whelan, and it was carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting.



Respectfully submitted,




Chairman Ruth Anne Tobias




Mary C. Supple, Secretary

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