Official County Seal of DeKalb Illinois County Government

DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Forest Preserve Committee

September 18, 2007

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The DeKalb County Forest Preserve District Committee met Tuesday, September 18, 2007 at Potawatomi Woods Forest Preserve at 6:00 p.m.  In attendance were committee members, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Gudmunson, Ms. DeFauw,  Ms. Turner and Superintendent Hannan. Mr. Lyle arrived after the meeting was called to order.  Mr. Rosemier and Mr. Anderson were absent. 



Ms. Fauci began by asking if there were any changes to the August 21, 2007 minutes.  Hearing none, Ms. Turner moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Ms. DeFauw and the motion passed unanimously.



Ms. Fauci asked if there were any other additions or corrections to the agenda. Mr. Gudmonson moved to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by Ms. DeFauw and the motion passed unanimously. 



Mr. Hannan reported on the damage that resulted from the recent severe storms.  The road at Potawatomi Woods, that will occasionally flood, was 2/3 over the road under water for two weeks.  Areas closer to the bridge was also severely under water during the storms.  Mr. Hannan noted that when a tree was stuck under the IDNR bridge, the County Highway department staff (Jim Quinn and crew) and equipment to free a large tree stuck and gathering excess debris under the bridge. F.P staff also cleaning up debris caught under the IDNR bridge.


He further noted that there was quite a bit of water that occurred at Russell Woods( the bridge held again)  and Afton F.P. wetlands.  The rip - rap in Afton’s emergency spillways washed out in places and was repaired and some areas on top of wetland levies washed out and was repaired.  The Highway Department also volunteered some good clay they had from recent construction to assist in repairing eroded areas.  There were also several trees down and the Sannauk roads suffered measurable erosion as well. 


On a brighter note, two of the District campgrounds, Kirkland and MacQueen and Russell Woods, passed inspection by the State Department of Health with flying colors, a rating of “excellent” and a license approval for the coming year.


Mr. Hannan noted that there was information in the Committee packet on Emerald Ash Borer activities as well as upcoming volunteer tree planting activities across the district. 


Mr. Hannan also received a response on the Afton Grant that had been applied for.  He noted that they were reviewing and seeking an archeological assessment as part of the process.


Mr. Hannan closed by presenting a report to the committee on how area wetlands actually assist in reducing the West Nile Virus risk in the mosquito population.  Essentially the other wildlife and aquatic organisms feed on larvae and keep the environment lively and moving sufficient to reduce the risks usually associated with stagnant water areas (tires, stagnant pools etc), see attached information.



Mr. Hannan noted that there needed to be a motion at the evening’s meeting to place the resolution on file for the October County Board meeting as well as stating that there will be a public meeting at the November meeting and other locations around the County.


Ms. DeFauw moved to place the budget on file, seconded by Ms. Turner and the motion passed unanimously. 


Mr. Hannan noted that the big topic of the past month related to the expansion of the Tort Fund as recommended by Mr. Hanson, County Financial Officer.  Mr. Hanson has since sent a letter detailing his recommendation in greater detail.  This noted that the supplemental dollars in the Land Acquisition Fund was a direct derivation of the increased EAV of the County.  FICA and IMRF increases are as stated from the previous month.  Mr. Hanson closed his letter by noting that the time had come to most equitably cost-share the liability exposure of the District which the County had borne the lion’s share of for several years.  This move would bring the treatment of the Forest Preserve in line with other County entities, such as the Rehab and Nursing Center.   However, due to the Committees concerns about the cost increases inherent in this realignment of costs, information on the costs of private insurance is being sought through local agents who handle liability coverage.   Mr. Hannan noted that he has also compared similar sized counties and it is clear that DeKalb County is indeed carrying a proportionate greater share of costs for the Forest Preserve District than other similar sized Forest Preserve District’s (Kendall and Boone) share with their Counties.


Mr. Hannan also noted that many of those districts participate in a pool program, IPARKS, and he will be meeting with that group soon to obtain a quote through them as well as through other private groups that provide risk management.  Once all the costs have been laid out the Committee can make an informed decision about the cost savings as outlined by Mr. Hanson’s proposal. 


Mr. Gudmonson asked if there could be an arrangement with the County to lend the District a lump sum should a claim come against the District rather than dedicate an annual contribution.  Mr. Hannan noted that interest may not allow for possible award levels and would not really follow the path that a tort liability fund would. Again the Committee members were concerned about funds dedicated that would then be held.


Ms. Fauci noted that Mr. Hanson was very sorry he could not attend the meeting in person this evening and that he was also waiting for several clarifications from the Committee’s prior questions.  Mr. Gudmonson noted that as a self-insured approach, the money was essentially becoming a savings account for the District.  Ms. Fauci noted that in the event of multiple claims, even a program as presented by Mr. Hanson might not be sufficient.  After a conversation that Boone County has even higher levels of anticipated coverages, Ms. Fauci noted that even with an expansive use of waivers for volunteers, the District could still be open to many claims.


Ms. Fauci reminded the Committee that Mr. Hanson was available for any additional questions at any time and encouraged the Committee to speak with him regarding their concerns and any questions of how the levies would work to generate the funds recommended.   


Mr. Hannan then noted that there revision sheets showing the new EAV and there were also revised figures on wetland bank inquiries received by the District.



Ms. Fauci asked if there were any Committee Member comments.  Hearing none, she moved to the Chair’s Comments. 



Ms. Fauci commented that she had recently read about a rare blue butterfly that a group had introduced and which had shown tremendous success and expansion.  She noted that a group of dedicated land stewards could approach a similar project through the District.



Prior to the beginning of the discussion, Ms. Fauci asked for a motion to enter Executive Session.  Ms. Turner moved the Committee into executive session for the purpose of discussing current information on District land acquisition and an exempt employee evaluation, seconded by Mr. Gudmunson. A roll call vote was held and the motion passed with 5 Committee members voting in the affirmative, none in the negative and 2 absent.  Following the Executive Session, Ms. DeFauw moved to return the Committee to public session, seconded by Mr. Gudmunson. A roll call vote was held and the motion passed with 5 Committee members voting in the affirmative, none in the negative and 2 absent. 


Following the executive session, Ms. Turner moved to grant Mr. Hannan the full standard cost of living adjustment based on his meeting of the annual criteria for same as well recommending him for a supplemental amount for exemplary service, seconded by Ms. DeFauw and the motion passed unanimously.  



Ms. Turner moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Lyle and the motion passed unanimously. 


 Respectfully submitted,




Julia Fauci, Chairperson

Forest Preserve District Committee


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