DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the

Executive Session

March 27, 2007

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Minutes of Executive Session

March 27, 2007



BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS PRESENT:  Russell Bishop, Psy.D.; Kevin Buick, J.D.; Julia Fauci; Jean Gastiger, R.N., F.N.P.; Linda Liston, M.D.; Mary Beth Shear, M.D.; Scott Starkweather


STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:  Karen Grush, Administrator; Karen Hills, Director of Office Support; and Jane Lux, Administrative Assistant



Mrs. Grush pointed out two newspaper articles included in the Board packet regarding the AFCSME Union and the Health Department.  Staff did go to the County Board meeting in February and made a statement.


While AFCSME reports that no progress is being made, Mrs. Grush presented a handout on the non-economic issues of the contract showing that the Health Department is making very steady progress. 


A chart was also presented for the economic proposals.  She pointed out that this is the difficult part of the contract as money is involved.  She added that she has been told it is not uncommon to take 18 months to agree on a first contract, and we have only been negotiating for 10 months.


Mrs. Grush stated that the contract will be presented to the Board of Health for their approval before it is signed.


One big Union issue is the proposal for cell phones for Home Care staff.  Mrs. Grush indicated that she will be proposing cell phones for full-time field staff.  Because of the time involved in calculating current cell phone reimbursement, she hopes this is something that could be settled on and implemented before the final contract is signed.


Bargaining unit employees are also asking for a 9% salary increase this year and 8% for the next two years.  She pointed out that non-union employees in the county have done better than Union employees over the years in terms of salary increases. 


Mrs. Grush stated that she feels employees will end up with close to what they now have.  She pointed out that the Union is at the point where they need to prioritize what is important to them.


Ms. Fauci asked if an employee can still be terminated if they are not doing a good job.  Mrs. Grush pointed out that this can be done and is covered in the non-ecomonic portion of the contract under discipline. 


Evaluations will not be done again this year, and all permanent staff will receive a 2% mid-year increase.  She pointed out that normal practice is to give a merit increase mid-year, adding that, in a Union, all staff receive the same increase regardless of performance.  She explained that the rest of the County has a longevity plan that begins after five years of employment. 


Mrs. Grush stated that she feels good progress is being made, and she has learned a tremendous amount.




Jean Gastiger, R.N., F.N.P.; Secretary

DeKalb County Board of Health





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