Official County Seal of DeKalb Illinois County Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the

June 18, 2007


Board Members Present:  Doug Fraley, Janice Abizaid, Eileen Dubin, Andrea Gargani, Robert Krogman, 

                                             Charles Rose, Jeannette Vaupel,                          

Board Members -Excused Absence:  Cynthia Luxton

Board Members - Absent:  Karen Wilkerson

Other Persons Present:  Office staff:  Elizabeth Carney, Kathy Ostdick





The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. Fraley at 7:04 p.m. 



Ms. Abizaid moved to approve the agenda; seconded by Mr. Krogman.   The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote. 






Ms. Abizaid moved to approve the minutes of the May 2007 Board meeting as presented; seconded by Ms. Vaupel The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote.



There was no community input.



Ms. Carney directed the Board’s attention to two thank you letters received from the Gordon Center




Ms. Carney presented the May 2007 revenue and expense reports.  Both are within the expected ranges. 


Ms. Abizaid moved to approve the June 2007 agency claims in the amount of $121,417.50; seconded by Mr. Krogman.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Ms. Abizaid moved to approve the June 2007 office claims in the amount of $278,703; seconded by Ms. Gargani.   The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.



Ms. Carney noted that the Director’s Report will now be emailed with the Board packet prior to the meeting and a copy will be in the binders also.  She will bring the Board’s attention to specific issues

during the Board meetings, as needed, and will be able to answer any questions that the Board may





Executive Committee:  There was no meeting.


Finance Committee:  Ms. Dubin presented the Finance Committee recommendations for Grant Year 2008 funding for Jail-Based Services and the Ben Gordon Center’s request for funding for an Advanced Practice Nurse. 


The Committee met with Lt. Klein of the DeKalb County Jail, who was representing the Sheriff’s Office.  The Office is requesting that assessment and treatment for inmates for mental illness and substance abuse be provided to the inmates.  The request is that $36,800 be allocated to the Sheriff’s Office so that the Office can contract for this service.  If the request is approved, this will allow the Jail to integrate its medical and behavioral health services.  The funding would provide 25 hours per week for psycho-education, and assessment and treatment for mental illness and substance abuse. 


The Finance Committee’s recommendation was two-fold, that $36,800 be allocated to the Sheriff’s

Office for the provision of GY08 Jail-Based Mental Health Services.  And additionally, that the Board ‘s Executive Director offers assistance to the Sheriff’s Office to assist with further evaluation of the inmates’ mental health and substance abuse needs.  Key stakeholders should be involved in the process. 


The focus of the committee would be to identify best practices for the full continuum of care for persons with mental illness and substance abuse issues who encounter the public safety system, including treatment and recidivism issues.   As the recommended GY08 funding is less than the recommended GY07 funding, due to economies in the GY08 plan, the additional funding could be made available for training and community awareness purposes. 


The Board discussed the recommendation and brought up several issues regarding the licensing and credentialing of service providers.   Ms. Carney will investigate these issues and report to the Finance Committee at the next meeting.   The Committee will bring a recommendation to the July Board meeting.


Ms. Carney noted that the contract for Jail-Based Services expires June 30 and since a decision regarding GY08 funding will not be made until the July Board meeting, at the earliest, in order to not have an interruption of services it is necessary to extend the Ben Gordon Center’s GY07 contract.


Mr. Krogman moved to continue funding to the Ben Gordon Center for up to 60 days; seconded by Ms. Abizaid.   The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote


The second Finance Committee recommendation was to allocate GY08 funding to the Ben Gordon Center for an Advanced Practice Nurse with prescriptive authority to increase access to medication monitoring

appointments for Medicaid, sliding scale, and indigent clients.  Utilization of the APN model increases access to routine appointments in a more cost-effective manner than utilizing psychiatrists.


The Board discussed the recommendation and referred the issue back to the Finance Committee for

further consideration of the funding mechanism and amount.  The Committee will bring a recommendation to the July Board meeting. 


Personnel and Nominations Committee:  Ms. Vaupel, Committee Chair, presented the following nominations for 2007/2008 Board officers: Mr. Rose, President; Ms. Luxton, Vice-President; Ms. Abizaid, Secretary.  




Annual Plan:  The Board discussed the proposed Annual Plan.


Grant Year 2008 Allocations: Possible allocations for GY08 Jail Based Services and an Advanced Practice Nurse were discussed earlier in the meeting. 


Ms. Vaupel, chair of the Personnel Committee, presented the following nominations for the Grant Year 2007 Officers:


Mr. Chuck Rose            President

Mr. Cynthia Luxton             Vice President

Ms. Janice Abizaid            Secretary


Ms. Gargani moved to place the slate of officers before the board for approval; seconded by Mr. Krogman.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.




Computer equipment:  Ms. Carney reviewed the status of the Board office’s computer equipment and needs.   She requested the Board approve the purchase of a laptop for staff use. 


Ms. Vaupel moved to purchase a laptop computer up to $1,600; seconded by Ms. Dubin.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Fiscal Year 2008 Budget:  The process for preparation and review of the FY08 Budget was discussed at the Finance Committee.  The Committee requested that Ms. Carney prepare a proposed budget for review by the Committee.  The Committee will then make a recommendation to the full Board for consideration at the July meeting.  




Ms. Gargani moved to adjourn at 9:03 p.m.; seconded by Mr. Krogman.


Respectfully submitted,



_____________________________________                      _________________________________

Janice Abizaid, Board Secretary                                              Kathy Ostdick, Recording Secretary

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