Official County Seal of DeKalb Illinois County Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the DeKalb County Veterans Assistance Commissions

January 8, 2007


     President Rich Joslin called the meeting to order at 7:00.  There were 10 people in attendance.


     The minutes from the December meeting were read.  Steve Walz made the motion to accept the minutes as read and this was seconded by John Davis.  The motion passed unanimously.


     Gene Bradford gave the finance report, and there was no activity in the account, so the balance remains at 1752.57.  We received a check from Vet Care from last year in the amount of $25 for dues.  Frank Beierlotzer seconded the report.   The report passed unanimously.


     Superintendent Herb Holderman announced that we were budgeted $25,000 for assistance payments but we only spent $11814.25.  This year we are budgeted $40,000.


     Direct assistance, so far claims assistance adjudication takes approximately 13 months.  Mike Boorsma seconded Herb’s report.  The report was accepted unanimously. 


     It was  discussed that we need to send several people to Springfield to the freedom of information act meeting to make sure that we are running our meetings legally.  It was decided that Herb Holderman, Rich Joslin, and Linda Drake would go to the meeting with Mike Boorsma as an alternate.  Frank Beierlotzer made the motion and this was seconded by Steve Walz.  The motion passed unanimously.


     The DCVAC Handbook was discussed and Mike Boorsma made the motion to accept the handbook as is.  This was seconded by Steve Walz.  The   motion passed unanimously.


     New business, when an active duty soldier has a problem while on leave such as an illness or an accident, who do we contact at their duty station to inform them of the situation.  This has proven to be very difficult at times.  It was decided to try to go thru Tammy Duckworth or maybe a representative.


     Our dues from member organizations was discussed.  Do the organizations need to keep paying dues as we are funded by the County?  If we keep the dues structure as is, what do we do with the money?  This was tabled for further discussion.    


     Herb Holderman brought it to our attention that he has been asked about flag holders for the cemetery.  These flag holders are made of aluminum and come with an 18 inch long flag for $14 a piece.  Mike Boorsma made the motion to buy 200 of these flag holders and flags. This was seconded by Gene Bradford.  The motion passed unanimously. 


Steve Walz made the motion to adjourn.




Respectfully Submitted;





Steve Walz, Secretary


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