Official County Seal of DeKalb Illinois County Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
County Board Proceedings

October 17, 2007

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The DeKalb County Board met in regular session at the Legislative Center on Wednesday, October 17, 2007. Chairman Tobias called the meeting to order and the Clerk called the roll. Those Members present were Mr. Walt, Ms. Vary, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Stuckert, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Steimel, Mr. Rosemier, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Lyle, Mr. Hulseberg, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Faivre, Mrs. Dubin, Ms. De Fauw, Mr. Augsburger, Larry Anderson, Ken Andersen, Mrs. Allen and Chairman Tobias. Those Members absent were Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Haines, Mr. Gudmunson and Ms. Fullerton. Twenty Members were present and four Members were absent.

The Chair asked Mr. Metzger to lead the pledge to the flag.

Ms. Fullerton arrived at 7:32 p.m.


Mr. Stuckert moved to approve the Minutes of September 19, 2007. Mr. Walt seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Chair asked for a voice vote on the approval of the Minutes. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Metzger moved to approve the Agenda and Mrs. Turner seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Chair asked for a voice vote on the approval of the Agenda. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

a) Public Hearing for an Application to the IDOT Consolidated Vehicle Procurement Program. Chairman Tobias opened the hearing with the following statement:
“In June, 2007, the DeKalb County Board adopted resolution R2007-44. This resolution approved the submission of an application by the Voluntary Action Center to participate in the State Of Illinois Department of Transportation’s Consolidated Vehicle Procurement

VAC has applied for a total of four paratransit vehicles to serve the non-urbanized areas of DeKalb County.

Participation in this program requires that a public hearing be held to afford an opportunity for anyone who wishes to comment on the program and/or the applicant.

I now call the Public Hearing To Order. Is there anyone present who wishes to speak?”

Mr. Zucker, Director of Voluntary Action Center, spoke in support of the funding request.

Chairman Tobias then closed the Public Hearing.

b) Chairman Tobias asked Mr. Steimel to read a Proclamation P2007-03, in honor of Mr. Jim Knox of Sandwich who represented the City of Sandwich on the Regional Planning Commission. Mr. Harold Dannewitz accepted the framed resolution on behalf of the Knox family.

c) Legislative Report from Senator J. Bradley Burzynski and State Representative Robert Pritchard.
Chairman Tobias introduced State Senator Bradley Burzynski who gave comments regarding the budget process in Springfield. He also spoke regarding various legislation which affects the county, (ie; the change of assessment process, change of the Primary date, Com Ed rate reduced and timberland assessment).

Representative Robert Pritchard spoke about the value of commitment on behalf of County Board Members and the lack of commitment in Springfield. HB3597 become a Public Act and gives counties the right to take action and protect property out side the 1 ½ miles around municipalities. The County Board has jurisdiction (PA 95-0574) to reduce speeds by passing an appropriate ordinance. Additional laws deal with young drivers and penalties for providing alcohol to minors. Grants for renewable energy - Green cleaning supplies in schools - Safe Havens for unwanted new born’s - Children’s advocacy centers with funding coming from felony cases - and the Open Meetings Act Upgrade.

This months Service Awards for County Employees were acknowledged.

Chairman Tobias recommended the following appointment:
Stormwater Management Committee - Phase II
Don Pardridge, to fill the unexpired term of Mayor Claudia Hicks, for an indefinite term.
Mr. Steimel moved to approve the appointment as presented. Mr. Hulseberg seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Chair asked for a voice vote on the appointment. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

There were no individuals requesting time to address the Board Members.


Resolution R2007 - 68: County Budget for FY2008 to be Placed on File for Public View

Mr. Faivre moved to approve a Resolution to place DeKalb County’s FY2008 Budget on File for Public Viewing in the County Clerk’s Office, on the County’s Internet site, and at two other geographically diverse public offices (The Sandwich City Hall and the office of the Genoa City Clerk), for public inspection. Mr. Augsburger seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Chair asked for a voice vote on the Resolution. All Members voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Faivre moved to approve the Claims presented for the Current Month’s in the amount of $2,072,236.50; Emergency Claims in the amount of $359,480.60; Payroll Charges in the amount of $2,386,757.11 and Rehab & Nursing Center in the amount of $1,029,991.88, which represents current claims and monies paid during the previous month totaling $5,848,466.09. Ms. Vary seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote
The Chair called for a roll call vote on the Claims. Those Members voting yea were Mr. Walt, Ms. Vary, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Stuckert, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Steimel, Mr. Rosemier, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Lyle, Mr. Hulseberg, Ms. Fullerton, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Faivre, Mrs. Dubin, Ms. De Fauw, Mr. Augsburger, Larry Anderson, Ken Andersen, Mrs. Allen and Chairman Tobias. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Reports of County Officials
Mr. Faivre moved to place on file the following reports of County Officials; Cash and Investments in County Banks - September, 2007; Planning and Regulations Building and Permits Reports - September, 2007; Public Defender’s Report - for the month of September, 2007; Adult Court Services & Juvenile Report - September, 2007; Jail Population Report - for the month of August, 2007 and DeKalb County Community Mental Health Board 2007 Annual Report (Attached to the Health & Human Services Committee Minutes). Ms. Fullerton seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Chair asked for a voice vote to place the Reports on file. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Ordinance 2007 - 15: Amendment to the DeKalb County code, Chapter 2, Article II, Division 2, Section 2-1, Rules of Order

Ms. Vary moved to approve an Ordinance accepting the recommendation of the Executive Committee to adopt the aforestated addition to the Rules of Order and declare violations of said rule to be violations of the DeKalb County Code punishable by fines of up to $500.00 for each violation. Mr. Stoddard seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Chair asked for a voice vote on the Ordinance. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution R2007 - 69: Agreement for a Pre-Application to Participate in a Hazard Mitigation Grant Program

Ms. Vary moved to approve a Resolution authorizing the County to enter into a contract with Molly O’Toole and Associates, Ltd., to file a pre-application to participate in the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program and explore the possibility of a mitigation project for Evergreen Village utilizing to the extent possible State and Federal Funds. Mrs. Turner seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Chair asked for a voice vote on the Resolution. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution R2007 - 70: Severe Weather

Ms. Vary moved to approve a Resolution to adopt a Severe Weather Policy to provide guidance to DeKalb County Employees and citizens during periods of extreme weather. Mr. Rosemier seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Chair asked for a voice vote on the Ordinance. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution R2007 - 71: In Support of a Conservation Initiative

Ms. Vary moved to approve a Resolution to have the County of DeKalb become more active in the promotion of resource conservation, initially focusing on water, energy, preservation of farmland and recycling. Ms. Fauci seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Chair asked for a voice vote on the Ordinance. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

There were no items for new or old business for this meeting.


Mrs. Turner moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Lyle seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Chair asked for a voice vote on the motion to adjourn. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

DeKalb County Board Chairman

DeKalb County Clerk


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