DeKalb County IL  Government Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Health & Human Services Committee

April 7, 2008

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            The Health & Human Services Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Monday, April 7, 2008, @ 5:30p.m. in the Administration Building’s Conference Room East.  Chairman Robert Rosemier called the meeting to order.  Members present were Jeff Metzger, Sr., Richard Osborne and Paul Stoddard.  Pat LaVigne and  Julia Fullerton were absent.  Others present were Karen Grush, Zivile Sabin, Tom Zucker, Ellen Rogers, Ellen Tyne, Todd Latham, Bob Shipman, Karen Hagen and Val Hinz.




            Moved by Mr. Metzger, Sr., seconded by Mr. Stoddard, and it was carried to approve the minutes from March 2008.




            Moved by Mr. Stoddard, seconded by Mr. Osborne, and it was carried unanimously to approve the agenda.


Ms. Olson passed out a summary of what the agencies have reported so far for the 2007 grant monies.  Ms. Olson also passed out her 3rd Quarter Report on the Senior Tax Monies for services paid out for the months of February, March and April of 2008.




            Chairman Rosemier reminded the committee members that the agencies were only going to be allowed 10-15 minutes each for a question and answer period.  After the meeting tonight the committee will then reconvene on Monday, April 14, 2007 at their regular time of discuss the monetary awards to the various agencies chosen. 



DeKalb County Health Department

Request:  DeKalb County Health Department is requesting $28,750 to subsidize approximately 350 home care medical visits to 50 medically indigent DeKalb County senior citizens.  Medically indigent individuals are those not covered under Medicare and who are non-insured or under-insured.


Ms. Karen Grush, Public Health Director for DeKalb County, said that 99% of their clients get skilled care in this program.  Eighty-five (85%) are 55 years old and older in this program with 40% being male and 60% being female. 

Mr. Stoddard asked Ms. Grush how large of the population were they serving and what could be done to serve more?

Ms. Grush said that she didn’t know.


2007 Award       2008 Requested Amount

$26,978                $28,750                                  



Elder Care Services – Case Management and Elder Abuse

Elder Care has three applications again this year.  They are regarding Case Management, Elder Abuse and Neglect Program and the newly formed Self-Neglect Intervention Program. 


Request:  Elder Care - Case Management is requesting $30,000 to provide additional case management services in DeKalb County.  Other Sources of income include reimbursement from Illinois Department on Aging.  Their request will be used to support services to 350 clients in FY08.  Elder Care will be providing 5000 units of case management services to these clients. They are requesting support in the amount of $6 per unit of service.

             Elder Care – Elder Abuse is requesting $27,500 to provide additional elder abuse and neglect services in DeKalb County. Other sources of income include contractual reimbursement from the Illinois Department on Aging, requests to DeKalb United Way/Sycamore United Fund and DeKalb Township.  Their request will be used to support services to 92 elder abuse victims in FY08.  The funds will be used to provide 1250 units of service to those clients.  They are requesting support in the amount of $22.00 per unit of service.

            Elder Care Self-Neglect Intervention (ECS) is requesting $50,000 to continue support for a Self-Neglect Intervention Program.  Of the $50,000 requested $35,000 will be used to fund a professional staff position at ECS.  The remaining $15,000 will be available to purchase professional (psychological/medical) services as well as other (home cleaning/home repair, miscellaneous) goods and services.  The request of last year included monies for both a staff person and purchase of services from other agencies.  When the allocation was for a lower amount than requested, only the staff person was funded.

Ms. Ziv Savin, Director of Elder Care Services, addressed the committee this evening at the hearing.  She said that in September of July of 2007 they hired a new case management person, but that they could not start with Elder Care until September of 2007 so the numbers will be a little low.  As of 3/31/08 they have taken 33 self-neglect intakes in the last 6 months and when Ziv appeared before the committee last year she had projected 40 cases that they would see. So they are not too far behind that number.

             Chairman Rosemier said that he was concerned about agencies that do not spend all of their allocated funds. 

            Ms. Sabin said that she got rid of the executive assistant position in her office and filled it with a new case management person. 

            Ms. Ramp said that Ms. Sabin’s billing numbers have caught up now.

            The Committee then discussed the purchase of a computer server for $8,967.71 that is being requested for the one-time only allocation.  Ms. Sabin said that the computer server would help their agency to continue processing reports, documenting home visits, processing applications and apply for program funding to keep our agency out in the community serving seniors. 

            Mr. Metzger, Sr., recommended that Ms. Sabin get in touch with the County’s IMO Director, Ms. Joan Hanson, to see if she could work with her on this request.  Maybe they could save some money with the State’s purchase plan. 


Agency                                    2007 Award      2007 Requested Amount          

Case Management:             $25,000                   $30,000                                 

Elder Abuse:                         $25,000                   $27,500                                 

Self-Neglect                          $50,000                    $50,000                     



Prairie State Legal Services

Request:  Prairie State Legal Services is seeking $4000.  These funds will be used as match and supplemental funding for the $4,985 grant from Northwestern Illinois Area Agency on Aging and funding from Legal Services Corporation.  Funds are used for salary, benefits, and pro rata share of telephone, mileage, supplies, insurance, occupancy and related costs. At least 45 DeKalb County senior citizens will apply for legal services and 40 will be found eligible for services after an interview by an attorney.  Legal representation or the drafting of legal documents will be provided to at least 10 seniors including seniors at risk of institutionalization.  Prairie State will provide approximately 185 hours of legal services to seniors.  Legal representation will resolve elder abuse issues and decision-making issues in approximately 7 cases.


*No one appeared for this agency at the hearing


2007 Award       2008 Requested Amount          

$3,000                 $4,000                                    



Voluntary Action Center – Transportation and Meals on Wheels

Request:  Voluntary Action Center – Transportation request is for $87,000 for FY08 transportation services (Trans Vac and Med Vac).  This request will fund 6,700 rides at a cost of $12.98 per ride. Costs were calculated by dividing total transportation costs by total number of rides provided.


Voluntary Action Center – Meals On Wheels request is for $112,500 that will be used to provide 12,000 meals, which will purchase 21% of Meals on Wheels services for DeKalb County residents.  Service will include a combination of noon, evening and weekend meals in addition to dietary supplements.


Mr. Zucker stated that the food prices have gone up by 25% under the Meals On Wheels program.  Mr. Zucker said that they have seen a significant increase in raw food, which is passed down to VAC. 

The nutrition program is strapped, said Ms. Rogers, and she feels that she underestimated the numbers last year.  She continued by stating that that the vendors have tacked on a surcharge, too.

            Mr. Stoddard asked Ms. Rogers if they are meeting everyone’s needs in the County?

            Ms. Rogers said that she feels currently that they are serving a pretty high percentage and that the level of service in the Sandwich area is pretty substantial.

            Chairman Rosemier asked Ms. Rogers about their relationship with Fox Valley Older Adults?

            Ms. Rogers stated that VAC does provide meals for them where VAC will deliver the Meals On Wheels at the hospital in Sandwich. Once they are delivered down there to the hospital, there is staff that will then go ahead and deliver the food to the Sandwich residents.  She said that they also do Meals on Wheels in Somonauk too.

            Chairman Rosemier asked, does Fox Valley provide their own transportation down there in Sandwich?

            Ms. Rogers said yes.

            Mr. Zucker said that MedVac services are provided countywide and that the need fluctuates.  He did say, however, that over the past two years there has been a growing need to travel outside the County for medical services.

            The committee then questioned Ms. Rogers about the one-time allocation request for $5,000 for a new Hot Shot truck.  Ms. Rogers said that the vehicle allows for the delivery of meals over long distances and time.  The oven and refrigerator ensures that the food is maintained within the safe temperature range while maintaining its quality.  Maintenance costs of the vehicles have increased substantially due to their age and their constant use.  They have three Hot Shots now that range were purchased in 1998, 2000 and 2003.  The 1998 model has 197,828 miles on it, the 2000 model has 245,487 miles on it and the 2003 model has 53,673 miles on it.

            Mr. Metzger, Sr., asked what the life expectancy is on these vehicles?  Mr. Zucker said about 10 years and the mileage would range between 200,000 to 300,000 miles of usuage.


2007 Award       2008 Requested Amount            

Transportation:             $85,000              $87,000                                              


Meals on Wheels:         $85,000              $112,500                                            


Mr. Tom Zucker, Executive Director of the Voluntary Action Center, and Ms. Ellen Rogers, thanked the committee for continued support of their services and for the Senior Services Tax Levy. 



Barb City Manor

Request:  Barb City Manor is requesting $7,956.00 in funds that would assist an average of 3 residents per month for 1 year of service (36 months or units of service) at an average cost of $221.00 per service unit.  Cost of service will vary with financial need of the senior.  Current Section 8 subsidies vary from $53.00 per month to $393.00 per month.  The number of residents assisted and the dollar amount of assistance would not be so great as to exceed the requested amount in the year’s time.  Residents must be able to pay for the majority of their monthly cost of living at Barb city with an average cost of $1,102 per month.  This is done through monthly social security, pensions, interest or savings.  Assistance from Barb City Manor’s Resident Endowment Fund may also be requested.  Barb City’s Endowment Fund is currently $134,703. Residents are receiving $880.00 a month from this fund, which is over the amount the fund is earning in interest.  Residents with very low income or those who have outlived an annuity or other investment sometimes need assistance from more than one source.


Ms. Tyne thanked the committee for their support of Barb City Manor.  She said that she feels that the new Supportive Living Facility being built by the County Rehab and Nursing Center will hurt them initially because she already knows of two people who are leaving Barb City to move into the new facility.  They do however, have a waiting list, which should help them.


2007 Award       2008 Requested Amount          

$7,956                 $7,956                                    



Family Service Agency of DeKalb County

Request:  Family Service Agency is requesting $90,000 to continue homecare service for the low-income elderly residents of DeKalb County.  The other source of income to be used for this portion of the Assisted Living Program is through the Illinois Department of Aging (IDOA).


            IDOA pays for Assisted Living services at a rate of $13.62 per hour.  As they have not been notified that there will be a change in that amount for FY09, they are assuming that that amount will remain.  The cost to Family Service Agency for providing these services is $23.02 per hour.  The difference between these hourly rates is $9.40 per hour - this is the per hour rate that Family Service Agency is requesting from the Senior Tax Levy funds.


             They provided 9,575 hours to IDOA clients in fiscal year 2007.  Based on the service level through January 2008, it is estimated that 5,409 service hours have been provided to IDOA clients.  Based on that number, it is estimated that 9474 service hours will be provided in FY09, and the $90,000 that they are requesting from the Senior Tax Levy will pay for those service hours at the rate of $9.40 per hour. County funds will enable low-income older adults to receive the care, which they desperately need, and allow Family Service Agency to continually meet emerging needs for assistance with the tasks of daily living. 

            Ms. Plote of Family Service Agency noted that there was a typo in her application.  On page 5 it should read that they are requesting $90,000 not $112,800. 

            Mr. Stoddard asked Ms. Plote if she felt the demand was beyond what they were able to provide?

            Ms. Plote said that she has seen the same service and that the people in the County really need this service.

            Chairman Rosemier asked her if they ever do adult babysitting?

            Ms. Plote said that it used to be called Respite and yes, they did.  They don’t anymore but the service is really needed in this County.


2007 Award                 2008 Requested Amount                      

$112,800                         $90,000                                              



Fox Valley Older Adults

Request:  Fox Valley Older Adults Services Agency is requesting $80,000 to provide 10,079 units of service; with 7,199.25 of that total provided to clients at the DeKalb Day Services unit and 2,879.75 provided at the Sandwich Day Service.  In the new term, it is the intent of Fox Valley Older Adult Services to provide 32,000 or more units of service to DeKalb County residents. 

President Todd Latham appeared before the committee this evening. New Director, Ms. Abigale Bruns was on maternity leave and will not be coming back to the agency.  They will have to begin searching for a new director again, said Mr. Latham.  *He had sent in an updated request to his application asking for $36,000 now and not $80,000. 

            The committee then asked Mr. Latham about the supplemental request regarding space expansion and construction into the middle part of their new building located at 126 S. 4th Street in DeKalb, Illinois.  They need to knock down a wall between the current space and the new space and put in a new doorway.  They would also need to purchase a new alarm system for the new section of the building.  The total request of funds that they are asking for is $6,000.  This should cover the cost of construction and the alarm system.

            The committee asked Mr. Latham how firm is the cost for this job?

            Mr. Latham said on the short side of it.


2007 Award       2008 Requested Amount          

$60,000                $36,000*                                             



Opportunity House

Request:  Opportunity House is requesting $33,900 for their specialized senior program that will help seniors with developmental disabilities to remain in their present living arrangement and prevent or delay referral to a nursing home. The amount that they receive provides for 1100 hours of annual services.  In their program currently they supply 1590 staff hours on an annual basis.

            The committee requested a copy of the agency’s board of directors list to be furnished to Ms. Ramp for the committee to see.

            Mr. Shipman said that as they are expanding they would begin looking at hiring more staff.  They served 210 clients last year.



2007 Award                 2008 Requested Amount                      

$34,000                           $33,900                                              




Request:  Hospice is requesting the amount of $3,480 to support an average of seven (7) senior home-based Transitions clients per month.  The average time spent by the Transitions Coordinator on case management and volunteer supervision per client is two hours per month at $20.00 per hour.  The request also includes $120.00 for the Transitions portion of the Direct Care Volunteer training (two trainings/year).

            The committee noted that the agency requested $500.00 less than last year.



2007 Award       2008 Requested Amount          

$3,988                 $3,480                                    




            Moved by Mr. Metzger, Sr., seconded by Mr. Stoddard, and it was carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting.




                                                            Respectfully submitted,




                                                            Chairman Robert Rosemier





Mary C. Supple, Secretary

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