DeKalb County IL  Government Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the

September 23, 2008

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BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS PRESENT:  Scott Starkweather, President; Jean Gastiger, R.N., N.P., Vice President; Secretary; Kevin Buick; Todd Latham; John B. Olson, D.D.S.; David Phillips, M.D.; Sue Thompson, R.N.; Dennis Diemer, D.V.M.; Linda K. Liston, M.D.







On a motion by Mr. Latham and seconded by Ms. Thompson, the Board of Health minutes of the meeting of July 22, 2008, were approved.  Motion carried. 


Mr. Olson moved to approve the Executive Session minutes of the Board of Health meeting of July 22, 2008; seconded by Ms. Thompson.  Motion carried. 




Mrs. Grush reported that grants are being finalized at this time; some of the grants have new requirements for the same or less money.  The 2009 Budget Request for the Health Department was submitted to the County.  A status update will be provided under New Business.


Mrs. Grush reported on the new Outreach Community Building.  Details are being finalized on furniture, paint and flooring.  Mrs. Grush also stated she hopes the January 2009 Board of Health meeting will be held in the new building. 


Mrs. Grush reported that Kishwaukee Hospital and Northern Illinois University have partnered to open a primary care clinic in the Monsanto Building.  The target population to be served will be Medicaid, the uninsured and under insured.  The clinic will not be a Rural Health Center (RHC) or a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) at this time; however, the hope is that it will move in that direction in the future.  As federal monies become available, clinics that have been in operation have a greater chance of receiving funding.  Kishwaukee Hospital has reported an increase in the use of their emergency room by individuals who have no other options; therefore, they are willing to financially support this project.  The clinic will be housed in space owned by NIU at the Monsanto Building.  This will not be a free clinic.  Individuals will be charged for services on a sliding fee scale. 


Mr. Drake, Director of Environmental Health, reported that his division has had a very busy summer with all the summer temporary food sites, the recent flooding, reports of bats and even a loose alligator.  Mr. Drake also reported on the recycling program in the rural areas.  He stated that he’s waiting to approach the township road commissioners after the busy summer months and that this will be a “first of the year” project.  Mr. Drake also reported on the recent electronic pick up.  Unfortunately, the turn out was not as good as in the past.  This was the first year that batteries and light bulbs were accepted.  There was a brief discussion regarding the recent and recurrent flooding at Evergreen Park in Sycamore and the health concerns there. 


Mrs. Bette Chilton, Director of Public Health Services, reported on another successful school physical year and stated that numbers were up from last year.  Mrs. Chilton also stated that, at this time, Public Health Services is fully staffed and functioning.


Mrs. Deb Rolf, Director of Home Care Services, reported on the challenges of summer staffing.  In July all staff took low census days due to a historically low patient census of 97.  With scheduled vacations and an increase in patients, August was a very busy month.


Mrs. Marcy Zanellato, Director of Health Education, reported that a new fulltime Health Educator had been hired and was working out very well.  Mrs. Zanellato also stated she had received information from Springfield stating we are being given one more Catch Grant for another school in the Sycamore area. 




Mrs. Grush reported that revenue from the state, grants and public aid are coming in slower than in previous years.  Revenue is also down in Environmental Health, most likely due to the current housing market situation.  Likewise, Home Care is also down in revenue due to the low summer census.  There was a brief discussion regarding the drop in the Home Care census.  The census had dropped more than normal this year, possibly due to individuals not going to a doctor, scheduling surgeries, etc., for economic reasons.


On a motion by Mr. Latham, seconded by Ms. Gastiger, the Financial Statements for the months of July and August 2008 and the Claims for the months of August and September 2008 were approved.  Motion carried. 




Mrs. Grush stated that the DeKalb County Health Department’s FY2009 Budget Requests from the County have been submitted.  Recommendations by Ray Bockman, County Administrator, and Gary Hanson, Deputy County Administrator, are as follows:


A request was made for $510,000.00 at the maximum rate of .232 cents for the Public Health Levy.  The recommendation was to fund the tax cap level of .0225 cents at $495,000.00.


A request was made for $362,000.00 for Public Health IMRF/SS.  The recommendation was made to approve this amount.


A request was made for a van for the Animal Control Division in the amount of $20,000.00.  The recommendation was made to approve this amount.


A request was made for a spay/neuter program in the amount of $15,000.00.  The recommendation was to appropriate $50,000.00 over a three-year trial period ($15,000.00 in 2009, $17,000.00 in 2010, and $18,000.00 in 2011).


A request was made for $213,000.00 for building maintenance and utilities and janitorial needs.  The recommendation was made to approve this amount.


Board members were provided the DeKalb County Government FY2009 Budget Narrative recommendations by Mr. Bockman and Mr. Hanson.  Mrs. Grush reviewed the health insurance effective date recommendation that would have an effect on future health department employees.  She supported this recommendation.  She also reported that at this time, health insurance premiums are projected to go up 10 percent in FY2009.


It is recommended that the effective date for insurance coverage for new employees would be changed to the first day of the month following the first full calendar of the employment.  Currently, the effective date is the first of the month following the 75th day of employment.  The current policy requires new hires to take COBRA coverage, which is very costly, until covered under the county.  This can be a barrier to recruiting new hires. 


The IMRF rate will increase from 8 percent to 8.5 percent in 2009 with hopes of it leveling off at 9 percent in future years.


Mrs. Grush reported the budget has moved to the appeal phase.  Steve Walt, County Board Member, made several appeals to Department budgets.  Those directed at Health Department requests are as follows:


·     All proposed fee increases, including restaurant permits, well permits, well inspections, septic permits, licenses and inspections, and vital records appealed to be reduced by 50 percent.  Mrs. Grush stated she intended to appeal this recommendation.


·     The Health Department’s request for $362,000.00 for IMRF and FICA was appealed to keep it at the 2008 level of $341,000.00.  Mrs. Grush stated she intended to appeal this recommendation.


·     The recommended $50,000.00 trial three year Spay-Neuter Program was appealed with a recommendation to eliminate this request.  Mrs. Grush asked for guidance from the Board of Health on this recommendation.


Dr. Diemer expressed his concerns on the subject of asking taxpayers to fund the proposed spay/neuter program.  During the meeting with local veterinarians and animal shelters, he was under the impression that the $15,000.00 needed to start the program was already in place.  Mrs. Grush did state at that time the money had been allocated in the 2008 budget, however, since it was mid year before a plan was submitted to the county, they requested implementation be held off and a new proposal be submitted for the 2009 budget.


Dr. Diemer stated that over the years, he and his business partner have provided many hours of discounted services to citizens who were unable to pay the full fees for the spay or neuter of their pets.  They also provide discounted spay and neuter fees to a citizen who traps feral cats. 


Dr. Diemer went on to state that homeowners are having a hard enough time staying in their homes due to the economy and he doesn’t want to have to ask them for more money.  Therefore, he is proposing that alternate ways to fund this program be sought out other than using property taxes, perhaps by asking local veterinarians and animal shelters to contribute to the fund.  Mrs. Grush also stated pick up fines collected could contribute.


There was a brief discussion among other board members regarding this issue and all were in favor of finding alternate ways to fund this project.      


On a motion by Ms. Gastiger, seconded Mr. Latham, it was agreed to accept this appeal to eliminate the request and to seek alternate ways of providing spay/neuter services to low income individuals.  Motion carried.


Mrs. Grush also informed the Board that each year the County sets money aside for Renewal & Replacement of buildings.  Mr. Bockman and Mr. Hanson recommended the amount be increased from $200,000.00 per year to $225,000.00 per year so that money is available when major updates need to be provided.  This was appealed to eliminate this set aside.  The County Finance Committee will address this appeal.


Mrs. Grush also reported that a major initiative that stared in FY2008 was a changeover in the County’s telephone system to Voice over Internet Protocol.  The County is moving in this direction, as has the Rehab & Nursing Center.  Mrs. Grush stated the Health Department’s phone system was moved here from the old building.  It is old and antiquated and will have to be dealt with at some point.  At an estimated implementation cost of approximately $100,000.00 for the Health Department, Mrs. Grush feels this initiative for the Health Department will need to wait due to the uncertainty of revenue at this time.  Mrs. Grush reported that so far, three grants have had cuts or money held in reserve.  At the moment, she is doubtful the reserve money will be received.  The three grants are as follows:


·     The 2009 Emergency Planning grant was reduced from the previous year to $8,001.00. 


·     The 2009 DHS Grant Funding held in reserve this year totals $8,296.00. 


·     The 2009 IDPH Grant Funding held in reserve this year totals $906.00.


Mrs. Grush reviewed the FY2009 proposed management raises and part-time temporary raises.  The Union contract calls for a three percent COLA effective January 1, 2009, and a zero to two percent incentive effective July 1, 2009 based on a record of no discipline during the previous year.  Union hourly ranges will increase three percent at entry and three percent at maximum.  For non-union employees, the County Budget is recommending two percent COLA and a zero to two percent merit effective January 4, 2009.  Hourly range increases will increase two percent at entry and four percent at the maximum.  Mrs. Grush recommended that Health Department Management receive the three percent COLA effective January 1, 2009, and a zero to two percent based on merit effective July 1, 2009.  She further recommended that the hourly rates be increased two percent at entry and four percent at maximum.  She also recommended that part-time temporary employees receive the three percent COLA effective January 1, 2009, and only registered nurses receive the zero to two percent increase based on merit effective July 1, 2009.


Mrs. Thompson moved to accept the proposed management and part-time temporary raises as proposed by Mrs. Grush, seconded by Mr. Buick.  Motion carried.


Mrs. Grush reported that the memberships of Scott Starkweather, Linda Liston, Jesus Romero, and Julia Fauci all expire this year.  She stated that all are eligible to serve another term and should indicate their interest to the Nominating Committee composed of Todd Latham, Chair, Sue Thompson and Dr. Phillips.  At the December meeting, the Nominating Committee will recommend Board of Health appointments and a slate of officers for 2009.


It was agreed by all in attendance that the Board of Health meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 25, 2008 would be changed to Tuesday, December 2, 2008 due to the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. 




At 8:25 p.m., Mr. Olson moved to enter into executive session for the purpose of a union contract update.  Ms. Thompson seconded.  On a roll call vote, those voting yes included Mr. Starkweather, Ms. Gastiger, Mr. Buick, Mr. Latham, Mr. Olson, Dr. Phillips, Ms. Thompson, Dr. Diemer, and Dr. Liston. 


At 8:31 p.m., Mr. Buick moved to enter into regular session, seconded by Ms. Gastiger.  On a roll call vote, those voting yes included Mr. Starkweather, Ms. Gastiger, Mr. Buick, Mr. Latham, Mr. Olson, Dr. Phillips, Ms. Thompson, Dr. Diemer, and Dr. Liston. 




Highlights noted.




On a motion by Dr. Liston and seconded by Mr. Buick, the Board of Health adjourned at 8:32 p.m.  Motion carried. 





Linda K. Liston, M.D., Secretary

DeKalb County Board of Health

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