Official County Seal of DeKalb County IL  Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
County Highway Committee

March 6, 2008


A meeting of the Highway Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Thursday March 6, 2008 at 6:00pm in the Conference Room of the DeKalb County Highway Department, DeKalb, Illinois.  


Chair LaVigne called the meeting to order at 6:02pm.  Committee members present were, Vice-Chairperson Augsburger, Mr. Anderson, and Mr. Walt.  Also present were Mr. Bill Lorence, County Engineer, Wayne Davey, Support Services Manager, and Gregg Millburg, Farm Bureau.




Motion made by Vice-Chair Augsburger and seconded by Mr. Anderson to approve the minutes of the regular February 7, 2008 meeting.  The motion to approve the minutes carried unanimously. 




Motion made by Mr. Anderson to approve the agenda and Mr. Walt seconded this motion.  Discussion followed and it was suggested that the agenda be amended to act on items one through three as one item, renumber item four to item two, and add a new item three – the MFT Resolution for Section 08-00223-00-RS Perry Road.  The motion carried unanimously to approve the agenda as amended.


PUBLIC COMMENT:  There were no public comments at this time. 




Mr. Lorence explained to the Committee that bids were taken for all of our scheduled hot mix projects for 2008 on March 4, 2008. The bids received were as follows:  For Perry Road three bids were received with Curran Contracting Company submitting the lowest bid meeting specifications at $124,572.60; For Esmond Road in South Grove Road District three bids were received with Curran Contracting Company submitting the lowest bid meeting specifications in the amount of $230,755.20; For Crego Road in Afton Road District three bids were received with Curran Contracting Company submitting the lowest bid meeting specifications in the amount of $141,705.10; For Leland Road in Clinton Road District Curran Contracting Company submitted the lowest bid meeting specifications in the amount of $88,144.55; For Lovell Road in Cortland Road District Curran Contracting submitted the lowest bid meeting specifications in the amount of $91,555.10; For Pine Ridge Subdivision in Genoa Road District Curran Contracting Company submitted the lowest bid meeting specifications in the amount of $49,720.05;  For Valley View Subdivision in Kingston Road District Curran Contracting Company submitted the lowest bid meeting specifications in the amount of $89,990.07; For Council Road in Somonauk Road District Curran Contracting Company submitted the lowest bid meeting specifications in the amount of $153,798.10; and for Lee Road in Squaw Grove Road District Curran Contracting Company submitted the lowest bid meeting specifications in the amount of $166,922.10.  Mr. Lorence recommended approval of all awards to Curran Contracting Company.  A motion was made by Vice Chairperson Augsburger and seconded by Mr. Walt to forward the award resolution to the full County Board recommending approval.  The motion carried unanimously.




Mr. Lorence explained to the Committee that the full County Board awarded the Esmond Road Bridge project during November 2007.  Because the County will pay for this bridge out of County Funds and be reimbursed by the State a resolution is required to allow for the County to be reimbursed as funds become available to the County  annually.   This resolution, along with the resolution passed by the full County Board during September 2007, will cover the contracted cost of the bridge.  The resolution is in the amount of $76,300.00 bringing the total amount of anticipated funds for this project to $358,680.00 representing 80% of the total cost to build the bridge.  Mr. Lorence recommended that the Committee forward the resolution to the full County Board recommending approval.    A motion was made by Mr. Anderson and seconded by Vice Chairperson Augsburger to forward the resolution to the full County Board recommending approval.  The motion carried unanimously.




Mr. Lorence explained that the County would be working on Perry Road from Illinois Route 23 west to Waterman Road.  This road will be closed for approximately a month during July and the road will be ground and the narrow concrete under the current surface broken up and relayed in place.  Then a binder course will be put down.  This process will hopefully eliminate the damage caused to the roadway by the concrete heaving/shifting through the year.  This same procedure is projected for Waterman Road in the future if the desired results are obtained on Perry Road.  Before the County can expend MFT funds for any project the full County Board must authorize the expenditure through a resolution.  This resolution fulfills that requirement and Mr. Lorence recommended that the Committee consider approval.  A motion was made by Mr. Anderson and seconded by Mr. Walt to forward the MFT resolution to the full County Board recommending approval.  The motion carried unanimously.


CHAIR’S COMMENTS:            Chairperson LaVigne had no comments at this time.




The Transportation Improvement Progress Report for March was provided to the Committee for their review.  The highlighted projects on the March report were discussed.  Progress is being made on the Bethany Road South extension in DeKalb Road District.  Design of the roadway has begun and the land acquisition is at more than 70% complete.  The Perry Road Bridge projects has been reduced to just a single bridge.  A structural analysis has determined that the bridge will accommodate an overlay of an additional four inches of asphalt.  The reason to redo this bridge was to raise it up to reduce the dip in the roadway.  The overlay will accomplish this at considerable savings to the County. 


Mr. Lorence stated the County will put Road Posting signs up on Monday with enforcement to go into effect at 00:01am Tuesday morning.


ADDITIONAL COMMENTS:  Mr. Anderson inquired about the ordinance for container shipments.  Mr. Lorence stated that it was still being worked on.  There is no real rush as the County will not authorize any shipments until after the spring postings are off and roads have settled back down.


Mr. Walt inquired about Schafer Road, south of Illinois Route 64.  He stated that the ditch has been dug out and they are about eight feet deep, allowing water to flow along the roadway.  He has some concern about the drop off, as no guardrail is present for the entire length of the ditch.  Mr. Lorence referred Mr. Walt to Mr. Burgweger, the Road District Commissioner for South Grove Road District who has jurisdiction over that road.




Chair LaVigne inquired if there was anything else that needed to be brought before the Committee and hearing none asked for a motion to adjourn.  A motion was made by Vice Chairperson Augsburger to adjourn and Mr. Walt seconded this motion.  The motion passed unanimously and the March 6, 2008 meeting was adjourned at 6:22p.m. 


Respectfully Submitted




Patricia LaVigne


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