Official County Seal of DeKalb County IL  Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
County Highway Committee

October 2, 2008

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A meeting of the Highway Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Thursday October 2, 2008 at 6:00pm in the Conference Room of the DeKalb County Highway Department, DeKalb, Illinois.  


Chairperson LaVigne called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.  Committee members present were, Mr. Anderson, Vice-Chairperson Augsburger, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Stoddard and Mr. Stuckert.   Also present were Mr. Bill Lorence, County Engineer and Wayne Davey, Support Services Manager.  County Board members Mr. Ken Anderson and Mr. Robert Rosemier were present along with Mr. Ray Heinisch, Mr. Carl Heinisch, Mr. Jim Quinn, and several other citizens.  Mr. Greg Millburg, Farm Bureau was also represented.




Motion made by Vice-Chair Augsburger and seconded by Mr. Anderson to approve the minutes of the regular September 4, 2008 meeting.  The motion to approve the minutes carried unanimously. 




Motion made by Mr. Anderson to approve the agenda and Mr. Stoddard seconded this motion.  Discussion followed to amend the agenda to add an MFT Resolution to item 2 to add an additional resolution for anticipation of Township Bridge Funds for Section 05-16116-00-BR, Esmond Road Bridge.   It was also determined that item 1 was to be moved after item 6.  The motion carried unanimously to approve the agenda as amended. 


PUBLIC COMMENT:  Mr. Robert Rosemier addressed the Committee concerning the intersection of Glidden and Bethany Roads under the jurisdiction of DeKalb County.  Mr. Rosemier voiced concern over the increasing number of accidents at that intersection, including one fatality and requested the Committee to look into the situation and find ways to make that intersection safer for the traveling public.


Mr. Ray Heinisch addressed the Committee with the concerns of area residents that travel Glidden and Bethany on a daily basis.  Mr. Heinisch provided the Committee with his letter of September 8, 2008 addressed to Mr. Bill Lorence along with an article appearing in the Daily Chronicle concerning accidents at Glidden and Bethany.  After reading the article to the Committee Mr. Heinisch reiterated the need for something to be done at that intersection to ensure the safety of the traveling public.  Mr. Heinisch opined several factors that might be the cause of these accidents such as inattentive drivers, drivers thinking this is a 4-way stop, blind spots at the intersection when traffic is turning onto Bethany, unfamiliarity with the surroundings, weather conditions particularly sunup and sunset and impatience.  Most accidents happen during the afternoon hours and not when the road is experiencing heavy traffic or nighttime traffic. Accidents appear to increase since Bethany Road was extended to the west at this intersection with 2 accidents reported in 2005, 6 in 2006, 8 in 2007 and 5 so far during 2008.  Mr. Heinisch requested the Committee address the need for a safer intersection with a signalized intersection or if that was not possible to at least consider the installation of a four-way stop.


Mr. Lorence stated the intersection does now meet the warrants for a four-way stop condition and that option was being considered.  Dangerous intersection signs have been erected with small solar flashers attached in the mean time to help alert drivers.  The Committee inquired into the cost of signalized intersection and Mr. Lorence stated the cost would be approximately $250,000.00.  However, the intersection does not meet the warrants for that action and if the Committee and the County Board directed the installation of traffic lights the cost would have to be 100% County dollars and no MFT or Matching tax dollars could be used.  Mr. Lorence stated a four-way stop could be installed as early as next week.  The Committee agreed with the County Engineer that that action would be the way to go at this time until the intersection met the warrants for a signalized intersection.


The Committee thanked all who brought this matter to their attention and thanked everyone for coming to the meeting.





Mr. Lorence explained to the Committee that bids were taken for the relocation of curves on South First Street between Elva and Keslinger Roads.  South First Street now belongs to the County and this road will be scheduled for resurfacing in the next few years.  Three bids were received and the lowest bid meeting specifications was submitted by Rockford Blacktop Construction Company of Loves Park, Illinois.  Their bid was $448,390.74, which was seven percent over the engineers estimate, but competitive with the other bids received.  The MFT Resolution (for $246,615.00) is necessary to allow the County to utilize MFT funds for part of the construction of this project.  Matching funds will also be used to complete the funding.  The County Engineer recommended approval of the award and MFT resolution.  A motion was made by Vice-Chair Augsburger and seconded by Mr. Walt to forward both resolutions to the full County Board recommending approval.  The motion carried unanimously.




Mr. Lorence explained every year the County receives an allotment for the Township Bridge Program.  This program pays for 80% of the cost of a qualifying bridge and the Road Districts and County split the remaining 20% equally.  Because our annual allotment is approximately $166,000.00 the County pays the entire amount of a constructed bridge and repays the County Bridge Fund when the allotments are received.  In order to “upfront” this program and to insure the County is paid back with these funds a resolution anticipating the cost is required.  The North Grove Road Bridge will be built in the near future and Esmond Road Bridge is completed.  The North Grove Road Bridge resolution is for $226,541.83 and the Esmond Road Bridge resolution is for $34,514.63.  Mr. Lorence recommended approval of both resolutions.  A motion was made by Mr. Anderson and seconded by Mr. Stoddard to forward the resolutions to the full County Board recommending approval.  The motion carried unanimously.




Construction of Perry Road between Illinois Route 23 and Waterman Road is now completed. The total cost for this project was $137,781.49, with 55% being paid for with MFT funds and 45% being paid for with Matching funds.   The County had previously authorized the expenditure of $68,515.00 in MFT funds.  In order to close out and finalize this project an additional $7,539.82 in MFT Funds needs to be authorized by the County.  Mr. Lorence recommended approval.  A motion was made by Vice-Chair Augsburger and seconded by Mr. Stoddard to forward the resolutions to the full County Board recommending approval.  The motion carried unanimously.




a.      Glidden/Bethany Road Intersection:  This item was covered under Public Comment.

b.     Mowing County Right-of-Way:  Mr. Ken Anderson inquired into the County’s policy of mowing the right-of-ways.  Was it necessary to continue along the same lines as we have done in the past or are there better ways to do this or is it necessary at all?  Mr. Lorence explained that the statutes required the County to control noxious weeds on property maintained by the County.  Clean and clear ditches also allows for proper drainage and snow movement.  The County makes two passes through the County each year – the first cutting just the front slope and the second mowing the entire right-of-way.  This is done to prevent the growth of saplings as well as weed control.  We also spray at appropriate times to control weeds.  We have reduced our mowing to the minimum that we feel allows us to produce the results we can live with.

c.      How can we involve local companies in our projects?  Mr. Ken Anderson would like to see more involvement of business in DeKalb County when it comes to awarding contracts or doing the business of the County.  Mr. Lorence explained he does not have the option but to take the lowest bid meeting specifications.  Some local Governments allow the award to a local bidder if the amount of the bid is within five percent of the low bid submitted.  However, in order to use state and Federal funds the County would have to award projects to the low bidder.  As far as professional services – the County Engineer makes a professional decision based on the qualifications of the firm needed for the successful completion of the project being designed.  We use local companies when appropriate and do this in approximately 80% of all of our professional services contracts.  When going after major federal funding for projects the County Engineer will use the company better suited to secure those funds for the County. 

d.     Breakdown of County v. Township Roads:  A map was provided to all Committee Members with all roads under the jurisdiction and responsibility of the County highlighted in red.

e.      2009 Budget:  No comments.





The Transportation Improvement Progress Report for September was provided to the Committee for their review.  The highlighted projects on the report were discussed. The Bethany Road South extension in DeKalb Road District is moving forward and is approximately 70% complete.  The Cherry Valley Road Bridge is completed and is now open to the traveling public.   The South County Line Road Bridge project is at 5% complete.  This project is under the control and direction of LaSalle County with DeKalb County participating financially.  South First Street is awaiting award and utility relocation.


Mr. Lorence informed the Committee that next week work would begin on the cutting and removal of the bridge on Keslinger Road.  The beams would be cut and removed on Monday and the cap would be removed on Tuesday.  The University of Illinois will be in the area on Friday to begin taking some laser imaging of the bridge.


ADDITIONAL COMMENTS:  Mr. Larry Anderson inquired into the roundabout being designed and constructed at the intersection of Glidden and Rich Roads.  Mr. Lorence provided the Committee with the plans and a typical section of this project.  Mr. Anderson’s concern was the movement of agricultural equipment, tractor-trailers, and overwidth/overlength loads that are permitted to use County highways and could that movement be made in a safe manner.  Mr. Lorence assured the Committee that this project would not impede the safe movement of any legal traffic.




The Committee discussed the need to go into Executive Session for the County Engineer’s evaluation.  A motion was made by Mr. Larry Anderson and seconded by Vice-Chair Augsburger to go into Executive Session.  A roll call vote was held with six yes votes and 0 no votes. 


A motion was made by Vice-Chair Augsburger and seconded by Mr. Larry Anderson to return to open session.   A roll call vote was held with six yes votes and 0 no votes.


It was the consensus of the Committee that the County Engineer had successfully completed his Standard Work Plan for the preceding year.




Chairperson LaVigne inquired if there was anything else that needed to be brought before the Committee and hearing none asked for a motion to adjourn.  A motion was made by Mr. Larry Anderson to adjourn and Mr. Stoddard seconded this motion. The motion passed unanimously and the October 2, 2008 meeting was adjourned at 7:50p.m. 


Respectfully Submitted




Patricia LaVigne


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