Official County Seal of DeKalb Illinois County Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the DeKalb County Veterans Assistance Commissions

April 14, 2008


The meeting started at 7:00 with President Rich Joslin calling the meeting to order. We had 12 people in attendance including Vice-president Mike Boorsma, Secretary Steve Walz, Treasurer John Davis, Herb Holderman, superintendent, and Gary Keegan from Genoa Legion.  The minutes of the March meeting were handed out and read.  Mike Boorsma seconded the minutes and they were approved as read.

     John Davis gave his finance report and the commission has $1487.57 in our checking account.  Mike Boorsma seconded the report and the finance report was approved.  We had some discussion on the use of our funds from our own checking account. 

     Superintendent Holderman gave his report and we spent $4387.00 on assistance.  We also took 6 people to hospitals.  Keith Thompson made the motion to accept the report and this was seconded by Gary Keegan.  The report was approved.

     The Vet Fair will be August 9, and John Duback is sending out letters to interested parties.

     Frank Beierlotzer told us that the troop appreciation day for the deploying National Guard troops is tentatively set for May 3.  They have not received their orders yet and the date may have to be changed.  There was some discussion on having a party for them and serving them hamburgers and brats.  There was also some discussion on ways to help the families of the deployed troops.  The Memorial Day Mayor’s Breakfast will be May 26 and we are urged to attend.

     The new building is coming along but they will probably be asking the county for a one month extension on completion.  The new date would be October 15 with occupancy in December.

     Mike Boorsma made the motion to pay the bills totaling $4387.00 and this was seconded by Frank Beierlotzer.  The motion passed.  We have been audited and we spent money to send a veteran to a truck driving class that was not officially approved by the commission.  We are waiting on the auditors to tell us the correct way to come up with a solution to these problems.  The superintendent wants guidelines on what to spend money on.  Superintendent Holderman was approached by a vet who needs some new clothes so he can start work.  Rich Joslin made the motion to buy the man two pair of pants and this was seconded by Mike Boorsma.  The motion passed.  Herb told us that our budget is basically on track.  There was discussion on whether to join the DeKalb and Sycamore Chambers of Commerce.  It will cost $150 for each of them per year.  If we join now we would be prorated to $80. Belonging to the Chambers would give the commission more credibility and more public relations.  Frank Beierlotzer made the motion to join the chambers and this was seconded by Rich Joslin.  The motion passed.

     April 17 will be the DeKalb County American Legion Post Everlasting at 7:00.  May 9 and 10 will be the Sycamore sesquicentennial.  On Sunday the 10th there will be a picnic at the park with bingo and fireworks.  Our next meeting will be May 12 at 7:00 at the Sycamore Memorial Home.  The June Meeting will be at Kingston at the Varsity Pub.

     Gary Keegan made the motion to adjourn and this was approved.

Respectfully Submitted


Steve Walz, Secretary    

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