Official County Seal of DeKalb Illinois County Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the DeKalb County Veterans Assistance Commissions

August 11, 2008


The meeting started at 7:00 with President Rich Joslin calling the meeting to order.  We had 13 members in attendance including Rich Joslin, Mike Boorsma, Steve Walz, John Davis and Herb Holderman.

     The minutes of the July meeting were read and seconded by Mike Boorsma.  The minutes were approved.

     John Davis gave the commissions finance report and we have $1537.57 in the account.  Mike Boorsma seconded the report and the report was approved.

     Herb Holderman gave the corporate financial report and the commission paid out $5106.80.  The new building is coming along and we are still expecting to move into the new offices by the end of September.  We will also be receiving new furniture for the new office.  The September meeting will be in Sandwich and tentatively the October meeting might be there also depending on whether Representative Foster can make the meeting.

     The Vet Fair had 79 people attending with a lot of good compliments, but 6 vendors were no shows.  A form was passed around to try to get feedback on how to improve the fair.

     The IACVAC is having their meeting at Bloomington Springfield and we have 3 people going to these meetings.  There was some question on who was allowed to vote at these meetings and Superintendant Holderman will be checking into it.  Frank Beierlotzer made a motion to send current employees, delegate and alternate, and future employees if they wanted to go.   The motion was seconded by Jon Lehuta and the motion passed. 

     The van is going to be lettered and the commission picked out a design with unanimous approval.  The lettering will cost approximately $450.

     Mike Boorsma made the motion to pay the bills totaling $5106.80 and this was seconded by Steve Scoughton.  The motion passed. 

     Jon Lehuta made the motion to adjourn at 8:10 and this was seconded by Jerry Johnson.  We were adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Steve Walz, Secretary


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