Official County Seal of DeKalb Illinois County Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the DeKalb County Veterans Assistance Commissions

December 8, 2008


     The meeting started at 7:02 with President Rich Joslin calling the meeting to order.  There were 13 members in attendance including Mike Boorsma, Steve Walz, Frank Beierlotzer, Don Jones, and Jon Lehuta. 


     The minutes of the October meeting were read and they were seconded by Don Jones.  The minutes were approved.


     Superintendant Herb Holderman gave the finance report for John Davis, and there is $2115.08 in the corporate account.  The report was seconded by Jon Lehuta, and the report was approved.


     Superintendant Herb Holderman then gave his regular report.  The need for financial assistance has dropped off slightly.  Herb Holderman then gave the commission five things that we need to vote on. 

1)      The county is raising the salary range and we need to vote on whether to keep the commission in line with the county. 

2)      The county is giving all non-union employees a COLA of up to 2%.

3)      Should we start Tammy Anderson at the 2008 rate?

4)      Should we give pay raises or merit raises while new employees are on probation.

5)      Should drivers that are taking veterans to various hospitals be paid per Diem?

     We had nominations for the elected officers and the nominations were

     President Rich Joslin

     Vice- President Mike Boorsma

     Treasurer John Davis

     Secretary Steve Walz

     Director Jim Cox

     Frank Beierlotzer made the motion that we should cast one unanimous ballot for all the nominated people, and this was seconded by Jon Lehuta the motion passed and the parties were elected.


     Frank Beierlotzer made the motion to keep the commission’s pay scale in compliance with the county. And this was seconded by Jon Lehuta.  The motion passed.  Jim Cox made the motion to give a 2% cola pay increase to all non-union employees and this was seconded by Jon Lehuta. The motion passed. Frank Beierlotzer made a motion to give all of the non-union employees a 4% merit raise but there was no second.  Jim Cox then made a motion to give all non-union employees a 2% merit raise and this was seconded by Jon Lehuta.  The motion passed.  Jim Cox made the motion to start Tammy Anderson at the 2008 rate and that her starting date will be January 12, 2009, and this was seconded by Jon Lehuta.  The motion passed.  Jim Cox made the motion that there will be no pay raises or merit raises while new employees are on probation, and this was seconded by Jon Lehuta.  The motion passed.  Jim Cox made the motion that drivers taking veterans to the various hospitals be paid per Diem if they request it.  After some discussion, the motion was seconded by Jon Lehuta and the motion passed. 


     Frank Beierlotzer told us that the dinner for the troops was a great success, and that there will be a Christmas party for the families of the deployed troops at the Sycamore Armory.  He also stated that the 40 & 8 are supporting the troops and their families by taking monetary donations at the different branches of the Resource Bank.


Mike Boorsma made the motion to pay the bills from both October and November.  The October bills for the Commission totaled $10,154.28, and the November bills totaled $14,602.71.  The motion was seconded by Frank Beierlotzer and the motion passed.


     Jim Cox made the motion to adjourn at 8:10.


Respectfully Submitted


Steve Walz, Secretary

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