Official County Seal of DeKalb Illinois County Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the DeKalb County Veterans Assistance Commissions

January 14, 2008


     President Rich Joslin called the meeting to order at 7:00. Present were President Rich Joslin, Vice-President Mike Boorsma, Treasurer John Davis, and Secretary Steve Walz along with eight other members.  Marty Smith, Keith Thompson and Bill Davis were present from Legion Post 99.

      The minutes from the December meeting were read and seconded by Mike Boorsma.  The minutes were approved.

     John Davis gave the treasurers report and we have $1867.57 in the bank.  Mike Boorsma seconded the report and the report was approved.

     Superintendent Herb Holderman gave his report.  We assisted 5 people with food, 6 people with shelter, 2 with utilities, and 8 people with transportation.  We spent $3850.25 for helping veterans last month.  Last year we assisted 884 veterans; 8 veterans with employment and 63 veterans with healthcare.  It takes approximately 13 months for a claim to be adjudicated.  Superintendant Holderman also asked for a check for $5 for the Secretary of State to keep our status as not-for profit.

     Frank Beierlotzer mentioned that since John Duback has moved to Ottawa, that we may have to help with the Vet’s Fair.  John still plans on doing it, but may need our help.  Frank also handed out a sheet of upcoming events for the next 6 months.  The Fly-in Drive-in veterans weekend at the DeKalb County Airport for the weekend of July 25-27 was mentioned and he made a motion that the DCVAC help sponsor the event.  The motion was seconded by Steve Scoughton.  The motion passed.

   The new building is behind schedule.

     We are looking at hiring two new service officers instead of one.  The choices are Steve Scoughton and Tammy Anderson.  Since Medvac is broke and will not transport vets to hospitals anymore, the two new people will also help to transport veterans to hospitals.  The hiring will be subject to County board budget reappropriation.  Rich Joslin made the motion and it was seconded by Mike Boorsma.  The motion passed.

     We purchased a new 2007 Ford Edge from Brad Manning Ford for $24,794 for transporting veterans.  Mike Boorsma made the motion to pay for the car and this was seconded by Frank Beierlotzer.  The motion passed.

     Mike Boorsma made the motion to OK the paying of bills amounting to $3850.25, and this was seconded by John Lehuta.  The motion passed.

     The next meeting will be February 11 at the Sycamore VFW.  The March 10 meeting will be at the Sandwich VFW.

     Mike Boorsma made the motion to adjourn at 8:48, and this was seconded by Steve Scoughton.  The motion passed.


Respectfully Submitted


Steve Walz Secretary

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