Official County Seal of DeKalb Illinois County Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the DeKalb County Veterans Assistance Commissions

May 12, 2008


     The meeting started at 7:00 with President Rich Joslin calling the meeting to order.  There were 15 members in attendance including Rich Joslin, Mike Boorsma, John Davis, Gary Keegan and Steve Walz.

      The minutes of the previous meeting were read and Mike Boorsma seconded the minutes as read.  The minutes were approved.

     John Davis gave the financial report and there is $1537.57 in the account.  Gary Keegan seconded the report as given and the report was approved.     

     Herb Holderman gave the superintendents report, and we assisted 35 veterans including 16 trips to different VA centers.  The financial assistance amounted to $5107.00.  Herb also mentioned that we have joined both the Sycamore and DeKalb chambers of commerce.

     John Duback informed us that the Vet Fair will be August 9, 2008 from 9:30 to 1:00.  The boy scouts will be selling hamburgers again and allowed to keep the proceeds.  Frank made a motion to pay up to $1000 to John Duback and others to cover their expenses for their work on promoting the Vet Fair and all their traveling.  Gary Keegan seconded the motion and it was approved.

     Frank Beierlotzer announced that the appreciation weekend for the guard personnel that are to be deployed will be June 14 and 15.  There will be free use of the YMCA for the families that weekend, and a one year free membership for the families after the troops are deployed.  The ceremony will be 1:00 to 1:30 at a place yet to be designated, and it will be a chance to meet and greet the soldiers and their families.

     The commission spent $5107.00 last month and Gary Keegan made the motion that the bills be paid and this was seconded by Mike Boorsma.  The motion passed.  The commission will be soliciting bids to get the car lettered.  There was some discussion on the blue star flags for families that have a loved one in the service.  If a person calls and wants to get a flag, we will tell them where they are available, and if none are available near where the person lives, we will also have some.  Gary Keegan made the motion to purchase 24 flags for $131.78 plus $5.95 shipping and handling and this was seconded by Frank Beierlotzer.  The motion passed.  Our next meeting will be June 9th at Kingston.

     Mike Boorsma made the motion to adjourn to adjourn and this was seconded by Gary Keegan.

Respectfully Submitted


Steve Walz, Secretary


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