DeKalb County IL  Government Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Executive Committee

June 10, 2008

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The Executive Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 at 7:00p.m. at the Administration Building’s Conference Room East.  Vice-Chairman Patricia Vary called the meeting to order. Members present were Eileen Dubin, Michael Haines, Robert Rosemier, and Roger Steimel.  Mr. Osborne, Ms. LaVigne, Ms. Tobias and Ms. Fauci were absent.  The committee invited Ms. Allen to discuss items from the Law and Justice Committee, Mr. Augsburger to discuss items from the County Highway Committee, and Ms. Turner to discuss items from the Forest Preserve Committee.  Others present were Ray Bockman, Gary Hanson, Greg Millburg, Sally DeFauw, Steve Walt, Diane Strand, Jeff Metzger, Sr., and Aaron Ruder.



            Moved by Mr. Rosemier, seconded by Mr. Haines, and it was carried unanimously to approve the minutes from May 2008.



            Moved by Mr. Augsburger, seconded by Mr. Steimel, and it was carried unanimously to approve the agenda.




1. Community Services Administrative Board:                 Ms. Joslyn Turner - Client


Ms. Melissa Garmon - Private Sector


Ms. Margaret Phillips -Private Sector


All reappointments for a term of 3 years, until 06/01/2011


2. DeKalb County Rehab and Nursing

    Center Operating Board:                                                  Mr. Ken Andersen

Appointment for a term of 1 year, until




3. River Valley Workforce Investment Act Board:            Mr. Paul Borek

                                                                        Appointment for a term of 2 years, until





Appointments expiring for June 2008:

1.)            Workforce Investment Act Board – 2 positions

2.)            Community Services Administrative Board – 1 more position


            Moved by Ms. Dubin, seconded by Ms. Turner, and it was carried unanimously to forward the appointments to the full board for approval.


            Ms. Vary said that they still need one more person for the Rehab and Nursing Home Operating Board and asked if anyone was interested in serving?


            Ms. Turner said that she was interested in serving that term.



            Mr. Bockman said those that were present at the Finance Committee saw that the groundwater/stormwater discussion was on their agenda too.  He has heard from a number of county board members about their thoughts on the matter.  He summarized their thoughts as follows:  not the best time to be proposing referendum or tax increases of any kind; very important work needs to be done; appropriate for the county to take a leadership position; not now, not this fall; not a good time; and don’t do it.


            He said that he needs to hear from this committee and the county board members if they also feel that way.  If so, then his suggestion would be to put the issue aside and take it up again in the next year at a more appropriate time.  He also said that he has been feeling a lot of pressure to do something about this, and the pressure has mostly been coming from him.  He has yet to hear from any citizen or have them come to any meeting and ask the County to do something about this.  He said until they do, he is suggesting to wait until they ask.


            Ms. Dubin said that maybe people just don’t know that we are talking about this.


            Mr. Haines said given the PTELL language about how much you are going to raise people’s taxes, it would require very visible and vocal citizens group to step forward to let the rest of the public come to understand what this would be all about.


            Mr. Bockman said that Mr. Haines was correct.


            Mr. Haines said that there are limitations on how we as board members can advocate this, can we legally work with a group without necessarily advocating it?


            Mr. Bockman said that you, as a board member, can’t talk about it, per your State’s Attorney.  That is that you can’t talk about it or debate it at a meeting if the proposition is going to be placed on the ballot.


            He further stated that when the time comes that the board feels that it is appropriate to discuss this issue, then he suggests that they have the State’s Attorney attend that meeting to answer all of their questions.


            Mr. Rosemier asked when the deadline would be to get this on the ballot this year?


            Mr. Bockman said at the August 2008 meeting.


            Mr. Steimel said that he feels that we should pass it up this fall because the economic climate is bad and that the timing is bad.


            Mr. Augsburger said that he agreed with Mr. Steimel.


            Mr. Metzger, Sr., said that he agrees and that he knows of one other entity that is thinking of going to referendum and they feel it is bad timing too.  But on the other hand, they felt that if they are looking at doing it in the future and doing it right, they would keep putting information out there to the public out of the county board office.  They are not advocating it, they are trying to make the public aware of the issue and details, and they are not persuading people.


            Mr. Bockman asked Mr. Haines since he has been part of a group who successfully has done this before, what is your sense of the time that the County needs?  Did you do an educational campaign after the survey or did you contact a certain group of people?


            Mr. Haines said that the survey was very specific as to identifying who were the supporters and who were opposed.  It also identified people that would be most likely to move if they got information from one person to another.  They did no press release or advertising in the newspaper.


            Mr. Bockman said okay, let’s say you’re going to raise $8,000, pay someone to do this survey work, and your going to implement the results, doesn’t sound like a couple of weeks.


            Mr. Haines said that if you are going to do it this fall, it starts right now, like tomorrow.


            Vice-Chairman Vary said that if we are going to start in April 2009, now is the time to find this citizens committee and getting information out there about it.


            Mr. Haines said that if a group does it, they should hire a polling firm to do it, he highly recommends it.  It is a lot of money, but in the long term, even with the jail referendum - just to find out where people are standing on the issue.  Like the first question that is asked, “is this a referendum that would be better in a off-term April type election or a large turn out Presidential Election?” he said.  The company told his group that if the group did it at a large turnout Presidential Election, they wouldn’t have to do anything.  They wouldn’t have to educate, advertise or advocate anything - it would pass overwhelmingly - and the company guaranteed it.


            Mr. Rosemier asked is there an existing group that you are aware of that could help raise the $8,000?


            Mr. Haines said no, I don’t.


            Mr. Bockman said that the first thing that we need to find out is how do we do that?


            Vice-Chairman Vary asked if there is any election in November 2009?


            Mr. Bockman said he did not think so, the municipal election is in the spring and he thought that was all.


            Ms. Turner said that she agrees with Mr. Haines to have the survey done and use a polling firm.


            Vice-Chairman Vary said that it sounds like a possibility that one group could conduct a survey for both referendums - jail and water – and we might get different conclusions. 


            Mr. Rosemier said that maybe we could put out a call to ask if anyone is interested in forming a citizens group to discuss this issue?  He said that he is seeking public input with this suggestion.


            Vice-Chairman Vary asked if this could be done this fall?  Could we get people interested and see who would be active in a group.  How do we do this?


            Mr. Bockman said that is the question.


            Vice-Chairman Vary said that maybe we could ask the State’s Attorney if we hold an open discussion on this issue with citizens and receive their feedback.


            Mr. Osborne said that he doesn’t feel that we will get much of a response if we do it the usual way because nobody comes to our meetings anyway.


            Vice-Chairman Vary said that they come if we discuss windmills.


            Ms. Dubin suggested that we could do a campaign with letters going out to various interest groups about the meeting.


            Mr. Rosemier said that maybe if we had the appropriate host.


            Moved by Mr. Rosemier to approach the Farm Bureau about being the appropriate host for this open meeting.  There was no second.  Motion failed.


            Mr. Haines asked if the committee is in the consensus not to do this in the fall?


            Vice-Chairman Vary said that the consensus of the committee is not to do anything this fall.  She would like to not have this subject die and try to start informing people about this issue.



Mr. Ray Bockman, County Administrator, reviewed the County Board Agenda for the Board Meeting to be held on June 18, 2008. 


Moved by Mr. Rosemier, seconded by Mr. Steimel, and it was carried unanimously to forward the county board agenda to the full county board for approval.



Mr. Steimel, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Committee, said that his committee was sending routine ordinances to the board meeting this month. 


Mr. Haines, Chairman of the Finance Committee, said that he was not present for the June Finance Committee meeting and referred it to Mr. Augsburger. Mr. Augsburger said that the committee had a lengthy discussion on the spay/neuter program proposal and that no action was taken - for lack of a motion.


Ms. Dubin, Chairman of the Economic Development Committee, said that her committee is still waiting to hear from the Department of Economic Opportunity regarding the grant proposal that they applied for.  They also had an update from Mr. Walt on the Welcome Signs to put up around the County.  They heard from Paul Borek, Director of the DeKalb County Economic Development Corporation on his update about a couple of businesses relocating to the Sycamore area and how he is trying to help a group of young entrepreneurs to relocate their company here to DeKalb County.  They discussed community-based farming, the September Energy Conference and Mr. Metzger, Sr., who is working on tourism for DeKalb County.


Mr. Augsburger, Vice-Chairman of the County Highway Committee, said the first and second resolutions that they are sending to the board meeting are pretty standard, the third resolution involves an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Sycamore regarding advance warning devices for emergency vehicles entering Peace Road off of Frantum Road, like those outside of the Sycamore Fire Department Building.  And, the fourth resolution authorizes the addition of monies to be utilized from MFT for salaries for part-time summer help.  He further stated that the work is not specific to any given task. 


Mr. Rosemier, Chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee, said that they heard from Mr. John Horn, Executive Director of the University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Unit Office regarding his budget.  Mr. Rosemier said that ninety percent of the Extension’s budget comes from a variety of sources and each year the State provides a match.  This year the Governor held the funds until six weeks before the end of their year.  Because of this they can’t hold the Summer Camp this summer because of the timing.  Also, they don’t know what will happen with the next budget.  So, Mr. Horn was asked to prepare two budgets, one with 0% match by the State and one with 85% match by the State.  With no match, he does not have enough money to pay his staff that he has, so it involves potential layoffs.  Mr. Horn is trying to maintain programs, especially the 4H program and the Natural Resource Center.


Mr. Rosemier also reminded the committee that his committee, Health and Human Services Committee and the Economic Development Committee will be holding a joint meeting on July 9th @ 7:00p.m. regarding affordable housing and the impact to economic development in the County. He invited all of the county board members to attend.


Ms. Turner, Vice-Chairman of the Forest Preserve Committee, said that  the Kishwaukee Sunrise Rotary held their annual 8K Run in May at Potawatomi Woods.  At their last meeting their board approved to appropriate $15,000 to the Forest Preserve for the Afton Woods Addition project.  The Forest Preserve Committee will have an executive session to discuss land acquisition at the next meeting and she invited all board members to attend.


Mr.   Osborne, Chairman of the Law and Justice Committee, said that they heard reports from the Judicial System in May.  They heard that there is no more space in the courthouse and because of that the committee went on a tour to see the work conditions of various departments that are housed in the courthouse, at the end of May.  He also said that they heard from the State’s Attorney, Mr. Ron Matekaitis, who stated that the Drug Court team would be visiting a model program for DUI treatment in Missouri in the near future. 


Vice-Chairman Vary asked if we are at the point that there could be space rented to alleviate that?


Mr. Osborne said yes, but it is not the preferred choice.


Mr. Bockman said that the county board authorized and received a study. You have a plan, a budget, but you simply have no funding.  You adopted a plan as part of the budget last year that said that the rental of space would be done only on an interim basis and only absolutely necessary.  The planning and preparation is well along, but it’s the funding that is lagging behind.


Vice-Chairman Vary said, so is there anyway to alleviate some of it by thinking about what we could put in the budget and have a discussion on it?


Mr. Bockman said absolutely, everything goes on the table at budget time.


Vice-Chairman Vary said that maybe Law and Justice could discuss this at that time.


Mr. Bockman informed the committee that he has been in contact with the Washington Lobbyists and he and Chairman Tobias are trying to get them to come out here for our July 2008 Executive Committee meeting.  He also said that he has submitted all three water projects to the lobbyists, Congressman Foster’s Office and Senator Durbin’s office to hopefully get on the list and receive some funding.  He sent three or four legislative items for the Highway Department, too.

Vice-Chairman Vary said that she attended the Metro West meeting in Sandwich this past month along with Chairman Tobias and several other county board members.  It was held at the new Timber Creek Convention Center there.  They heard from all three county board chairpersons from Kane, Kendall and DeKalb County.  Chairman Tobias presented the State of the County report to the group and it was very good. 


Vice-Chairman Vary reminded the committee about the Annual NACo Conference that will be held in Kansas City this year.  She said that the rules are that she can attend along with three members of the board.  She said that if anyone is interested in attending the conference to please contact Mary Supple at the County Board Office.



It was moved by Ms. Turner, and seconded by Mr. Osborne, to adjourn the meeting.  The motion was approved unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,




Vice-Chairman Patricia Vary



The Executive Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Tuesday, July 8, 2008 at 7:00p.m. at the Administration Building’s Conference Room East.  Chairman Ruth Anne Tobias called the meeting to order. Members present were Eileen Dubin, Julia Fauci, Pat LaVigne, Rich Osborne, Robert Rosemier and Roger Steimel.  Mr. Haines and Ms. Vary were absent. Others present were Ray Bockman, Gary Hanson, Anita Turner, Jerry Augsburger, Jeff Metzger, Sr., Marlene Allen, Paul Stoddard, Diane Strand, Steve Walt, Dustin McDonald and Dan Maldanado.




            Moved by Mr. Rosemier, seconded by Ms. Dubin, and it was carried unanimously to approve the minutes from June 2008.



            Moved by Ms. LaVigne, seconded by Mr. Steimel, and it was carried unanimously to approve the agenda.




1. River Valley Workforce Investment

Act Board:                                                             Mr. Thomas Choice, appointment for

a term of 2 years, until 07/01/2010.


2. Rehab and Nursing Center Operating Board:   Ms. Anita Turner, appointment for a

term of 1 year, until 07/01/2009.


Appointments expiring for August 2008:

1. River Valley Workforce Investment Act Board:       3 positions

2. Community Services Administrative Board:          1 position

3. Board of Review                                                     1 position

4. East Pierce Cemetery Association                          6 positions

5. Squaw Grove Drainage District                              1 position

6. Normal Drainage District                                       1 position

7. Coon Creek Drainage District                                1 position

8. Clinton-Shabbona Drainage District                      1 position



            Moved by Ms. Dubin, seconded by Ms. Fauci, and it was carried unanimously to forward the appointments to the full board for approval.




            Chairman Tobias introduced Mr. Dustin McDonald, Senior Legislative Associate and Mr. Dan Maldonado, CEO, both of Marc Associates to the committee.  She said that she invited them to the committee meeting because there are some newer county board members that did not have the advantage of their prior visit.  She thought that this would be good for those members to be able to ask questions of Mr. McDonald and Mr. Maldonado so that they can learn what their firm does for our County.


            Mr. Metzger, Sr., suggested that it may be a good idea to have someone from the Executive Committee who could be a direct contact with Marc and Associates to give regular reports to this committee so that the members would know what the firm is working on for our County. 


            Chairman Tobias said that it might be a good idea for Mr. Maldonado and Mr. McDonald to explain to the committee what the lobbying process is.


            Mr. Maldonado said that one of the things that he wanted to mention is what the involvement side of what the county board’s role is in this process.  He said that the appropriation process used to be hidden, but now a lot of it is a very open process and very partisan.


            Mr. Maldonado stated, when we look at the funding side there are a couple of things to take a look at.  He explained that there is a classic battle every year about where the money is better spent?  He further stated that any earmark that is tied to any specific program still has to meet grant requirements - there is still a level of accountability.  He informed the committee that if your County does not put forward your projects, then you won’t get any funding.


            Mr. Maldonado then stated that you need to reinforce your message, that is, Washington, D.C., needs to heard from you on your projects.  You should visit with your legislators in Washington, like contacting Representative Foster and Senator Durbin’s offices, he further stated. 


            Mr. McDonald said that the flood mediation is their top priority right now.  The Water Resources Development Act might include relocation money of 130 homes located at Evergreen Village.  He said that the timing on this subject is good, we are right at the beginning stages for funding requests.


            Ms. Fauci asked Mr. Maldonado if it would be better to meet with our legislators here in DeKalb County or in Washington, D.C.?


            Mr. Maldonado said both places.


            Mr. Haines asked Mr. Maldonado how many clients does their firm have?


            Mr. Maldonado said that they do business with San Mateo, California on affordable housing issues and issues with public health.  They have done business with Seattle on the climate changing issue, L.A. County on housing issues too.  The County of DeKalb is the only county that they do business with in the State of Illinois. 


            Mr. Maldonado said again, that there is a value in the County having a presence in Washington as well as locally. 


            Chairman Tobias thanked Mr. Maldonado and Mr. McDonald for visiting with the committee. 





Mr. Ray Bockman, County Administrator, reviewed the County Board Agenda for the Board Meeting to be held on July 16, 2008. 


Moved by Ms. Fauci, seconded by Mr. Steimel, and it was carried unanimously to forward the county board agenda to the full county board for approval.



Mr. Haines arrived at 7:10p.m.




Mr. Steimel, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Committee, said that his committee meeting was cancelled.


Mr. Haines, Chairman of the Finance Committee, said that his committee did not meet last week.


Ms. Dubin, Chairman of the Economic Development Committee, said that her committee will be holding a joint meeting with the Health and Human Services Committee tomorrow evening regarding affordable housing.


Ms. LaVigne, Chairman of the County Highway Committee, said that she had no report.


Mr. Rosemier, Chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee, said that they will be meeting with the Economic Development Committee jointly tomorrow evening.


Ms. Fauci, Chairman of the Forest Preserve Committee, said that the Kishwaukee Sunrise Rotary is interested in donating $15,000 to the Afton Addition.  The Power Adventures Group would like to come before the full board in August to make a brief presentation.  Ms. Fauci also informed the committee that the old Ellwood Cabin will be moved to Russell Woods for educational purposes.


Mr.   Osborne, Chairman of the Law and Justice Committee, said that the legislation on the juvenile age change is advancing and will create a hardship for housing juveniles in the future.  If this legislation does get adopted Kane County may not be able to house our juveniles anymore. 


Chairman Tobias said that she will be meeting with the McHenry County Board Chairman to discuss this matter in the near future.


Chairman Tobias also mentioned that she would be leaving this week to attend the NACo Annual Conference in Kansas City, Kansas and if anyone wanted her to gather any information for them on a certain topic to please call her.




It was moved by Ms. Turner, and seconded by Mr. Osborne, to adjourn the meeting.  The motion was approved unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,




Chairman Ruth Anne Tobias



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