DeKalb County IL  Government Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
County Board Proceedings

November 18, 2009

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November 18, 2009


The County Board met in regular session at the Legislative Center Wednesday, November 18, 2009.  Chairman Tobias called the meeting to order and the Clerk called the roll.  Those Members present were Mr. Oncken, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Stuckert, Mr. Todd, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Walt, Mrs. Allen, Ken Andersen, Larry Anderson, Mr. Augsburger, Mrs. De Fauw, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Emerson, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Haines, Mr. Hulseberg, Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Newport and Chairman Tobias.  Those Members absent were Mr. Tyson, Ms. Vary, Mr. Chambliss, Mr. Gudmunson, and Mr. Metzger.  Nineteen Members were present and 5 were absent.


The Chair asked Mr. Newport to lead the pledge to the flag.




Mr. Walt moved to approve the Minutes of October 21, 2009.  Ms. Fauci seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

Chairman Tobias asked for a voice vote on the approval of the Minutes.  All Members present voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously.




            Mrs. Turner moved to approve the Agenda and Ms. LaVigne seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

            Chairman Tobias asked for a voice vote on the approval of the Agenda.  All Members present voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously.

  Mr. Chambliss and Mr. Tyson arrived at 7:35 p.m. 


Chairman Tobias acknowledged the Service Awards for November.  She also announced that the Rules Committee will meet at 7: 00 p.m. on December 1, 2009


Chairman Tobias recommended the following appointments: Community Mental Health Board- Dr. Thomas Kirts reappointed for a four year term, until December 31, 2013 and Rev. Dr. Ken Ritchie appointed for a four year term, until December 31, 2013;  DeKalb County Nursing Home Foundation- Pat Barger, Lowell Evans, and Dave Leifheit, all reappointed for a three year term, until November 30, 2012; Victor-Adams #1 Drainage District- William Coultrip, Brian Miller, and Leeson Gord, all reappointments for a three year term, until December 1, 2012; Community Services Administrative Board- Sylvia Ibarra and Dawn Littlefield both appointments for a three year term, until November 30, 2012; 911 Emergency Telephone Systems Board- Lt. Al Newby, replacing Todd Walker), appointed for four year term, until December 01, 2013, Chief Jay VanLanduyt appointed for a four year term, until December 01, 2013, Gary Hanson, Lt. Carl Leoni, and Lt. Darren Mitchell, all reappointments for a term of four year years, until December 01, 2013.


Mrs. Turner moved to approve appointments as presented.  Mr. Augsburger seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair called for a voice vote on the appointments.  All Members present voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously.



  1. Community Mental Health Board – 1 position
  2. DeKalb County Rehab & Nursing Center Operating Board and Supportive Living Facility Board – 6 positions
  3. Regional Planning Commission – 4 positions
  4. Board of Health – 4 positions
  5. Metropolitan Exposition, Auditorium and Office Building Authority – 1 position



            There were no persons requesting time to be heard from the floor 






Ordinance 2009-18: Denying the Crest Request for a Zoning Map Amendment and Planned Development – Commercial


Ken Andersen moved to approve an Ordinance denying the request from Mr. James Crest, for approval of a Zoning map Amendment to rezone the subject property from RC-1, Residential Conservation District to PD-C, Planning Development – Commercial District, in order to allow commercial storage of RV’s, boats and trucks on the property in addition to continued residential use.  Larry Anderson seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair asked for a voice vote on the Ordinance.  All Members voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously.


Ordinance 2009-19: Amendment to the DeKalb County Zoning Ordinance Regarding Small Wind Energy Systems


Ken Andersen moved to approve an Ordinance to reduce the minimum lot size on which a small wind energy system (wind tower) may be located from two acres to one, and to allow such systems in the RC-1, Residential Conservation District.  Additionally it is recommended that this amendment to the Zoning Ordinance be granted to allow small wind energy systems in all zoning districts except RC-2 on lots of one acre or more in size.  Ms. Fauci seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair asked for a voice vote on the Ordinance.  A majority of the members voted yea.  Motion carried.




Resolution R2009-63: Amendment to Resolution R2007-62 Tax Abatement for Superior Industrial Equipment


Mrs. Dubin moved to approve a Resolution to amend Resolution R2007-62 Tax Abatement for Superior Industrial Equipment on parcel #09-06-426-011 in the amounts of 80% in 2009, 70% in 2010 and 50% in 2011 provided that they purchase Lot #12 of the Sycamore Prairie Business Park, construct a new 15,000 square foot building and create at least three additional skilled jobs paying between $35,000 and $45,000 in the first twelve months of operation.  Mr. Todd seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair called for a voice vote on the Resolution.  All Members voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously.




Resolution R2009-65: Salaries for Elected Officials


Mr. Haines moved to approve a Resolution setting the DeKalb County Elected Officials salaries at least six months prior to the election of the official in the fall of the year, to be effective on the 1st day of January each year.  Mrs. Allen seconded the motion.


Roll Call

The Chair called for a roll call vote on the Resolution.  Those Members voting yea were Mr. Oncken, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Todd, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Tyson, Mr. Walt, Mrs. Allen, Mr. Augsburger, Mr. Chambliss, Mrs. De Fauw, Mrs. Dubin, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Haines, Mr. Hulseberg, Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Newport and Chairman Tobias.  Those Members who voted nay were Mr. Stuckert, Ken Andersen, Larry Anderson, Mr. Emerson.  Seventeen Members voted yea, and four Members voted nay.  Motion carried.


Ordinance 2009-20: Adoption of the Tax Levy for FY2010


Mr. Haines moved to approve an Ordinance of the County of DeKalb providing for tax levies be it ordained by the County of DeKalb, Illinois.  For the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2010 and ending December 31, 2010, the following sums for each specific fund:

Mingled Capped Funds

                                                General                                                                 $7,560,000

                                                ICA                                                                          1,000,000

                                                RF                                                                           1,000.000

                                                Tort & Liability                                                         920,000

                                                PCB Lease                                                             175,000

                                                Highway                                                                  2,200,000

                                                Aid to Bridges                                                       1,000,000

                                                Federal Hwy. Matching                                          800,000

                                                Health                                                                       495,000

                                                Veteran’s Assistance                                            720,000

                                                Senior Services                                                      520,000     

                                                Separate Capped Funds
                                                Mental Health                                                         2,200,000

                                               Separate Uncapped Funds 
PBC Bond                                                                 500,000

                                                                                                Total                       $19,090,000

Ms. Fauci seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair called for a voice vote on the Ordinance. All Members present voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Ordinance 2009-21: Adoption of the FY2010 Budget


Mr. Haines moved to approve the Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance, that the monies received by the County Treasurer from taxes and other revenues, for the use of DeKalb County during the Fiscal Year starting January 1, 2010 and ending December 31, 2010 are hereby appropriated as set forth in the attached twelve (12) pages for the purposes necessary for DeKalb County to carry out its responsibilities. Mrs. Turner seconded the motion.

Motion to Amend

Larry Anderson moved to amend the DeKalb County FY2010 budget, bringing it into balance by reducing expenditures to the level of revenue ($71.83 million) and directing the administration to make the necessary reductions without directly impacting services.  Such expenditure reductions shall preclude the need to draw upon existing fund balances and equal a cut of $1.2 million from the budget.  Mr. Newport seconded the motion.

Roll Call

The Chair called for a roll call vote on the Amendment.  Those Members voting yea were Mr. Oncken, Mr. Todd, Mr. Walt, Ken Andersen, Larry Anderson, Mr. Emerson, Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Newport.  Those Members who voted nay were Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Stuckert, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Tyson, Mrs. Allen, Mr. Augsburger, Mr. Chambliss, Mrs. De Fauw, Mrs. Dubin, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Haines, Mr. Hulseberg and Chairman Tobias.  Eight Members voted yea and thirteen voted nay.  Motion failed.

Roll Call for Original Ordinance

The Chair called for a roll call vote on Ordinance 2009-21.  Those Members voting yea were Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Stuckert, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Tyson, Mrs. Allen, Mr. Augsburger, Mr. Chambliss, Mrs. De Fauw, Mrs. Dubin, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Haines, Mr. Hulseberg and Chairman Tobias.  Those Members voting nay were Mr. Oncken, Mr. Todd, Mr. Walt, Ken Andersen, Larry Anderson, Mr. Emerson, Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Newport.  Thirteen Members voted yea and eight Members voted nay.  Motion carried. 


Mr. Haines moved to approve the Clams presented for the Current Month in the amount of $1,425,355.29; Emergency Claims in the amount of $249,865.90; Payroll Charges in the amount of $3,803,636.40 and Rehab & Nursing Center in the amount $329,259.76 of which represents current claims and monies paid during the previous month totaling $5,808,117.35.  Mrs. Turner seconded the motion.

Roll Call

The Chair called for a roll call vote on the Claims.  Those Members voting yea were Mr. Oncken, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Stuckert, Mr. Todd, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Tyson, Mr. Walt, Mrs. Allen, Ken Andersen, Larry Anderson, Mr. Augsburger, Mr. Chambliss, Mrs. De Fauw, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Emerson, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Haines, Mr. Hulseberg, Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Newport and Chairman Tobias.  All Members present voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously.    

Reports of County Officials

Mr. Haines moved to place on file the following reports of County Officials:  Cash and Investments in County Banks – October 2009; Planning and Regulations Building and Permits Reports – October 2009; Public Defender’s Report – September and October 2009; Adult Court Services & Juvenile Report – September and October 2009, Jail Population Report – for the month of September and October 2009; and FY2009 Third Quarter Financial Report – On the Tables.  Mrs. Turner seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair asked for a voice vote on the Reports.  All Members voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously.




Resolution R2009-64: Tax Abatement Rescission

Larry Anderson moved to send Resolution R2009-64 back to the Economic Development Committee for further review.

Voice Vote

The Chair called for a voice vote.  All Members present voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously.


Ordinance 2009-22: 1st Time Homebuyers Program


Larry Anderson moved to pass the Ordinance to approve the County’s participation in the 1st Time Homebuyers Program for three years.  Mr. Hulseberg seconded the motion.

Roll Call

The Chair called for a roll call vote.  Those Members voting yea were Mr. Oncken, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Stuckert, Mr. Todd, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Tyson, Mr. Walt, Mrs. Allen, Ken Andersen, Larry Anderson, Mr. Augsburger, Mr. Chambliss, Mrs. De Fauw, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Emerson, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Haines, Mr. Hulseberg, Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Newport and Chairman Tobias.  All Members present voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Metzger is doing better and he expects to return to board meetings soon.




            Mrs. Turner moved to adjourn the meeting.  Mr. Augsburger seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair asked for a voice vote on the Adjournment.  All Members present voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously. 



DeKalb County Board Chairman   





     DeKalb County Clerk  

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