DeKalb County IL  Government Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
County Board Proceedings

September 16, 2009

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The County Bard met in regular session at the Legislative Center Wednesday, September 16, 2009. Chairman Tobias called the meeting to order and the Clerk called the roll. Those Members present were Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Newport, Mr. Oncken, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Stuckert, Mr. Todd, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Tyson, Ms. Vary, Mr. Walt, Mrs. Allen, Ken Andersen, Larry Anderson, Mr. Augsburger, Mr. Chambliss, Mrs. De Fauw, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Emerson, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Haines, Mr. Hulseberg and Chairman Tobias. Those Members absent were Mr. Metzger. Twenty three Members were present and one Member was absent.

The Chair asked Mrs. Dubin to lead the pledge to the flag.

Ms. Fauci moved to approve the Minutes of August 19, 2009. Mr. Todd seconded the motion.

Mr. Ken Andersen asked to have the spelling of his name correct in two places in the August 19, 2009 minutes. The clerk assure him that they would be correct.
Voice Vote
Chairman Tobias asked for a voice vote on the approval of the Minutes. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Mrs. Turner moved to approve the Agenda and Mr. Stoddard seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
Chairman Tobias asked for a voice vote on the approval of the Agenda. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Employee Service Awards were acknowledged by Chairman Tobias. Karen Grush was awarded a plaque for her 35 years of service to the County in the Health Department.

Mrs. Grush spoke to the board explaining information about the H1N1 flu vaccine. She distributed fliers listing the “target groups” who would be most likely to be affected and should receive the vaccine.

Closing the Public Hearing on the Declaration of DeKalb County as a Recovery Zone.
The Public Hearing was re-opened from the August 19, 2009 meeting. Chairman Tobias read a statement that no one had sent any comments during the month since the last meeting. She then asked if anyone present wanted to make a comment during this open hearing on the Declaration of DeKalb County as a Recovery Zone. There were no comments. The Chairman closed the Public Hearing.

Chairman Tobias recommended the following appointments: Workforce Investment Act Board- Steve Cunningham and Jeff Whelan both reappointments for a two year term, until October 01, 2011; Lee Community Fire District- Jason Jordal, appointed for a two year term, until March 31, 2011; DeKalb County Housing Authority- Donna Moulton, appointed for a five year term, until November 01, 2014.
Mr. Haines moved to approve appointments as presented. Ms. LaVigne seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Chair called for a voice vote on the appointments. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion to Approve an Appointment
Ms. Fauci moved to approve an appointment of Ruth Anne Tobias to DeKalb County Public Building Commission. Ms. Vary seconded the motion.
Roll Call
The Chair called for a roll call vote on the appointment. Those Members voting yea were Mr. Stuckert, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Tyson, Ms. Vary, Mr. Augsburger, Mr. Chambliss, Mrs. De Fauw, Mrs. Dubin, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Haines and Chairman Tobias. Those Members voting nay were Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Newport, Mr. Oncken, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Todd, Mr. Walt, Mrs. Allen, Ken Andersen, Larry Anderson, Mr. Emerson, Mr. Gudmunson and Mr. Hulseberg. Eleven Members voted yea and Twelve Members voted nay. Motion failed.
Ken Andersen recommended Mr. Mike Larson be appointed to the DeKalb County Public Building Commission. This recommendation will be referred to the Executive Committee.

a. Community Mental Health Board - 2 positions
b. Community Service Advisory Board - 1 position
c. Victor Adams #1 Drainage District - 2 positions

There were no items to be heard from the floor.


Ordinance R2009-13: Amendment to the DeKalb County Code of Ordinances
Ms. Lavigne moved to approve an Ordinance amending the DeKalb County Code of Ordinances by revising Section 70-5: Establishing Road Weight Limit Restrictions on County Highways. As a result of the State of Illinois passage of 80,000 pound weight limits on all roads & highways unless otherwise posted, vehicles weighing over 73,280 pounds gross weight axles over 18,000 pounds are prohibited from using certain county roads (see the list of roads included in this resolution). Larry Anderson seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Chair asked for a voice vote on the Ordinance. All Members voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Ordinance R2009-14: School Entrance Speed Zone on Plank Road
Ms. LaVigne moved to approve an Ordinance to provide the establishment of a school entrance speed zone located on Plank Road from 1,225 feet east of Luther Lowell Lane continuing in an east and northeast direction to 320 feet southwest of North Grove Road with a speed limit of 40 miles per hour. Signs shall be erected in conformance with the standards and specifications contained in the Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, Illinois Supplement. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately after the erection of said gins giving notice of the School Entrance Speed Zone limits. Mr. Oncken seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Chair asked for a voice vote on the Ordinance. All Members voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution R2009-49: One New Cab and Chassis for Shop Truck
Ms. LaVigne moved to approve an Ordinance awarding the bid to the lowest bidder, Peterbilt of Rockford, Inc., of Rockford, Illinois for the provision of one new single axle truck with conventional cab and chassis as specified in the amount of fifty-three thousand three hundred eighty-seven dollars and zero cents ($53,387.00); the option provision of one engine warranty for 84 months or 250,000 miles for one thousand fifty dollars and zero cents ($1,050.00); and the option provision of a transmission warranty of a minimum of 5 years unlimited mile extended warranty for one hundred twenty-five dollars and zero cents ($125.00). Mr. Augsburger seconded the motion.
Motion to Table
Mr. Gudmunson made a motion to send the Resolution back to the committee. Ken Andersen seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Chair asked for a voice vote on the motion. A majority of the Members voted yea. Motion carried.

Resolution R2009-50: One New Truck Excavator with Attachments
Ms. LaVigne moved to approve an Ordinance to award the bid to the lowest bidder, West Side Tractor Sale of Naperville, IL, for the provision of one new track excavator with attachments as specified in the amount of one hundred twenty-three thousand five hundred dollars and zero cents ($123,500.00), and the option provision of one extended warranty for 48 months or 1,500 hours for three thousand four hundred thirty-nine dollars and zero cents ($3,439.00). Mr. Augsburger seconded the motion.
Motion to Table
Mr. Gudmunson made a motion to send the Resolution back to the committee. Larry Anderson seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Chair called for a voice vote on the motion. A majority of the Members voted yea. Motion carried.


Resolution 2009-51: Declaring DeKalb County, Illinois as a Recovery Zone
Mr. Haines moved to approve an Ordinance with the recommendation of the DeKalb County Finance Committee, the DeKalb County Board declares all the DeKalb County Recovery Zone based on the dramatic increase in the rate of unemployment within DeKalb County, as defined in Section 1400U-1 through 1400U-3 of the Internal Revenue Service Code. Ms. Vary seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Chair asked for a voice vote on the Ordinance. All Members voted yea. Motion carried

Resolution 2009-52: To Place the FY2010 Budget on File for Public Viewing
Mr. Haines moved to approve an Ordinance placing the DeKalb County FY2010 Budget on file for Public Viewing in the County Clerk’s Office, on the County’s Internet site, and at two other geographically diverse public offices (The Sandwich City Hall and the office of the Genoa City Clerk), for public inspection. Mr. Todd seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Chair called for a voice vote on the Ordinance. All Members voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution 2009-53: Delinquent Property Tax Deed Sale
Mr. Haines moved to approve a Resolution to authorize the Chairman of the DeKalb County Board to execute a deed of conveyance of the Count’s interest or authorized the cancellation of the appropriate Certificate of Purchase, on the Certificate #2005-00003 (parcel #01-19-335-009) deeded to Ms. Elizabeth Johnson for the sum of $639.00 to be paid to the Treasurer of DeKalb County, Illinois, to be disbursed according to the law. Mr. Stuckert seconded the motion.
Roll Call
The Chair called for a roll call vote on the Resolution. Those Members voting yea were Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Newport, Mr. Oncken, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Stuckert, Mr. Todd, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Tyson, Ms. Vary, Mr. Walt, Mrs. Allen, Ken Andersen, Larry Anderson, Mr. Augsburger, Mr. Chambliss, Mrs. De Fauw, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Emerson, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Haines, Mr. Hulseberg and Chairman Tobias. All Members voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution 2009-54: Delinquent Property Tax Deed Sale
Mr. Haines moved to approve a Resolution authorizing the Chairman of the DeKalb County Board to execute a deed of conveyance of the County’s interest or authorized the cancellation of the appropriate Certificate of Purchase, on the Certificate #2003-00138 (parcel #08-16-254-012) deeded to the DeKalb Park District. Mr. Hulseberg seconded the motion.
Roll Call
The Chair called for a roll call vote on the Resolution. Those Members voting yea were Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Newport, Mr. Oncken, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Stuckert, Mr. Todd, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Tyson, Ms. Vary, Mr. Walt, Mrs. Allen, Ken Andersen, Larry Anderson, Mr. Augsburger, Mr. Chambliss, Mrs. De Fauw, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Emerson, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Haines, Mr. Hulseberg and Chairman Tobias. All Members voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution 2009-55: Delinquent Property Tax Deed Sale
Mr. Haines moved to approve a Resolution authorizing the Chairman of the DeKalb County Board to execute a deed of conveyance of the County’s interest or authorized the cancellation of the appropriate Certificate of Purchase, on the Certificate #2004-00115
(parcel #08-16-254–013) deeded to the City of DeKalb, Illinois. Mrs. Turner seconded the motion.
Roll Call
The Chair called for a roll call vote on the Resolution. Those Members voting yea were Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Newport, Mr. Oncken, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Stuckert, Mr. Todd, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Tyson, Ms. Vary, Mr. Walt, Mrs. Allen, Ken Andersen, Larry Anderson, Mr. Augsburger, Mr. Chambliss, Mrs. De Fauw, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Emerson, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Haines, Mr. Hulseberg and Chairman Tobias. All Members voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Haines moved to approve the Claims presented for the Current Month in the amount of $1,657,385.05; Emergency Claims in the amount of $407,792.53; Payroll Charges in the amount of $2,556,192.24 and Rehab & Nursing Center in the amount $287,639.04 of which represents current claims and monies paid during the previous month totaling $4,909,008.86. Mr. Walt seconded the motion.
Roll Call
The Chair called for a roll call vote on the Claims. Those Members voting yea were Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Newport, Mr. Oncken, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Stuckert, Mr. Todd, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Tyson, Ms. Vary, Mr. Walt, Mrs. Allen, Ken Andersen, Larry Anderson, Mr. Augsburger, Mr. Chambliss, Mrs. De Fauw, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Emerson, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Haines, Mr. Hulseberg and Chairman Tobias. All Members voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Reports of County Officials
Mr. Haines moved to place on file the following reports of County Officials: Cash and Investments in County Banks- August, 2009; Planning and Regulations Building and Permits Reports- August, 2009; Public Defender’s Report- July, 2009; and Adult Court Services & Juvenile Report- July, 2009 and Jail Population Report- for the month of July, 2009. Mr. Stuckert seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Chair asked for a voice vote on the Reports. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

There were no items for old business / new business at this meeting.

Larry Anderson moved to adjourn the meeting. Mrs. Turner seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Chair asked for a voice vote on the Adjournment. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.



DeKalb County Board Chairman




DeKalb County Clerk

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