DeKalb County IL  Government Seal

DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Finance Committee

September 2, 2009

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September 2, 2009


The Finance Committee of the DeKalb County Board, met on Wednesday, September 2, 2009 @7:00p.m. in the Administration Building’s Conference Room East.  Chairman Michael Haines called the meeting to order.  Members present were Ken Andersen, John Hulseberg, Scott Newport, Michael Stuckert, Ruth Anne Tobias and Mark Todd.  Mr. Stoddard was absent.  Others present were Ray Bockman, Gary Hanson, Joan Berkes Hanson, Elena Grimm, Jim Scheffers and Christine Johnson.


          Moved by Mr. Andersen, seconded by Ms. Tobias and it was carried unanimously to approve the minutes from August 5, 2009.


          Moved by Ms. Hanson, seconded by Mr. Todd and it was carried unanimously to approve the agenda.



          Ms. Christine Johnson, DeKalb County Treasurer, approached the committee about 3 tax deed resolutions.  She said that this is an annual housekeeping item.  Ms. Johnson said that she has one parcel (#08-23-156-014) that is located on Locust between 2nd and 3rd streets in the City of DeKalb where the taxes were low, around $1,000, and that it did not sell at the tax sale.   A person called Joseph A. Meyers and paid the delinquent taxes and made the County whole on the taxes.  She explained that no resolution is needed for this one, she just wanted to let the committee know about this type of transaction.

The three resolutions that she is recommending to be sent to the full county board for approval this evening are for the sale of one parcel and then the deeding of 2 parcels; one to the City of DeKalb and one to the DeKalb Park District.  The first tax deed resolution is located in Franklin Township and adjoins a larger parcel owned by Elizabeth Johnson.  This tax deed sale amounted to $639.00.  The other two tax deeds did not exchange any money.  The first one is located next to the DeKalb Park District property and the transaction combines the two properties.  The second tax deed is located in the City of DeKalb in the middle of Fotis Drive. 

          Moved by Mr. Stuckert, seconded by Mr. Andersen, and it was carried unanimously to forward these resolutions to the full board for approval


Mr. Hanson, DeKalb County Deputy County Administrator, passed out the FY2010 Administrative Recommendations (attached to these minutes and can be found in the Finance Department) to the committee members and county board members present this evening.  He is asking the committee this evening to recommend to the county board to place this budget on file for public inspection.  This will be on the website for the public and other board members to review.  There will be a question and answer session held on September 16, 2009 @ 6:00p.m. in the Administration Building’s Conference Room East, just before the county board meeting that evening.  He proceeded to review some of the highlights of the Administrative Recommendations.

          He explained that the budget is increased 1.8% with revenues projected to be $71.3 million while expenses are budgeted at $73.9 million   Specifically for the General Fund, the budget increased less than 1%, but is will have a deficit of almost $1.7 million.  Revenues are projected at $24.4 million and expenses projected at $26.1 million.  With the downturn in both the national and local economies and the subsequent large drop in revenues, the budget recommendation is to not panic or to make sudden shifts in services provided to the citizens, but rather to “stay close the course” and use the strong fund balances that the county has purposely accumulated over the last few years to “weather the storm”.  He stated that this includes about $20 million (0.9%) in new construction.  The Equalized Assessed Value (EAV) is expected to increase by over 4.5%, to $2.3 billion.  The tax rate is expected to drop from .85 cents to .82 cents per $100 of the Equalized Assessed Value.  The average homeowner in the County will see an increase in assessed value of 3.6%.  This would take the market value of a $200,000 home to $207,200.  Using those changes in market value coupled with the reduced tax rate, no increase is expected for the average homeowner for the County property taxes. 

Mr. Hanson then reminded the committee that the Question and Answer Session for the FY2010 Budget will be on Wednesday, September 16, 2009 @ 6:00p.m. in Conference Room East, just before the County Board Meeting.  The county board will be asked to place this budget on file.  Committee reviews will begin after the September Board meeting through the month of October.  At the Finance Meeting in November we will be reconciling the budget and holding the public hearing.  Then the county board will be adopting the budget at the November County Board meeting.  He also pointed out that the appeals process should begin around September 22, 2009. 


          Mr. Ray Bockman, County Administrator for DeKalb County, passed out a proposal for the Elected Officials Salaries (attached to these minutes and on
file in the Finance Department).  He said that in the chart, the salaries appearing in the boxes are his recommendations. 

Mr. Hulseberg asked Mr. Bockman if the elected officials who receive the $6,500.00 stipend are still going to receive this amount?

Mr. Bockman said that he does not know yet, since the stipend comes from the State of Illinois.

Mr. Bockman said that there was no need to act on this just yet, but that he wanted the committee to see the chart and be notified of his recommendations.



          Moved by Mr. Newport, seconded by Ms. Tobias, and it was carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting.
                                                          Respectfully submitted,


                                                          Michael Haines, Chairman



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