DeKalb County IL  Government Seal

DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Forest Preserve Committee

December 15, 2009

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December 15, 2009


The DeKalb County Forest Preserve District Committee met Tuesday, December 15, 2009 at Administration Building, Conference Room East at 6:00 p.m.  In attendance were committee members, Ms. Fauci, Ms. DeFauw, Mr. Newport, Ms. Turner, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Augsburger, Mr. Walt and Superintendent Hannan. Mr. Gudmunson was absent.



Ms. Fauci called the meeting to order and then asked if there were any changes to the November 17, 2009 minutes. Ms. Turner moved to approve the minutes as noted, seconded by Mr. Augsburger and the motion passed unanimously.



Ms. Fauci asked if there were any changes to the agenda. Hearing none, Mr. Anderson moved to accept the amended agenda, seconded by Ms. Turner and the motion passed unanimously. 



Ms. Fauci noted there were no guests or visitors at the meeting that evening. 



Mr. Hannan noted that he had included photos of the Boy Scouts using the District shelter houses through the winter.  He commented that the shelter houses are currently booked through March of 2010 and that it almost seems the enclosed shelter houses are more popular in the winter than in the summer seasons. 


Also included in the packet are photos of the flood plain prairie / savannah project on the east side of Russell Woods.  Additionally the packet contains a very large “thank you” to all the volunteers who have done so much for the District over the past year as well as to the Commissioners and staff for their hard work and dedication. 


Recent activities at the Preserves included a Red Cross Survival course done at the Sannauk preserve.


He commented that there was also a report received from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) regarding Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) deer population reduction program.  He noted that they have again scheduled special hunting seasons from mid- January to the end of March at MacQueen and Potawatomi Woods to both reduce the herds as well as test to document the movement of the disease. 


Mr. Anderson noted that there have been questions regarding why only IDNR sharp shooters are allowed to participate in these special hunts as opposed to offering more tags to the general public.  Mr. Hannan responded that they do try to maximize their harvest goals to get closer to their target population level of 25 deer per square mile, but he was not currently aware of how extensively the IDNR did involve the public.  He noted that he would contact the local IDNR representative and get an answer to that question for Mr. Anderson. 


He then commented that in 2004 there were over 51 positive test results for CWD in the surrounding counties, but 2009 saw a reduction to only 30 positives.  Additionally of the 193 samples taken last year, there were only 3 positives in the county with 2 occurring in the Potawatomi Woods and the IDNR Kishwaukee State Wildlife Area.


Ms. Fauci asked if the reduction in the positives indicates the disease is being eradicated.  Mr. Hannan responded that it is being slowed but not stopped at this point.  Mr. Augsburger commented that it seems as if every year a case of two occurs in a completely new location. 


Mr. Hannan then noted that the MS Society will again use three Preserve locations for their June 2010 MS fundraiser.  The Northwest Astronomers Society has also announced their dates for 2010 at the Afton Preserve and Potawatomi Woods and will again hold two sessions open to the general public.


He then noted there were also two reports from the NREC included in the packets as well. Ms. Fauci also asked if there had been any progress on the walk / bike path between Somonauk and the Sannauk preserve.  Mr. Hannan responded that there was no new information or developments on that at this time. The Somonauk Mayor was to inquire about land easements from landowners 


Ms. Turner commented that they had recently had a friend of her daughters’ visit from Texas.  She and the family spent time at the Russell Woods sled hill and commented on what a wonderful experience they had. 


Mr. Augsburger noted that the Illinois Farm Show will again be held at the NIU Convocation Center in January and would be featuring a talk on the Emerald Ash Borer.  He noted that it might be useful for Committee members to attend. 


Mr. Hannan then closed his report with an amusing anecdote involving grizzly bears and Park Rangers. 



Ms. Fauci then asked for a motion to enter Executive Session.  Ms. Turner moved the Committee into executive session for the purpose of discussing current information on District land acquisition, seconded by Mr. Walt. A roll call vote was held and the motion passed with 7 Committee members voting in the affirmative, and none in the negative and one absent.  Following the Executive Session, Mr. Anderson moved to return the Committee to public session, seconded by Ms. Turner.  A roll call vote was held and the motion passed with 7 Committee members voting in the affirmative and none in the negative and one absent.



Ms. Turner moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Augsburger and the motion passed unanimously.  


 Respectfully submitted,


Julia Fauci, Chairperson

Forest Preserve District Committee



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