DeKalb County IL  Government Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the

September 29, 2009




SEPTEMBER 29, 2009




Scott Starkweather – President

Jean Gastiger, R.N., N.P. – Vice President

Linda Liston, M.D. – Secretary

Kevin Buick, J.D.

Dennis Diemer, D.V.M.

Paul Stoddard

Todd Latham

John Olson, D.D.S.

David Phillips, M.D.

Jesus Romero

E. Sue Thompson, R.N.





Staff Members Present

Karen Grush, DeKalb County Health Department, Administrator

Jane Lux, DeKalb County Health Department, Assistant Administrator

Bette Chilton, DeKalb County Health Department, Director of Personal Health Services

Brenda Courtney, Director of Fiscal Operations

Bob Drake, DeKalb County Health Department, Director of Environmental Health

Ruth Patton, DeKalb County Health Department, Director of Office Support

Deb Rolf, DeKalb County Health Department, Director of Home Care

Marcy Zanellato, Director of Health Education







The DeKalb County Board of Health meeting of September 29, 2009, was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Mr. Scott Starkweather, President.



The minutes of the July 28, 2009, Board of Health meeting quoted Mrs. Gastiger as saying she had heard that the 2009 seasonal flu vaccine was not going to be the right one.  Mrs. Gastiger clarified during this meeting that she had read an article that stated there was a report indicating there was a strain of the seasonal flu that may not be covered by the current seasonal flu vaccine. 


On a motion by Mr. Latham, seconded by Dr. Olson, the Board of Health minutes of the meeting of July 28, 2009, were approved.  Motion carried. 


The Executive Session minutes of July 28, 2009, were approved with a motion from Mrs. Gastiger, seconded by Mr. Latham.  Motion carried.



Public Health Administrator

Mrs. Grush stated she had nothing further to add to the information provided in her written report and would be happy to answer any questions. 


Environmental Health

Mr. Drake stated he had nothing further to add to the information provided in his written report and would be happy to answer any questions. 


Personal Health Services

Mrs. Chilton stated that seasonal flu and H1N1 has impacted the entire division.  Mrs. Chilton complimented her staff on working together during this time.


Mr. Latham asked if the Pertussis (whooping cough) outbreak had ceased.  Mrs. Chilton stated it was still active in DeKalb County. 


There was a brief discussion regarding the Tdap vaccine booster and its effectiveness.  Mrs. Gastiger asked if the Tdap booster was making a difference.  Mrs. Chilton responded that some of the cases had received all of their immunizations for Pertussis. There are different theories about the acellular pertussis not being as effective.  Dr. Phillips stated there’s a wane in immunity.  Five years after immunization, there’s a 50 percent susceptibility rate, and the Tdap is only 85 percent effective. 


Mr. Latham commented on the high score (97 percent) received on the Family Planning customer satisfaction survey.  Mrs. Chilton stated that the WIC customer satisfaction survey was also high (96 percent).


Dr. Diemer commented that there is an increase in Lyme disease in dogs in the last six months.   Mrs. Chilton stated that there was only one report of Lyme disease in a human being in August.


Home Care

Mrs. Rolf stated she had nothing further to add to the information provided in her written report and would be happy to answer any questions. 


Health Education

Mrs. Zanellato stated that both the Comprehensive School Health Education and Services Grant and Tobacco-Free Communities Grant were up for renewal and it has been confirmed that we will received both of those. 


Mrs. Zanellato also stated she has been spending much of her time with the flu response team.  She and Mrs. Grush are working with a web designer in order to create a new H1N1 link seen on DeKalb County’s and the Health Department’s website. 




Mrs. Grush reported that all of our grant payments for 2008 and 2009 have been authorized for payment.  Mrs. Grush also reported that some of our Public Aid payments are caught up due to stimulus money coming in to the State. 


Mr. Latham moved to approve the Financial Statements for the months of July and August 2009, and Claims for the months of August and September, 2009.  The motion was seconded by Mrs. Thompson.  Motion carried.





Budget Update

Mrs. Grush presented a FY2010 Budget update.  She indicated that the request to the County in the amount of $1,085,200 by the Board of Health was supported in the budget recommendation by Ray Bockman, County Administrator and Gary Hanson, Deputy County Administrator.  The recommendation included $495,000 for the Health Tax Levy, $385,000 support for IMRF and Social Security, and $210,000 for Building support.


Mrs. Grush reported final confirmation of FY 2010 grants have been received which was not available at the July meeting.  The Budget used $1,113,400 as an estimated revenue and actual confirmed agreements were in the amount of $1,150,874 the difference being $10,035 in Family Planning, $26,568 in Planning and Preparedness and $871 in Tobacco funding.


Mrs. Grush also presented the highlights of the County’s Administrative Budget recommendations that impact the Health Department.  Health insurance is projected to increase by 10 percent.  Employer portion of IMRF will increase from 8.65 percent to 11.06 percent.  IMRF is allowing employers to “phase

in” this rate increase over several years. The rate for 2010 will be 9.52 percent.  Rates charged to departments will be 9.0 percent with the difference being paid through the “Rate Stabilization Fund” for 2010. 


The County continued to propose an annual contribution to the Renewal and Replacement Fund for the Public Health Department in the amount of $250,000.


2009 H1N1 Health Department Plan

Mrs. Grush distributed a summary (see New Business) of the Health Department’s H1N1 Influenza activities and planning completed to date.  A number of planning meetings began during the summer and have continued at least weekly through the fall.  Mrs. Grush reviewed the staff training and development that has been conducted in preparation for the H1N1 fall campaign. Weekly teleconferences with the Illinois Department of Public Health are held for updates on the H1N1 situation and planning being done at the federal and state level.  Mrs. Grush reviewed the partner collaboration/communication done by the Health Department with the Countywide Emergency Preparedness Committee, local health care providers, schools and the university. 




At 8:39 p.m., Mr. Buick moved to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of adding an addendum to the Bargaining Agreement, seconded by Mr. Romero.  On a roll call vote, those voting yes were Mr. Starkweather, Mrs. Gastiger, Dr. Liston, Mr. Buick, Dr. Diemer, Paul Stoddard, Todd Latham, Dr. Olson, Dr. Phillips, Jesus Romero, and Sue Thompson. 


At 8:46 p.m., Dr. Olson moved to reconvene to regular session, seconded by Mr. Stoddard.  On a roll call vote, those voting yes were Mr. Starkweather, Mrs. Gastiger, Dr. Liston, Mr. Buick, Dr. Diemer, Paul Stoddard, Todd Latham, Dr. Olson, Dr. Phillips, Jesus Romero, and Sue Thompson. 


Mr. Stoddard made a motion to add the addendum for holiday compensation for full and part-time employees as proposed be added to the Bargaining Agreement, seconded by Mrs. Gastiger.  Motion carried. 



Highlights noted.




Mr. Latham, Chair of the Nominating Committee, reported that Mrs. Gastiger and Dr. Olson terms as Board of Health members will end as of December 31, 2009, as they have each served two terms.  He requested Board members to recommend replacements.  Mr. Latham reported Kevin Buick and Paul Stoddard are eligible for reappointment.  Mr. Latham asked all other Board members to see him for reappointment.  Results will be announced at the December 1, 2009, Board of Health Meeting. 




On a motion by Mr. Starkweather, seconded by Mr. Romero, the Board of Health adjourned at 8:49 p.m.  Motion carried. 




Linda K. Liston, M.D., Secretary

DeKalb County Board of Health 


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