DeKalb County IL  Government Seal

DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Law & Justice Committee

August 17, 2009


The Law and Justice Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Monday, August 17, 2009 @ 6:30p.m. in the DeKalb County Administration Building’s Conference Room East.  Chairman Marlene Allen called the meeting to order.  There were no members present.  Those absent were Riley Oncken, Kevin Chambliss and Anita Turner.   Ms. Janie Torma, Lt. Joyce Klein, Sheriff Roger Scott, Ms. Marilyn Stromborg and Mr. Derek Tyson.  No quorum was present.



          There was no vote on the approval of the minutes due to the fact that there was no quorum present.



There was no vote on the approval of the agenda due to the fact that there was no quorum present.


          Ms. Stromborg said that they officially accepted their 1st person into the program two weeks ago.  In two weeks they will have accepted 4 more people for a total of 5 people in the program.  The ages range from the mid-twenties to 66 years of age.  All of these people are working, or in one case, that person is retired.  Two of the people will go into treatment and two will go into intensive out-patient treatment with a SCRAM bracelet.  The SCRAM bracelet will be worn for 3 months and it monitors the patient for 24 hours a day for any alcohol at all. 

          The program will be run the same way they run Drug Court except that it is a shorter length of time, for 1 year.  There are four phases, and if there is a relapse it is treated as part of the addiction.  They will be using the Ben Gordon Center for treatment. 

          Unfortunately, Ben Gordon just learned their funds were cut by $170,000 for next year by the State, just for their treatment of alcohol.


          Ms. Janie Torma updated the committee on the Children’s Waiting Room She said that it started in February 2005 and is located on the first floor of the County Courthouse in the old Bayliff’s Room.  They have 2 regular teachers and 4 substitute teachers that work with the children.  The ages range from infant up to 10 years old in the room.  All of the teachers and workers all know first aid, have had background checks and know infant/child CPR.  She continued by stating that 1558 children have gone through their program since June 2006.  They receive $5.00 from every civil case that is filed for their program. 

          They provide shoes and clothes for children if they don’t have shoes or if the kids get their own clothing dirty.  Other forms of fundraising that they do are wrapping Christmas presents at Barnes and Noble and they sell the Carson’s coupon book program for $5.00 a book.

          She said that they do need more books that are gently used or new.  They can use clothing for babies up to 6 years old.


          Mr. John Farrell, new DeKalb County State’s Attorney, introduced himself.  Mr. Farrell briefly summarized for those present his background.  He said that he enjoys working with all of the county offices who work in the court system because they all work well together in our County.  He said in other counties the relationships are not the same as they are here.  He said that in his office he could not be prouder of the women and men that work for him.

          If the DUI Court does not work out who determines this? Asked Chairman Allen.

          Mr. Farrell said that it comes from a variety of sources.  He said that for example, there was a drug court in Kane County that completely collapsed for some period of time because of someone in the program that committed something horrific.   He said that they are beginning the process of the DUI Court here very slowly because they are very cautious with the screening process, which is very tight.

          Sheriff Roger Scott updated those present on his Jail Report. They are averaging about 115 inmates in the Jail last month.  He said that they have 20 to 30 prisoners a day that are housed at an out-of-county facility. 

He said that the EHM (Electronic Home Monitoring) was started in 1997 because the DeKalb County Board at that time asked them to start the program because of a jail study that had been done.  This program along with others helps to keep the jail from being overcrowded.  His office and the County have done almost every program suggested through the studies that have been done.  However, every study has also said that we need to expand the Jail, too.  He said that there is no security with EHM, we have to hope that people who are in the program stay compliant with it.  In and by itself the program is not the answer to the overcrowding issue with the Jail, he further explained.

Sheriff Scott said that the Jail should be a top priority for the County.  He further stated that we can take more EHM people into the program, if there were more people that are suitable inmates for the program, he said. 

Chairman Allen said that she does agree that we need a new jail.

          Lt. Klein said that they have about nine people in custody for not only local charges but also immigration charges, half a dozen for mental illness, and repeat offenders, etc.   There are various reasons why some of these people cannot go into the EHM Program. 

          Sheriff Scott also reiterated that many prisoners in the Jail have mental health issues. 



There was no vote to adjourn the meeting due to the fact that there was no quorum.


                                                Respectfully submitted,


                                                Marlene Allen, Chairman




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