Official DeKalb County Illinois Government Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Planning & Zoning Committee

April 1, 2009

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April 1, 2009

The Planning and Zoning Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on April 1, 2009 at 5:30 p.m. in the Jenkins Auditorium at Kishwaukee College located in Malta, IL.  In attendance were Committee Members Ruth Anne Tobias, John Hulseberg, Marlene Allen, Pat Vary and Michael Haines, Larry Anderson, Stephen Walt and staff members Paul Miller and Rebecca Von Drasek. Also in attendance were representatives from FPL Wind Energy Illinois, LLC and approximately 65 members of the public.

Ms. Vary,  Planning and Zoning Committee Vice Chair, called the meeting to order, and noted that Ken Andersen was absent.


Ms. Tobias moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Mr. Anderson, and the motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Walt moved to approve the minutes of the March 25, 2009 meeting of the Planning and Zoning Committee, seconded by Mr. Anderson and the motion carried unanimously.


Ms. Vary briefly introduced the application by FPL Wind Energy Illinois, LLC to build 119 wind turbines in Milan, Afton, Shabbona, and Clinton Townships.  She then informed the Committee that the State’s Attorney has advised that in light of new information submitted by the petitioner since the close of the public hearing on March 21, 2009, the issue should be returned to the Hearing Officer to re-open the public hearing to allow the public to hear the new information and provide testimony.

Mr. Walt moved to return the petition to the Hearing Officer to re-open the public hearing on the Special Use Permit application of FPL Energy Illinois Wind, seconded by Mr. Anderson, and the motion carried unanimously.

Ms. Vary noted for all those present that a public notice would be published and sent in the mail to adjoining property owners announcing the date and time of the re-opened public hearing.  She encouraged interested parties to check with the Planning, Zoning and Building Department for the information at the beginning of May.

The Planning and Zoning Committee is next scheduled to meet April 22, 2009 at 7:00pm in the Conference Room East.


Ms. Allen moved to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Tobias, and the motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,


Pat Vary
Planning and Zoning Committee Vice-Chair


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