Official County Seal of DeKalb Illinois County Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the DeKalb County Veterans Assistance Commissions

June 9, 2009




JUNE 9, 2008

     The meeting started at 7:00 with President Rich Joslin presiding.  We had 12 members in attendance including Steve Walz, John Davis, Mike Boorsma, Frank Beierlotzer and Herb Holderman.

     The minutes of the previous meeting were read and Gary Keegan seconded the minutes.  The minutes were approved.

     John Davis gave his financial report and we have $1537.57 in the account.  Mike Boorsma seconded the report and the report was approved.

     Superintendants report; Steve Scoughton will start June 12 and work through June 20 for schooling, and then he will be laid off until sometime in August when he will start full time.  The new building is scheduled to open in September and there will be a supervisors walk through in July.  There were 7 trips last month to various VA hospitals.  The commission paid out $5427.00 in financial assistance to veterans in need.  Several members of the commission went to Springfield and it coincided with veteran’s appreciation day.  Herb Holderman and the rest, met with the National Guard people who will be involved with aiding the families of deployed Guardsmen.  Herb told them that since we are so far away that we will help them with the paper work that will need to be filled out, and they were delighted at the offer.  Steve Scoughton made the motion to accept the report and this was seconded by Frank Beierlotzer.  The motion passed.

    The letters have gone out to various organizations about the Vet Fair and we have 3 organizations signed up to attend.

     Frank Beierlotzer mentioned that June 15 there will be a show of support for our local Guard members at the Sycamore High School as some of the Guardsmen will be deployed to Fort Bragg and later to Afghanistan.  He would like as many veterans as possible be in attendance.

     There are two people going to bid on lettering the VAC car.  In the meantime we will use magnetic signs.

     Gary Keegan made the motion to pay the bills totaling $5427.00, and this was seconded by Mike Boorsma.  The motion passed. 

     There was some discussion on DCVAC shirts for the drivers when they are transporting veterans to the various hospitals, but the commission decided not to spend the money.

     Don Brown is now able to walk again.  The Kingston American Legion was thanked for supplying the beverages.  The next meeting will be July 14 at the Sycamore Veterans Home.

     Mike Boorsma made the motion to adjourn at 7:49 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Steve Walz, Secretary


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