DeKalb County IL  Government Seal

DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Forest Preserve Committee

February 16, 2010

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February 16, 2010

The DeKalb County Forest Preserve District Committee met Tuesday, February 16, 2010 at Administration Building, Conference Room East at 6:00 p.m. In attendance were committee members, Ms. Fauci, Ms. DeFauw, Mr. Newport, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Augsburger, Mr. Walt and Superintendent Hannan. Ms. Turner arrived after the meeting began and Mr. Gudmunson was absent. Guests included Greg Milburg, Peggy Doty and Julian, NIU intern.



Ms. Fauci called the meeting to order and then asked if there were any changes to the January 19, 2010 minutes. Mr. Augsburger moved to approve the minutes as noted, seconded by Mr. Walt and the motion passed unanimously.



Ms. Fauci asked if there were any changes to the agenda. Hearing none, Mr. Anderson moved to accept the agenda, seconded by Ms. DeFauw and the motion passed unanimously.



Ms. Fauci welcomed the evening’s guests.



Ms. Fauci noted that there would be many upcoming volunteer activities and encouraged the Committee members to attend as many as possible.



Mr. Hannan presented the FY 2009 budget amendments and transfers and noted that he had discussed these budget items with the auditors and had received the auditors approval. Most of the transfers were from Wetland Bank and Land Acquisition Funds to cover construction, and land improvements. He then called the Committee’s attention to the remaining balances in the Wetland Bank Reserve Fund and the Land Acquisition Fund Reserve Funds including the 10% fund balance and pending acquisitions.

Mr. Hannan then reminded the Committee that here is also a reserve fund for the completion of the Ellwood Cabin project. The Kishwaukee Sunrise Rotary will donated $4,500 to the Cabin project ( and J. Ellwood Towle may match that amount ) as well as volunteering to provide physical assistance as well. This would bring the total donations and grants for this project to $24,000.00.

Ms. Fauci asked if there were a motion. Ms. Turner moved to accept the FY 2009 Transfers and Amendments as presented, seconded by Mr. Augsburger. Ms. Fauci then asked for any additional questions or discussion.

Mr. Anderson asked if the fund balance allocated for the property that the Preserve had a future first right of refusal on was reflected in the final balances or not. Mr. Hannan noted that it was.

Hearing no further questions, Ms. Fauci called for a vote on the motion and it passed unanimously.



Mr. Hannan noted that the Committee had the monthly reports included in their packets and that Ms. Doty will be reporting on the recent Winterfest activity at the Natural Resources Education Center (NREC). He also noted that there would be a handout provided listing all of the upcoming volunteer projects and commented that the Forest Preserve is very fortunate to have, and benefits greatly from, the many volunteer hours provided by community members and the local scout troops each year.

Mr. Hannan then passed the floor to Ms. Doty to report on the NREC’s recent activities. Ms. Doty opened by reporting that the Center staff had recorded 5500 visits to children in the classroom under the County wide Solid Waste Recycling program.

She commented that these numbers may be a bit higher in 2009 due to the presence of two additional part time staffers who will not be available in 2010 due to funding constraints. Additionally, since the State has added additional duties to Ms. Doty’s position, her ability to participate in the visits may be curtailed as well.

On a brighter note, the annual Winterfest activity at the Center was a great success and the attendance was sufficiently high to have resulted in a lack of available parking spaces. They hope for equally enthusiastic attendance at the annual Maple Syrup gathering that is scheduled for March 6th, 2010.

Ms. Doty also reported that she has a new volunteer who has been tremendously helpful in regard to the Center’s maintenance duties. This assistance will assure the best and safest conditions for attendees of the Center’s camps and activities.

She reported that the Center recently sent out “save the date” cards to past Summer campers to try to cut down on phone calls to the Center from eager citizens wanting to be sure they secure a place in upcoming camps. Last year camp attendance covered a major portion of the NREC funding.

Ms. Doty has also been asked to design on-line coursework to be used with a Master Naturalist program. She notes that the technology has been a bit of a struggle, but she hopes the classes will result in the training of additional resources for the County’s schools and Park and Forest preserves

She will also soon be hosting the 2010 NIU seniors in Elementary Ed. And will be discussing with them the value of outdoor education. She will focus on how integrating environmental education into the curriculum can enhance learning.

Ms. Doty noted that she has also been working with the City of Genoa and Forest Preserve staff on the Genoa Floodplain Prairie Restoration Project to clear and restore an area of natural habitat near the Center. She commented that she had recently sent out a call for volunteers with chain saws to clear several acres of pathway. They will then focus on eradicating evasive species and once those are removed, the City can apply for funding assistance from the State for the final stages of the restoration.

Ms. Doty also noted, as of today, she is piloting a Jr. Master Naturalist program to instruct younger members of the community in the benefits of service and continuing stewardship of the land. This will also be more web-based, though she may also use one of the annual Naturalist classes she teaches as a pilot for the program.

Ms. DeFauw asked what is happening with regard to the Centers relationship to the University of Illinois. Ms. Doty responded that the in August the U of I will be realigning their Natural Resource programs and there will likely be some consolidation across the counties. However, at this time, there is nothing final with respect to those decisions.

Ms. Fauci commented that NIU is considering a minor in Outdoor Environmental Education with an eye to expand it to a Doctorate.

Mr. Hannan then passed out the handout on upcoming volunteer events and again echoed the call for Committee member attendance when at all possible. He also provided the dates for Pete Olson’s annual Spring bird walks.

Ms. Doty commented that on April 24th the NREC will do a fund raiser on local bird watching and will also repeat their annual Mother’s Day flower walk at the Center as well.

Ms. Fauci commented that she had not seen the notice for tonight’s meeting in the local newspapers. Mr. Hannan commented that he would check with Ms. Supple on what happened and report back.



Ms. Fauci asked if any of the Committee members had any additional comments. Hearing none, she proceeded to call for a motion to move to Executive Session.



Ms. Fauci then asked for a motion to enter Executive Session. Mr. Augsburger moved the Committee into executive session for the purpose of discussing current information on District land acquisition, seconded by Ms. Turner. A roll call vote was held and the motion passed with 7 Committee members voting in the affirmative, and none in the negative and one absent. Following the Executive Session, Ms. DeFauw moved to return the Committee to public session, seconded by Mr. Anderson. A roll call vote was held and the motion passed with 7 Committee members voting in the affirmative and none in the negative and one absent.



Mr. Augsburger moved to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Turner and the motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,


Julia Fauci, Chairperson Forest Preserve District Committee



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