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DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Forest Preserve Committee

March 16, 2010

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March 16, 2010

The DeKalb County Forest Preserve District Committee met Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at Administration Building, Conference Room East at 6:00 p.m. In attendance were committee members, Ms. Fauci, Ms. DeFauw, Mr. Newport, Mr. Augsburger, Mr. Walt, Ms. Turner, Mr. Gudmunson and Superintendent Hannan. Mr. Anderson attended via conference call. Guests included Peggy Doty.


Before calling the meeting to order, Ms. Fauci asked for a motion to approve Mr. Anderson’s attendance via phone. Mr. Augsburger moved to accept Mr. Anderson’s attendance via phone, seconded by Ms. DeFauw and the motion passed unanimously. Ms. Fauci then called the meeting to order and asked if there were any changes to the February 16, 2010 minutes. Mr. Gudmunson moved to approve the minutes as noted, seconded by Mr. Augsburger and the motion passed unanimously.


Ms. Fauci asked if there were any changes to the agenda. Hearing none, Mr. Walt moved to accept the agenda, seconded by Mr. Gudmunson and the motion passed unanimously.


Ms. Fauci welcomed Ms. Doty and noted that the Kishwaukee Sunrise Rotary members were also scheduled to arrive sometime during the meeting. .


Ms. Fauci noted she had attended the recent seed stomp and noted that it was extremely gratifying to see the seeds gathered in the fall by volunteers. She noted that this process of gathering and turned into usable seed for the District will result in a saving of several thousand dollars over the year.


Ms. Fauci asked if any of the Committee members had any additional comments. Hearing none, she proceeded to the Monthly reports.


Mr. Hannan began the report by noting there was a recent meeting of the Cabin Restoration group. Cabin restoration expert Tim Kilby will be assisting mid June for a week to work with the Forest Preserve staff and volunteers. The process of the cabin restoration will be on-going throughout the year.

Mr. Hannan extended his thanks to the Highway department for their assistance with Ice Control at the Preserves over this difficult winter.

He also extended thanks to Sycamore High School students who recently built several nesting boxes for the Preserves.

He noted that attendance at the recent Maple Syrup day at the NREC topped 200 and noted that Ms. Doty again demonstrated the art of syrup collection and processing and Mr. Hannan again cooked the pancakes for the group.

The NREC will also be holding upcoming flower and bird walks and further information on that will be forthcoming.

Mr. Hannan noted that Pesticide Application training was completed by Preserve staff. He also commented that the staff was also in the process of obtaining certificates on controlled burn certification He noted these are critical skills when practicing controlled burn safety, management goals and smoke management He commented that the Preserve has a very good safety record. Chainsaw training for FP staff will also be completed in April.

Mr. Hannan reported that he had recently attended auditor training on new budget practices and had also attended an Emerald Ash Borer meeting held by the University of Illinois Extension. He noted that it is very expensive to try and treat Forest Preserves or Parks. Complicating matters is that the evidence of Ash Borer infestation may not be evident for 2 to 3 years when it is too late to take corrective action.

Mr. Hannan then turned the floor over to Ms. Doty to provide an update on NREC activities.

Ms. Doty echoed Mr. Hannan’s comments regarding the success of the Maple Syrup Day activities. She noted that while the primary purpose of the activity is to encourage residents to get outside, the event also has become something of an unintentional fund raiser, garnering $200 at the end of the day. The recent Winterfest raised $300 in voluntary donations.

She noted that many area families are seeking out affordable family activities. Ms. Doty noted that she has recently launched a Facebook page for the NREC to add cost-free options to reach the residents. She commented that she had a visitor from Chicago who found them on the web and then attended the Maple Syrup event.

Ms. Doty noted that they also made use of their large tortoise as a fund raising tool. She noted that having him actually raise funds that would be used for his upkeep was very successful as people like to see concrete evidence of where their donations are going.

Ms, Doty then reported that the University of Illinois has still not given any final decisions regarding what structural changes will be occurring for the Extension offices. She commented that she did hope that what the NREC is doing will fit into the U of I’s stated goals for the restructuring. She is also working with 4H regarding the Junior Master Naturalist designation that they can set for attendance either in person or via the web.

Ms. Fauci asked if the Committee or the County should send a supportive letter on behalf of the NREC. Ms. Doty responded that Mr Hannan had done so and at this time she feels the program administrator is doing a very fair evaluation. She noted that Barry Schrader from the DeKalb Chronicle newspaper has been very supportive and wants to assist in establishing a “Friends of the Miller Cabin” group of volunteers and docents. This could be the bridge group that could maximize the use of the cabin beyond what the NREC hopes to use it for, thus building awareness and further support.

The Genoa Prairie Restoration Project is also progressing and she is working with Mr. Hannan and Roloff on the necessary seeds and plantings to accomplish the most progress. The work must reach a specific level of completion before Genoa can request funding reimbursement. She commented that the tree plantings have proven somewhat costly and she has applied to the DeKalb County Community Foundation for assistance. She hopes that if that application is successful, it will cover the costs for the 28 trees per acre needed for the project.

Ms. Fauci asked if Genoa had any municipal nurseries that might be used for the project. Ms. Doty replied that they do not, but she felt confident that they could find funding for the trees.

Ms. DeFauw asked that the Junior Master Naturalist program would be. Ms. Doty responded that had not been fully determined at this point. She noted that 4H was looking at a 4 week class with a rotation of topics. Ms. Doty noted that she is looking at more of a camp type experience, but also does want to enhance the web access to reach out to children who are physically challenged and for those who are not as exposed to the 4H or other naturalist programs.

Ms. Fauci thanked Ms. Doty for her report and then asked about the fact that she did not see the meeting notice for this evening’s meeting again and asked Mr. Hannan if he would check with Ms. Supple. Mr. Hannan noted that Ms. Supple had submitted the full calendar to the Chronicle.

Ms. Doty asked if the Committee would like Mr. Schroder from the Chronicle to come to a future meeting. Ms. Fauci noted that would be good, but perhaps they would wait until the cabin plans were more solidified.

Ms. Fauci noted that since the Sunrise Rotary had not yet arrived, she would entertain a motion to move into Executive Session.


Ms. Fauci then asked for a motion to enter Executive Session. Mr. Augsburger moved the Committee into executive session for the purpose of discussing current information on District land acquisition, seconded by Ms. Turner. A roll call vote was held and the motion passed with 8 Committee members voting in the affirmative, and none in the negative. Following the Executive Session, Ms. DeFauw moved to return the Committee to public session, seconded by Mr. Gudmunson. A roll call vote was held and the motion passed with 8 Committee members voting in the affirmative and none in the negative.

After the return to Public Session, Ms. Turner moved to proceed with negotiations for acquisition of the Hoppe Farm property, seconded by Mr. Augsburger and the motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Augsburger moved to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Turner and the motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,


Julia Fauci, Chairperson
Forest Preserve District Committee


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